Chapter Forty One

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"Love is a funny word,"

Jaina stood outside Royal Central with Stefania. After explaining the job role, Stefania had managed to persuade Jaina to apply and was outside with her a few minutes before she had to go in, coaching her through some things she might want to add.

"I'm not going to walk in with you because, no one else gets a personal escort from the best teacher," Stefania laughed. "But let me know how it goes? You can even come by my office because I don't have a class,"

"If I can remember the way! Thank you again, Stefania,"

"Of course, of course. Good luck," She waved as she went up the steps and disappeared into the building, leaving Jaina by herself. 

"Okay, you got this," She mumbled to herself as she cracked her knuckles then walked up to the doors. 

Danielle <3: Jaina isn't answering her phone

Danielle <3: Is she at Royal Central?

SS: Yes! I just left her

Danielle <3: She seem okay?

SS: Kind of nervous but she'll be good

SS: I told her to come by my office after because I'm not teaching

Danielle <3: Ahh okay :)

Stefania put her phone down, logged onto the computer in her office and pulled up her lesson plans. Her work load was about to get bigger as exams were looming and a showcase needed planning. 

Danielle <3: One image attachment 

Stefania glanced over at her screen when the notification popped up, unlocked her phone and her eyes widened, a little gasp slipping out of her mouth. She was very glad that no other teachers were in the office right now. Danielle had sent her a picture, clearly she had not been up to a lot today, laid on her bed on her stomach with nothing on. Messy hair, piercing eyes, perfect body. 

Danielle <3: Wish you were here

SS: I'm about to say I'm sick and come home

Danielle <3: Okay :)

Stefania sighed because she also knew that she couldn't but the thought of Danielle laying on her bed, naked and alone was driving her crazy. 

SS: You know I can't

Danielle <3: I know

Danielle <3: Just thought I'd let you know that I'm thinking of you

SS: What about me?

Danielle <3: Your lips. I wish I was kissing you right now

Danielle <3: And I wish your hands were on me

SS: I want to touch you so badly

SS: Hear you moaning my name

Danielle felt herself getting more and more frustrated as she laid on her bed, the thought of Stefania was driving her crazy but maybe she could have a little fun. She turned onto her back and slowly ran a hand down her body, just wishing it was Stefania's hand instead of her own. She let out a little gasp and grabbed her phone again, not showing too much but enough for Stefania to know what she was doing. 

Danielle <3: One video attachment 

Danielle <3: Sound on ;)

Stefania paused before she pressed play on the video, pushing her tongue into her cheek as she took in a breathe. Deciding to play it extra safe, she put her in ear phones and then pressed play. Goose bumps came up on her skin as she heard Danielle moaning her name and watched the video, again and again... and again. 

"Fuck Danielle," She muttered under her breath. 

SS: You can't do that.

Danielle <3: You didn't like it?

SS: I loved it but now I'm not going to be able to focus for the rest of the day

Danielle <3: So you don't want me to send anymore?

Danielle <3: I really want you Stefania

Stefania groaned and leaned back in her desk chair. She loved being at work but she really wanted to leave and just do whatever she wanted to Danielle. Who was definitely having a great time. She felt her fingers itching as she replayed the video again then realised that maybe she could get a little more by video calling. So she did. 

"Hello?"  Danielle answered the phone with a smirk, making sure just her head was in shot. 

"Hi Danielle, up to anything?" Stefania eyes were darting all over the screen, trying to see something.

"Just a little busy,"

"Oh yeah? Doing what?"

"Touching myself to the thought of you," Stefania bit down on her lip, Danielle had a little glimmer in her eyes when she realised just how much she was getting to Stefania. "Wanna see?"

"More than anything," Danielle let out a sigh and tilted the phone slightly. 

"I really wish your hands were on me right now,"  She said as she grabbed at her boobs and trailed a hand further down. 

"Mhm, me too, me too," Stefania crossed her legs as she watched. This was a form of torture that she hoped she would never have to endure again. And the fact that she could hear every little moan and gasp through her earphones was driving her crazy. 

"I keep thinking about your tongue and the way you-" Danielle continued talking but Stefania's attention was, unfortunately, drawn to a knock at the door and she really hoped she didn't look too flustered. 

"Come in!" She called out, making Danielle pause, but the blonde then realised how much fun she could actually have in this situation and started moaning loudly, giggling as tried to keep her composure.

"Hey! I just finished with the inter- oh, are you on the phone?" Jaina stood in the doorway, smile on her face. 

"Yeah, just with Danielle," Stefania said, not realising that her best friend would want to say hi, she was too caught up in trying to focus on Jaina when she had Danielle's moans in her ear. 

"Yes! Let me say hi," It was a downside that the office wasn't the largest so it didn't take long for Jaina to get over to Stefania and reach for her phone. 

"Wait, wait, wait!" Stefania jumped up, holding the phone to her chest. Jaina watched her in confusion. "Danielle, Jaina wants to say hi," Danielle started laughing from her end and brought the camera back up to her face as Stefania unplugged her earphones. 

"I just finished with... do you not have clothes on? What were you- oh. Ohhh," Jaina put the phone down like it had some sort of disease on it and took a couple of steps away. Stefania bowed her head and tried to stifle a giggle whereas Danielle could be heard full out laughing from the phone. "Should I let you two finish? Have you already?"

"Oh my gosh," Stefania sat back down in her chair and held up the phone. "I'll see you later,"

"Don't be long coming home,"

"I won't. Ciao bella," Stefania put the phone down and let out a sigh. "How did it go?" She asked, turning to Jaina who was on her phone. 

"Good! It was good. They'll be in contact by the end of the week," 

"Ah, marvellous!"

A/N: Marina Nation and Stefanielle Nation are just really winning at the moment, aren't we?

IG: Savre.anatomy

TikTok: savre.anatomyy 

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