Chapter 17

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-----No One's Pov----

While they are Working, Kuroko ignored Kiro, Kiro hold hus chest that he felt the pain that Kuroko has at his past lover. 'I shouldn't have asked that..' Kiro rubbed his nape, he look at the bluenette who was just talking to someone.

2 Day's have pass by, Kuroko didn't text or called him. Kuroko look at his phone. The bluenette sigh. The time he arrive at his workplace, he sat alone, at the chair, eating his lunch. Kiro fastly walk infront of the bluenette. "Kuroko.." he called. Kuroko look up to him with his cold eye's.

"Can you come to my house.. tonight? I just want you to visit for sometime.." Kiro walk away after he said something to the bluenette, Kuroko look at him, he was serious. Kuroko has no choice but to come to his house.

Dawn arrive's, it is going to be night time. Kuroko just walk straight to Kiro's house. He saw Kiro's parent's saying good bye to him for a vacation for them.

Kiro was smiling. Kuroko felt jealousy about how he has parent's but it wasn't involved into the situation right now. He called "Kiro Kun".

Kiro turn around that it was Kuroko. "Come in" Kiro smile, he opened the door for the bluenette. They sat and ate dinner first. Kuroko look how quiet is Kiro.  "Kuroko.. about.. yesterday, I.. I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to ask you that.. I just... I just felt curious.. when he stay with you at the night" Kiro rubbed the side of his neck.

Kuroko look at him, "It's okay.. Kiro smiled. "You forgive me..?" Kiro smiled, Kuroko nodded. "Yes, but.. don't ever think like that. Okay?" Kuroko look at him, Kiro smiled.

The time Kuroko spend some hour's at his house until he get to room of Kiro's room. He look so many book's. He saw the picture's at the wall, so many picture's of him and Kiro.

'He really kept these picture's..' Kuroko thought to himself, "This is my room" Kiro spoke, Kuroko look behind, Kiro was carrying boxes of his old and new book's.

"I.. see, you really kept these.." Kuroko said with a warm tone. "Yeah, I kept all the picture's of us" Kiro chuckle and sat at the bed.

Kuroko sat beside him, "Kiro Kun.. the one that you asked yesterday, why did you think of that?" Kuroko asked him.

"I.. I was.." Kiro couldn't answer his question, "I was just curious.. that's all" Kiro play with his finger's. "You already told me that answer" Kuroko spoke.

The bluenette was stunned when Kiro hugged him at the back. "Will.. you kiss me if I asked you that?" Those question that make the bluenette froze.

"I.. don't know what you are saying.. Kiro Kun" Kuroko whisper.  Kiro was silence. Kiro suddenly grab him to lay at the bed, Kuroko look at him that his eye's widened in surprise at his sudden action's toward's him.

Kiro leaned to kissed the bluenette's neck that he bite the bluenette's neck, Kuroko didn't try to move away.

'This type of touch that Akashi kun used to touch me... Why.. does it so familliar with Akashi Kun.. I only know Akashi Kun's touch, not someone else.. no.. maybe... I am just thinking nonsense' Kuroko thought to himself.

Kiro started to kissed his cheek.. "Kuroko.. can.. can we do it?" Kiro whisper into the bluenette's ear's. "If you can.. Kiro Kun" Kuroko whisper back.  Kuroko felt Kiro's touch.

Kiro unbotton's the bluenette's sleeve, he slide the sleeve down at his shoulder a littke, he kissed his shoulder. Kiro started to kissed Kuroko's chest.

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