Chapter 21

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------No One's Pov---

Kiro stand up, "I think I have to go" Kiro sigh, she smiled "Yes.. I'm sorry if I bother you, I have work" She smiled and walk away with a soft smirk at her face. Kiro look at the woman who goes out to the cafe walking away. Kiro sigh sadly.

Hikari walk to the other side, that she stop. Soft wind sways her hair, she turned around. "I am surprise.. your here as well...
Ogiwara Shigehiro.."

"It's been quite a while.. Hikari, why are you doing here?" He asked that question which make her chuckle, "Because.. Their Someone I want here, isn't it obvious? Ogiwara Kun? I love someone here.." She walk away. With a wide smirk at her lips. 'You are quite such a boring person.. no wonder Kuroko Kun already move on so fastly..' she smirk that she walk away.

Ogiwara look at the figure walking away, it was the same that he felt that time. While Hikari was walking away, she remembered something, she knew Kuroko saw them.. that's why she felt those tear's and jealousy to the bluenette.


At that moment when Ogiwara gave her the flower's. She was quite drunk that night, "Hey, your quite drunk" She smirk, "It's not like that.." she chuckle, when Ogiwara hugged her that time, her eye's softly on someone's gaze.

She saw him, the bluenette, she knew it was raining at the same time. That's why she did something that she always do, to make them suffer. She leaned that he kissed him.. 'This might be interesting..' She softly smirk.

But when she was being dragged at the hotel by Ogiwara, she never thought that Ogiwara really left at the middle of the night.

'He still.. important to him..'


Hikari sigh and look at a workplace, she saw the bluenette was taking a picture. 'Taking picture's...? I wonder of what's so good about him...' She intend to walk away. She walk over the street's, she liked of being desire by someone that she didn't need.

It felt good for her action's.

While at the bluenette, Kuroko look at outside if someone js watching him. 'Why do I felt something will happened..' Kuroko sigh softly. He saw Kiro who was walking inside, "Kiro.. Kun" he called. Kiro look at him and smile, he hugged the  bluenette, "I'm sorry if your bestfriend is late.." He whisper and pulled away.

"Sorry about that!!!!" Kiro laugh. It was always him, always the same person. Deep inside in Kiro's laugh, he a was always want's.

Despite at Kiro's action's, Kuroko didn't show an emotion infront of him. Kiro was so desperate to the bluenette, he always think that he had an opportunity to have him, even he can't have him.


It was exact afternoon, Hikari was quite busy typing many files inside the Emperor's office. While Akashi was quite busy as well, signing many paperwork's. It was silence for the both of them. She gaze on the Emperor, she spoke that broken their silence.

"I am quite surprise that Akashi Sama really know Kuroko Kun very well.." She chuckle, Akashi's gaze turned to her. "Of course, he is" he replied cold as ever  "I see, Kuroko Kun.. is very interesting person isn't he? I am quite jealous about it" She spoke and chuckle, everything about her was not unique. Hiding her real identity.

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