Chapter 68 (Final Chapter)

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-------No One's Pov------

By the time he said, the Emperor was very happy when he said that. After choosing a hard life for him. Akashi was very happy and glad that the bluenette say "Yes". He put the ring at the bluenette's finger. They kissed, that they both chuckle, their both happy for eachother.

Until the day that they get married. It was a happy marriage.

Kuroko was now ready, a white tuxedo. Moimoi and Ayane's eye's sparkles, of how handsome of the bluenette. Marrying the Emperor. The bluenette smile. Kuroko look at Miyo, Miyo nodded his head signaling his ready. Kuroko smile.

Miyo was the one who walk Kuroko to the aisle. Everyone was their, the Miracle's had a tear's of joy. Their even surprise of how beautiful is the bluenette. Akashi was very handsome by his suit Tuxedo.

Ayane and Kiro cheered, that they cheer's. Ogiwara was their drinking with Kiro, Hikari clap that she smile.  Kuroko chuckle.

Until they spoke to their bow's. To eachother. Akashi smiled and happy to hear the bluenette's bow to eachother.

When they finally said "I do", they suddenly kissed and everybody stand's up and clap's their hand. Akashi was happy and even the bluenette, they kissed again that they both chuckle.

'Happy Ending is always happiness that I thought.. Oh well' Hikari chuckle. He look at the 5 Group's. Aiko, Mitsumi, Shizuki, Hirushi and Rikoto. They clap about the bluenette.

While the Emperor was so happy to have his Empress. Kuroko saw Tomiko Izumi and Hinoka Hanaze. They both clap. Kuroko wave at them, Hinoka wace so cheerfully. "Kuroko San!!!! Look I have a fiancé!!!" Hinoka cheered.

Kuroko chuckle, the Miracle's saw the twin's. Minakaze Shizumi the twin Sister Minakaze Shizue. "Waahh!! Kuroko Sama!!! Akashi Sama!!!" They had a tear's of joy. Moimoi and Ayane clap.

Their all happy about the bluenette. The Emperor smiled and kiss the back of the hand of the bluenette. Kuroko smiled.

"Waaah!! Kurokocchi!!!" Kise cheered, Aomine and Kagami cheered some ale as well, many of them carrying champaign. Their so happy all about it.

Kuroko, Akashi and the Miracle's cheered a champaign. While Murasakibara was now eating everything. Kuroko and Akashi chuckle.

Until the time they spent some year's and went on together.

Kuroko was now a kindergarten Teacher while Akashi was still a CEO. They both had a great job.

At the bed at night, Kuroko was wearing the Emperor's sleeve's, his not wearing any pant's, while his sitting at the Emperor's muscular thigh's.

The Emperor was shirtless. "My Dear, don't you think your now my Empress?" Akashi chuckle, "Well, you married me." Kuroko spoke, Akadhi smiled.

"I did, I have no regret's of marrying you My Dear. Since you love me so much" Akashi kissed the bluenette's neck. "If I say "No" then I know you would not agreed with it" Kuroko look back at the Emperor.

"Aww my Dear, don't give me that blankface." Akashi chuckle. Kuroko opened the chip's and start's eating. "Want some?" Kuroko offer, "Feed me" Akashi spoke.

The bluenette feed his Emperor. "Your like a child" Kuroko chukle, "That hurt's, I am a child. But I belong to someone, I belong to you that's why I married you, you belong to me." Akashi smirk and kissed the bluenette. The bluenette kissed back, "You do know how possessive you are" Kuroko chuckle.

The Emperor leaned, "Am I?" Akashi whisper with a smirk. "Yes, you are" They kissed.

That the time goes by, they live in a normal house.

That the time goes by, they live in a normal house

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Well not just a normal house that the Emperor buy just for his Empress. The bluenette smile, they still have servant's even the bluenette agreed with the Emperor. They live so happily that the Miracle's always visit them, even Kuroko's friend's. Kiro and Ayane.

It was a beautiful ending of having a real family. Kuroko enjoyed having a family, while he saw Miyo was proud at him. Kuroko had no regret's marrying the love of his life.

And until they adopted a child. The child was name Seiji Akashi. They had a fun happy family.

It was the Ending of a story of having a family, that we all love Happily Ever---

"Wait!!!" Kagami and Aomine yelled. "Can't you see this is just a Family Ending! Not Princess Ending!" Aomine shouted. "Oh Daiki?" Akashi smirk while holding a scissor. They ran fastly that the Emperor chase them.

Kuroko sigh, "I'm sorry everyone and Author-San. Please continue, my lovely Seijuro is still a Demon as ever, please click the vote and comment. Don't forget to follow" Kuroko chuckle. "Yup!!!" Seiji cheered, Kuroko carried his son.

Kise laugh harder at Aomine and Kagami. While Midorima adjust his glasses, 'Idiot's as ever' Midorima sigh.

Murasakibara was still eating and wave at the reader's. "Bye Bye~ Don't forget to give me snack's.. Yeyy" The lazy giant yawned. Seiji clap, Kuroko and Akashi smiled, Kagami and Aomine are already crying at the corner.

The Emperor and the bluenette wave. While carrying their son. They both smile and they kissed, Seiji smiled. Kuroko and Akashi chuckle.

The Ending of the story was a Happy Ending.

That no one ever dare to regret their decision to Love, to Want someone and to Desire on what they wish to have.

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