Chapter 16

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"So, what's been going on?"

Barrett let out a deep sigh and felt her eyes almost instantly well up with tears. 

"Uh, gosh," She sighed, her voice shaky as she used her index finger to wipe her eyes before any tears could actually fall. "Brett and I, we uh, well, I brought up the whole engagement, marriage thing to him and he took it as that I don't want to be with him at all which is not the case!" Danielle put her hand on her friends leg, she could see how emotional she was getting about the situation. "And you know what's so annoying about it-" Her voice cracked as a tear finally made its way down her cheek. Stefania picked up the box of tissues on the little table near her and held them out to Barrett. 

"Thank you," She said, taking a tissue. 

"Prego," Stefania said, nodding her head slightly. "I know that I do not have all of the information about this, but you look like you really love him,"

"Yeah, I do," Barrett sighed. "He's just very... calm. I said to these two the other day that it's just kind of scary to think that the next chapter of my life could be coming really soon, I don't know. Maybe I'm overreacting,"

"B, we already told you. This is scary," Jaina said. "Especially with what you told us about Jesse and how awful he was to you,"

"Yeah, if anything, Brett should be able to understand your reservations," Danielle added. Stefania tried to stifle a giggle from the chair, prompting them all to look at her.

"Spiacente, spiacente. I just thought, people, how do you say, ship each other, si?" She began, getting a confirmation nod. "And they mix the names together like, uh... Camila and Lauren is Camren. So Barrett and Brett is still... Barrett," Danielle stuck her tongue in her cheek as she listened to Stefania, Jaina letting out a little laugh. Barrett just looked at her, tilted her head to the side then burst out laughing. 

"You know what? That's one of the first things Danielle said when I told her about Brett," All four women were laughing, Danielle glancing over at Stefania. Jaina caught the look and nudged Barrett to get her to look at Danielle. She turned back to Jaina, her mouth in a  perfect 'o' shape. 

"Really?" She whispered, leaning towards Jaina.

"She's crushing so hard," Jaina replied quietly.

"Oh, they'd be cute though," Danielle realised that she was looking a little too much and lowered her gaze, the smile still on her face. "I might text him. He knows that I'm here and everything but just so he knows that I do love him," Barrett pulled out her phone and sent the text, not even ten seconds later, her phone started buzzing in her hand. "I'm just going to the garden," She slid out the back door and they could see her walking in circles from inside. 

"I am going to check the dinner," Stefania announced as she stood up and walked over to the kitchen. Jaina quickly shifted so she was facing Danielle head on.

"You look at her a lot,"

"What do you mean?" Danielle questioned innocently.

"You look at... Stefania, and just smile. Don't get me wrong, it's really cute but you're kind of obvious,"

"I'm not obvious," Almost on cue, Barrett walked back in and noticing that Stefania was in the kitchen, she grabbed Danielle's arm, shaking it  a little.

"You like.." She looked over at Stefania, widening her eyes.

"What? Who said that?"

"The way you keep looking at her,"

"Told you," Jaina said with a smug smile.

"Go help her," Barrett whispered, pulling Danielle up and pushing her in the direction of kitchen while she sat back down on the sofa. Danielle walked over, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth.

"You need any help?" She asked as Stefania stood over the stove. 

"Oh, uh si!" Stefania replied, though said nothing else.

"With what?" There was a moment of silence before she spoke again.

"Can you try this, please? Something is off," Danielle glanced over at Jaina then back at Stefania who already had a spoon held out towards her. She opened her mouth then paused.

"Wait, what do you mean something is off?" 

"Hush, hush. Just try," She put the spoon to her lips and Danielle tasted it.

"This is great, what do you mean?"

"Ahh, I don't know," Stefania sighed. "I usually make it better," 

"Well, if any consolation, I really like it," Danielle said. "I don't have anything on my face again, do I?" Stefania looked at her and contemplated her next move. She may be a little, up in the clouds, sometimes, but she could pick up when a pair of blue eyes were looking at her. And that happened a lot. She could clearly see that Danielle's face looked as pretty as when they met her at Royal Central, not a single remnant of sauce to be seen... but she couldn't help herself. 

So she took a step forward, closer to Danielle who tried to hide the hitch in her breathe, yet failed. Stefania delicately held her jaw, tilting her head up, first looking into her eyes, then down to her lips. Danielle's mind was going crazy as she tried not to freak out. Stefania leaned in a little bit, ever so slightly. 

"You're good," She said quietly, a small smile on her face when she noticed the quickening of Danielle's breathes. She then dropped her hand, and went back to the stove, leaving Danielle slightly gobsmacked. She turned to face the living room and of course, Jaina and Barrett were silently screaming at her and making kissy faces and jumping around. Danielle flicked them off then went to get the cutlery and bowls out. Children. Though her heart rate was going considerably faster, she couldn't deny. Stefania had to hide the smile on her face as Danielle handed her a bowl. A couple minutes later and there were four bowls of pasta and meatballs on the table and all four were happily eating. 

"Holy shit," Barrett said as she took a bite. "I feel like I should stop using jarred sauce,"

"Si! You should," Stefania laughed. She started to talk about how easy it actually is to make things from scratch while Jaina intensely stared at Danielle until she noticed. They tried to have a conversation with their eyebrows which would not have made sense to anyone else but them. Little head tilts and eyebrow furrows and the decision to properly talk afterwards. The second they all started to move, Danielle grabbed her best friends arm and pulled her close to her, whispering,

"I really want to kiss her,"

If anyone wanted to know, my Instagram is savre.anatomyy 

I post edits and Marina/Stefanielle content :)

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