Chapter Fifty Seven

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"I'm not taking no for an answer,"

Stefania laid on the sofa of Danielle's trailer, staring up at the ceiling. It had been a couple of hours since Danielle went onto set and she was still struggling to wrap her head around who was just stood in front of her. She was prepared to meet Caterina and just feel jealous but suddenly, she was brought back to a time she didn't think she'd ever go back to. Not even Gio knew about her, she was so terrified to tell anyone. 

Stefania wanted to just go home to be honest. She felt trapped in this little trailer and wanted to be able to zone out with her headphones in the comfort of her bed. She really thought life was going to be on her side this week. Curveball! She knew she couldn't just leave Danielle though, no matter how much she felt constricted. 

Another half an hour passed and Stefania still hadn't moved from the sofa, she was sure her neck would be sore when she moved but she couldn't find it in her. Too many  memories and thoughts were rushing back to her. 

"Hey," Danielle said as she walked into the trailer, sipping a bottle of water. "Stefania?"

"Hi," Stefania didn't even move her eye line slightly. She felt drained. Too many thoughts and too many memories too quickly. 

"I have a break for a bit. Do you want to get food? You can come on set after as well,"

"I'm not really hungry," The thought of moving felt like an impossible task. 



"What is it?"

"I'm tired,"

"You want to go home?"


"So what do you want?" Danielle was starting to get a little irritated. Her girlfriend was really feeding her nothing here. 

"I don't know,"

"Do you want to tell me what's wrong?"

"I can't,"

"You can't or you don't want to?"

"Both," Stefania looked up at the ceiling and felt her eyes start to fill with tears. She couldn't stop them even if she tried but Danielle wasn't looking at her so didn't see. 

"You have to give me something else here," Danielle sighed. "Why can't you? Why don't you?"

"Because..." Stefania trailed off as her voice cracked, making Danielle look at her. "This will happen," She laughed helplessly and wiped away the tears but they kept falling. 


"No, no. I'm fine," She held her hand up to stop Danielle from hugging her because she knew that would make her completely break down. 

"Clearly not," The blonde crouched down by her girlfriend and tried to turn her head. 

"Danielle, not now. Please," The please sounded so tired and it broke Danielle's heart. 

"How am I meant to just leave this when you're like this? That's not how this works. I care about you too much to not ask and listen and hold you when you're like this. I don't know what's going on here. You used to date Caterina? You might have been in love? What else, Stefania?"

"Please can this wait until we're home?" Stefania couldn't even be bothered to wipe the tears away at this point as they started to dampen the sofa cushions under her. 

"Okay," Danielle sighed and pressed a kiss to Stefania's cheek. "Do you want to just go home now?"

"No. Because... I want to be with you.... still. I just... don't want to talk," Her words were broken up as tears continued to fall from her eyes. "Get food. But stay here until you have to go again please,"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now