Chapter 46

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-------No One's Pov------

It was silence, Kiro stand up. "You shut up" Their eye's widened. 'Did.. Kiro just talk back??' Ayane thought to herself. "Oh?" Akashi turned to him. Kiro bite his lips, his body was quite trembling because of the Emperor.

"Your just friend's with Kuroko right!? Pure friend's?" Kiro adkef with a trembled smile. "What if I say "No"? What if I'm not just his friend?" The Emperor softly smirk.

Their eye's widened. All of them, Kuroko stand up. "Kiro kun his just----" Kuroko was cut off when Kiro almost punch the Emperor.

The Emperor dodge at his punch, "Your too young to fight. Most of all, look at your opponent, I might make you felt the real pain" The Emperor said, that make's them shiver in spine.

"I don't care!!!" Kiro tried to be strong, he tried to punch the Emperor. The Emperor is just dodging all his punches, one punch that almost hit him, he blocked it with his hand. Hiroshi and Rikoto tried to stop him.

"Please enough!" Kuroko tried to stop Kiro. "Let go of me! I need to teach that fucking CEO!!!!" Kiro tried and tried to escape at his friend's arm's. Stopping him, while the Emperor hummed coldly.

Kiro suddenly escape, he was going to attack the Emperor, going to punch the Emperor. Until Kuroko grab his arm, since Kiro was so out of control.

Kiro accidentaly hit the bluenette with his elbow on the face. "Kuroko!!!" Ayane shouted, "Tetsuya!" While the Emperor suddenly walk to the bluenette.

"Tetsuya?" Akashi asked worriedly, the bluenette was covering his face. "I-I'm fine.." Kuroko stop covering his face, their eye's widened, his nose was bleeding as hell.

"Tetsuya!?" Kuroko was going to faint, Akashi caught him in his arm's. The Emperor grab his white handkerchief. Covering the bluenette's bleeding nose.

"K-Kuroko----" Kiro was cut off, when the Emperor's eye's was now deadly gazing at him.

"I never thought you could bring a harm. Perhaps, you never see of what is your condition right now. Your infront of your friend's, control your emotion's." Akashi spoke. "You should watch your step Habishi" The Emperor stand up, Ayane and Hiroshi sat the bluenette.

"A-Akashi Sama! I-it's bleeding too much! Should we go to the Manager!?" Hiroshi shouted, Rikoto who was stop holding Riko for out of control.

"Yes, bring him to the Manager, I'll catch up. I just need to talk to Habishi" Akashi smile assurely. "O-Okay Akashi Sama" Ayane nodded.

All of them walk away, Kuroko look back, he was holding his nose. 'I wonder they will be alright..' Kuroko sigh heavily.


Kiro and the Emperor was left behind. "Habishi, control your emotion's." Akashi said in a serious tone. "Tch.." Kiro just clenched his fist.

"That's all I can----" Akashi was cut off when Kiro was going punch the Emperor, the Emperor dodge, "If not, you might be killed easily." The Emperor knee his stomach deeply. Kiro couldn't breath.

He bend his knee's while holding his stomach. His mouth was bleeding a little. "Y-You----" Kiro was cut off with those dark crimson and golden eye's that the Emperor has. "Are we clear Habishi?" The Emperor said in a very cold tone.

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