Chapter 66

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"That's what I thought,"

Stefania fixed the blanket she had wrapped around her shoulders as she huddled into Danielle's side who was slowly turning a marshmallow she had over the fire. The sun had now set, they both had eaten dinner and Stefania was more than satisfied with the way Danielle carried her into their tent and finally gave her everything she had been desiring. 

"Open," Danielle said as she held the marshmallow by Stefania's lips. The brunette opened her mouth and pulled it off of the skewer, a satisfied smile on her face.

"Mhm," She hummed quietly, the blaze of the fire illuminating their faces with an orange glow, not much to be heard other than the occasional rustle of leaves and splitting of burning wood. "I'm not saying I'd rush back here, but this is nicer than I thought it would be,"

"Yeah?" Danielle had a smile on her face as she bit into a marshmallow, pulling it away from her as the melted treat stretched out. 

"Yeah," Stefania confirmed as she leant forward and grabbed the other half of the marshmallow between her teeth then moved in closer until their lips were touching. 

"That was cute," The blonde said quietly as she pulled away. 

"It was, wasn't it?" Stefania laughed softly as Danielle wrapped an arm around her shoulders. 

"Do you want to do something?" Danielle asked as an idea popped into her head.

"Depends what,"

"Skinny dipping," Stefania straightened up and looked at her girlfriend, and from the excitement in her eyes, she could tell that she wasn't joking. Brown eyes slowly drifted to the lake not too far from them and the back at Danielle. "You don't have to if you don't want to but the water is cle-"

"Let's go," Stefania stood up abruptly, letting the blanket fall from her shoulders than confidently pulled her top off and chucked it at Danielle. The blonde happily stood up and removed her hoodie and tank top, throwing them into the tent and then stripped off her leggings, leaving her in a thong and sports bra. Stefania paused undressing as she admired Danielle's body under the blaze of the fire. If Danielle didn't ask her a question, she probably wouldn't have stopped staring

"Where's your towel?" Danielle enquired as she laid her own one out in the tent.

"Uh..." The brunette took a moment to compute the question before she realised that she didn't remember ever packing a towel. "I think it's in my bedroom," Danielle just shook her head and laughed. 

"Hurry up, I want to get in!" She said as she made her way towards the lake. Stefania pulled off the pair of joggers she had on and carefully made her way towards the water where Danielle was already making her way in, sports bra discarded by the side. 

"Is it cold?" Stefania asked cautiously as she watched her girlfriend wade further into the water. 

"It's not too bad," Danielle replied as she turned around, the water sloshing around her. Stefania was still a little unsure as she dipped a toe into the water then quickly retracted it as goose bumps rapidly spread across her body. "I'm going to come out and drag you in," Danielle warned as she started to move back towards her girlfriend. 

"Wait, wait, wait!" Stefania yelped as she took a couple of steps back and jogged a little to get warmer. Danielle emerged from the water, the fabric of her thong stuck to her skin as the night air engulfed her body. "See, you're cold!" Stefania pointed out when she saw Danielle shiver.

"Because I'm out of the water! Now hurry up!" She widened her eyes as she reached out for Stefania who still didn't move from her spot. "Oh my gosh, Stefania," Danielle rolled her eyes as she walked over to her girlfriend and easily swept her over her shoulder as she walked them towards the water. 

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now