Chapter 5

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-----No One's Pov---

At that night, they meet again, Kuroko couldn't move that it was him. The Emperor softly smirk. The Emperor step infront of him and raised his hand to have a hand shake with him.

"I am Akashi Seijuro, it is a pleasure to meet you again, Tetsuya"

The bluenette was stunned that he uses his first name, while Akashi look at his hand who was raising smoothly to shake the Emperor's hand. Kuroko shake his hand slowly, that he dtop shaking it and remove it softly.

Akashi felt the bluenette's delicate finger's sliding on his phone that their finger's softly touch. Akashi look at the bluenette who has no expression. "Your a friend of.. Mayuzumi Kun?" The bluenette ask the Emperor.

"His my assistant, he didn't told you? Didn't he?" Akashi make a chuckle that walk a bit a closer. "Yes, he didn't..." Kuroko sigh, when the bluenette look up, Akashi softly smirk that they are both quite close.

"It's been quite a while.." Akashi softly caresses the bluenette's cheek, but Kuroko suddenly dodge it. "Oh? Quite interesting you are" Those bluenette's eye's has no fear showing it to the Emperor.

'Tetsuya is really interesting'  Akashi smirk and spoke "Let's have dinner" he smile at the bluenette, but the bluenette didn't show a smile. They sat at their chair infront at eachother.

"I am glad you came, Tetsuya." Akashi chuckle cutting the meat delicately. "Did.. you invited me because of my apartment? Then I will pay you back--" Kuroko was cut off. "Their's no need to pay me back" Akashi chuckle.

"Is it because of what happened that night?" Akashi stop eating when the bluenette ask him that, "Well, is their any problem's that happened that night? I signed it" Akashi look at him in the eye's while Kuroko look back at him.

"Do you want to have an escort because of that you called me?" Kuroko really asked him straightfully, no one dare to talk to the Emperor like that.

Akashi smirk. "An Escort? Who said I need an Escort?? I never had an Escort Tetsuya, I presume you got this quite wrong." Akashi chuckle.

"Why don't you be my assistant--" he was cut off by the bluenette. "I decline" Akashi was quite stunned that no one even dare to decline him before, no one defy's him.

"Oh?? Your Declining? You are quite different than I thought, Tetsuya, No one dare's to do that to me" Akashi smirk.

"Then I am the first one" Kuroko talk's back. Akashi's smirk got a little bit wider like a grin. "My My, I am surprise, fine then, I won't force you" Akashi smirk.  Akashi chuckle.

Akashi was enjoying with the bluenette while the bluenette was just no expression. Akashi can see that it was impossible to see his emotion, he exceeds his expectation very well.

The wine's arrive, Akashi look at him, eating quietly not speaking, not saying a word. "Don't you drink wine?" Akashi asked him. "No, I just drink water instead of wine. Mostly I never alcohol" Kuroko spoke.

Akashi like it, he like how honest is the bluenette, the two waiter's start's playing some violin. "How do you like my dinner tonight?" Akashi asked. "It was good, Akashi Kun" He spoke.

The Emperor was quite stunned of how the bluenette called his last name. "Call me that name from now on, I don't mind it" Akashi smirk. "I saw your beautiful photo's." He spoke.

Kuroko stop's eating, his eye's widened. It was silence.. "Please forget those photo's, it is from the past" Kuroko said in a whisper which make Akashi could only hear.

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