Chapter Fifty One

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"I'm all in,"

Stefania woke up to her alarm in the comfort of Danielle's arms, her head felt a little foggy but she felt better for being able to get out what she wanted to say last night. And crying always seemed to help a bit.

"Turn it off, please," Danielle mumbled as she lifted her arm so Stefania could grab her phone and silence it. She cuddled back into Danielle's arms and let out a yawn. 

"I don't have energy for work today,"

"So just stay here. With me. In bed all day," Danielle replied as she wrapped herself around Stefania, eyes still shut.

"I wish I could. Maybe on Saturday. Or we'll just have a typical lazy Sunday," Danielle hummed sleepily in response as she pressed a kiss to the top of Stefania's head. The brunette gave herself five more minutes in the arms of her girlfriend before she forced herself up, Danielle clinging onto her waist. 

"You're so warm, come back," She pouted, her eyes barely open. 

"I have to get ready, my love," Danielle weakened her grip a little and let Stefania get up, though that didn't mean she was happy about it. "I'll come back in soon, okay?" The blonde nodded her head as she got comfortable again, barely keeping her eyes open as Stefania left her room. Stefania got ready quickly, the idea of possibly getting a few more minutes in bed with Danielle spurring her on. 

She walked around in a slightly different attire to what she usually wore. She had a couple meetings today which meant swapping out the loose clothing to a white shirt and black suit trousers paired with a pale pink blazer. She walked back into Danielle's room holding her cup of coffee. The blonde opened one eye, caught a glimpse of Stefania then was suddenly sitting up straight. 

"Oh my..." She breathed out. "Am I still dreaming?" Her eyes slowly drifted from Stefania's hair down to the tips of her fingers to the socks on her feet. 

"You're silly," Stefania laughed softly as she sat down on the bed and took a sip of her coffee. 

"No wait, stand up again so I can admire you," Stefania held out her cup for Danielle to drink some but she shook her head. "I'm already awake. You looking like this has so much more power than coffee," Stefania shook her head as she stood back up and did a slow 360, Danielle nodding her head appreciatively as she turned. 


"No," Danielle replied as she moved to the edge of the bed. "Because I know you have to leave soon and I can't come with you,"

"I'll still be wearing this later, you know,"

"You'll be home before me though and will probably want to change," 

"Mhm, that's true," Stefania sat down on the bed and Danielle wrapped her legs around her waist from behind, chin on her shoulder. "What time do you finish?"

"Seven, hopefully. It's a short day for me. They want me in at three," 

"Oh, I'm jealous," Stefania sighed as she leaned back into her girlfriends embrace. Danielle took this opportunity to move her hair to the side and playfully bite her neck. "Stop it," Stefania breathed out, though it wasn't very convincing. The blonde pressed a kiss before puling back a little as an idea sprung into her head. 

"Do you have any plans this weekend?"

"Probably just to edit some choreo," Stefania replied as she finished off her coffee. "Why?"

"Just wondering," Danielle replied, as her brain started to tick away and she relaxed more into Stefania's body. 

"I have to go soon, my love," Stefania said, tapping her hand gently. 


"Yes," Stefania laughed softly and managed to pry an arm off of her. "You're such a puppy," Danielle glared at her as she flopped back on the bed. "Don't like being called cute?"

"No," There was a moment of silence as Stefania looked at her girlfriend, head tilted to the side. "It's okay when you say it,"

"Of course it is," Stefania laughed as she stood up and checked herself in the mirror. "Okay, I'll see you later?" Danielle nodded as she pushed herself up on her knees. "You haven't brushed your teeth yet. Just a little one," Stefania said as she quickly kissed her girlfriend then left for work. Danielle grabbed her phone and got back under the covers, smiling happily as she typed away. 

Later that day, Danielle walked to her trailer from hair and make up, stopping in her tracks when she saw Jesse by his trailer. 

"Jesse!" She called out his name as she jogged up to him. 

"Hey, what's up?" He asked, leaning against the door. 

"Yesterday. What did you mean by Caterina won't be happy to know I have a girlfriend?"

"Oh," He looked around suspiciously and opened the door to his trailer, beckoning for her to follow him in. "Basically, I think she likes you,"

"Like actually?" Danielle's eyebrows rose in surprise. 

"Yeah. I've been thinking about it and she acts different around you. I tried to bring it up to her and she said she didn't realise she was being so obvious. Though your name wasn't explicably mentioned. Just the fact that she likes someone who I'm pretty sure is you,"

"I thought she was a bit... touchy but I didn't look into it that much," Danielle said, shrugging her shoulders. "I'm very happy with my girlfriend though so I don't know what to do about that,"

"Slip in that you have a girlfriend somehow and she should back off," Jesse said as he picked up his phone. "I was actually on my way to hair and make up myself but at least you have this information now," Danielle didn't get a chance to speak to Caterina that day. They shot their scenes and that was that. Not that Danielle was complaining, it just meant that she could go home to her girlfriend. 

And she was right there when she opened the door. Still in the same outfit from earlier. Wow, was Danielle lucky. 

"Hi, beautiful," She smiled as she grabbed her waist and pulled her in for a kiss. 

"Hi," Stefania smiled, bumping their noses together gently. "How was work?"

"Good. Easy. How was your day?"

"Long. But tomorrow should be nice. No rehearsals," Danielle looked up at Stefania as she spoke, her eyes sparkling. She was absolutely mesmerised. 

"Have you had dinner yet?" 

"I was just about to make it,"

"In this?" Danielle questioned, tugging gently on her blazer. 

"I was waiting for you to get home before taking it off. Unless you want to take it off," 

"Mhm, maybe," Danielle said, voice considerably lower as she moved one hand up to trace along Stefania's jaw.

"I think we should skip straight to dessert,"

A/N: This was a little bit of a filler chapter but tomorrow is a good one :)

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now