Chapter Thirty Nine

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"Okay, let's go upstairs,"

Danielle held onto Stefania's hand as they walked upstairs. One, because she wanted to hold her hand. Two, because she might have fallen down the stairs if she wasn't. 

"Go into your room, I'm just going to put my stuff away then I'll come to you,"

"I thought we were going to talk?" 

"I-" Stefania had to stop herself from laughing at the look of pure confusion on Danielle's face as she stared at her with those gorgeous eyes. "Yes, my love. Just go sit on your bed and I'll be there in five seconds," Stefania couldn't help herself and quickly gave Danielle a kiss, making her gasp  before she turned and stumbled into her room. Stefania took a deep breathe as she put her stuff on her bed and went back across the hall to Danielle. Who was sat on her bed with her top off, in the middle of struggling to undo her bra. 

"What are you doing?" Stefania asked, raising an eyebrow as she tried to keep her focus on what the main subject was here. 

"I want to have sex," Danielle said bluntly, groaning when she failed to take her bra off. 

"As much as I would love to, that's not why we came up here, Danielle," Stefania said as she picked up a t shirt and handed it to the blonde. 

"I liked it when you called me my love,"

"Okay, my love," Stefania said as she sat down on the bed and rested a hand on Danielle's leg. 

"Yeah, I like that," Danielle nodded her head in confirmation as she fiddled with the t shirt. 

"You're not going to put it on?" 

"What if we have sex after we talk?" To be completely honest, Stefania doubted that would happen but she just had to keep Danielle sweet for a bit. Or at least until she sobered up a little which she didn't see happening in the immediate future. Cheers from downstairs were still very clear. 

"If we have sex, then I'll just take it off of you," 

"That sounds good," Danielle smiled as she pulled it over her head. "Woah, I'm kind of cold," She pointed out as she held out her arms and indeed, there were some goose bumps. 

"You want the covers on?"

"I want you," Danielle said, but Stefania wasn't entirely sure in what context that was intended. Either way, it made her heart jump a little. She knew she wanted to be with her. Regardless of what her father had said. "Can you come here, please?" Danielle held out her hands and Stefania moved a little closer but it wasn't enough for Danielle. 

"Okay, okay. Come here," Stefania got comfier on the bed and held her arms out, Danielle not wasting a moment into diving into her arms, head comfortable on her chest and arms wrapped around her securely. "You know we're probably going to have this conversation again tomorrow?"

"Yes," Danielle propped her head up and looked at Stefania. "That's alright though because an extra conversation will make up for the fact that I missed talking to you yesterday and today," Stefania felt her heart melting as Danielle spoke. Who knew she turns into an actual puppy?

"You're cute, you know?"

"Cute! Not in the slightest." The blonde rolled her eyes but secretly loved it. Of course she did. 

"Sure," Stefania laughed as she tried to figure out her next sentence. "Okay so... I spoke to my Dad,"


"About you,"

"About me?" Danielle perked up again, hair falling about her face. "Sorry," She mumbled as she brushed it away so she could properly look into Stefania's eyes. 

"You're okay," Stefania held her jaw and gently ran a finger up and down her cheek. "Yes, about you," She paused again and squinted her eyes a little. "It didn't go well," She whispered. Upon saying that, Danielle suddenly remembered the conversation they had had before their first kiss. 

"Oh. Oh no," She sat up, a little too quickly, and had to steady herself as the room started to spin a little. 

"You need some water?"

"In a minute. Carry on,"

"Uhm, well yeah, it didn't go well, he wasn't happy but that doesn't mean that I don't want to be with you," Stefania said, making sure Danielle understood the last bit she said. "I'm sorry for not talking to you about it but I just wanted to be alone,"

"But you definitely want to date me still?"

"Yes, Danielle," Stefania laughed. "I've actually been planning our next date a little but you're not supposed to know that,"

"So why are you telling me!?" Danielle laughed, eyes wide. 

"Because you probably won't remember this conversation in the morning anyway," Stefania said, moving so they were both sat up. She took Danielle's face in her hands and pulled her close. "But we will have this conversation again tomorrow in more detail, okay?"

"Okay," Danielle nodded her head but she was kind of in a trance as she gazed into Stefania's eyes. "Can I have a kiss?"

"You can have two," Stefania leaned in and kissed her gently, this time being able to taste a bit more of what she had been drinking. "What have you been mixing?"

"Ask Barrett," Danielle shrugged as she leaned in for another kiss. "Let's go see Barrett!" She gasped as if she had forgotten that her friends were downstairs and pulled Stefania up with her and went straight down stairs. "Stefania wants a shot," Danielle announced.

"I never said that," Stefania pointed out as she came up behind Danielle and draped her arms over her shoulders. 

"But you'll have one?" Danielle tried to turn her head as much as possible, small pout on her face. 

"Fine, fine," She sighed but as soon as Danielle turned around, she mouthed 'water' to Barrett who was readily holding shot glasses. Jaina caught Danielle's attention and help a thumbs up, signalling to her and Stefania and Danielle nodded her head proudly. Barrett handed the shot glasses over, Stefania had water and Danielle had vanilla vodka. 

"You have to say why," Danielle said as she faced Stefania, bouncing about on her toes. "As in like a cheers,"

"Ah, of course, of course," Stefania smiled and raised her little shot glass. "Because I'm incredibly proud of you for signing your contract," They backed their 'shots', Stefania feigning the burn, Danielle actually feeling it. 

"Stefania, guess what?" Danielle whispered as she placed a hand on the back of Stefania's neck and went onto her tiptoes to be closer to her ear. 

"What is it, bella?"

"I think I'm drunk," Danielle started to laugh as she pulled away. 

"Aw, I thought you were going to kiss me," Stefania said, tilting her head to the side. 

"I can kiss you," Danielle pushed up back onto her tip toes, eyes bright. 


"Yeah," She leaned in smiling, kissing Stefania softly. "I really like kissing you anyway but I like it even more right now," Danielle mumbled as she ran a finger down Stefania's neck. 

"Well, we better stop before we give your friends a show, yeah?"

"We'll continue this later?"

"If you haven't passed out, then sure," 

A/N: I won't lie, the past two chapters were one of my favourites to write :)

I'm almost at 1k on Insta so if you haven't already followed me, please, please do! I have a super sweet post lined up for when I hit it! (I could be evil and say I won't post another chapter until then but who knows) 

I.G: savre.anatomy 

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