Chapter Twenty Seven

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"I look forward to the next one," 

Stefania let Danielle's bedroom door shut before hurrying into her own room, diving onto the bed and calling Gio. Who didn't pick up. 

"No! Pick up!" She mumbled to herself as she called again, but no answer. "You have got to be kidding me," She moved to their chat and started typing. 


Stefania S: I just dropped her to her door and my goodness

Stefania S: I'm taking her out next time!

Stefania S: Where should I take her?? It needs to be perfect

She chucked her phone down on her bed and sighed, trying to wrap her head around the fact that her date was literally ten steps away, less if she took big strides. She had a smile on her face as she thought about Danielle. Everything about her. From the way she looked so effortlessly beautiful as she stood outside Royal Central, to the way she made her laugh and the feeling of her hands on her face as they kissed. She really liked kissing Danielle.

Meanwhile, Danielle was in her own room, humming quietly to herself as she pulled out her phone. 

Danielle S: What time are you due home?

Jaina O: Half an hour ish

Danielle S: Fab! :)))))

Jaina O: I take it you have something to talk to me about?

Danielle S: :))

Almost identical to Stefania, she chucked her phone down on her bed and sighed, thinking about how close Stefania actually was to her. She wish she had taken a picture of her when they were in the gallery. And when they were on the top of the hill. And she wished she was kissing her again. 

"Ugh! This won't do!" She groaned, pushing herself up from the bed and heading downstairs to get a drink. Stefania heard the movement and considered her next move, pondering for a quick moment before then too, going downstairs. She paused on the bottom step and watched Danielle in the kitchen who was yet to notice her as she stood by the sink, still dressed in her jeans and lace top. The brunette made her way over, light on her feet and then gently wrapped her arms around Danielle's waist, resting her head on her shoulder. 

"Hi," She whispered, giving her a little kiss on the cheek.

"Hi," Danielle whispered back, smile on her face as she leaned back a little. "You okay?"

"Yes. I just wanted to see you again and I could so..." Danielle twisted around so they were now face to face and laced their fingers together.

"Funnily enough, I wanted to see you again, too,"

"Oh really?" Stefania smiled, leaning in a little.

"Yeah... really," Danielle smiled, nodding her head as she closed the gap between them. Stefania squeezed the blonde's hands and took a little step in, breathing deeply as they kissed and kissed and kissed. Danielle had her back pressed against the counter but then spun them round, bringing a hand up to Stefania's jaw. The brunette let out a little sigh as their bodies pressed against one another's and she had to stop herself from letting her hands roam, no matter how much she wanted to feel every inch of Danielle under her finger tips. Theoretically, this was still the first date. 

Danielle clearly felt the same as the kisses became slower and their breathing started to calm down, though she just wanted to be wrapped up in her presence. They pulled away and stared into each other's eyes, blue meeting brown. Stefania pulled her bottom lip between her teeth as she looked back down at Danielle's lips, then back into the icy gaze in front of her. Danielle raised an eyebrow, soft smile on her face as she contemplated her next move. 

"I'm not done," Stefania breathed out, reaching up to the back of her neck and pulling her back in. They could both feel the chemistry they had with one another, it was like time stood still. 

"Stefania," Danielle mumbled in between kisses. "If we don't... stop... I never will,"

"Mhm... that's not... a bad thing," Though the brunette did also catch a grasp of what Danielle meant. "I just-" Stefania pulled away and rested her forehead against Danielle's. "Really like kissing you,"

"Why do I feel like this is going to be a lot harder than anticipated?"

"Because you walk around looking like... this," Stefania said, tracing her hands softly over Danielle's body. "And expect me to keep my hands off of you. And let's not forget that you and Jaina might come back to Royal Central this week and I know your eyes were glued to me last time,"

"I'm that obvious?" Danielle giggled, tilting her head to the side. 

"Si, si," Stefania smiled as she went in for another kiss. "But I like it," The brunette gently bit down on Danielle's lip and pulled back. 

"This is going to be torture," Danielle groaned, throwing her head back and walking a few steps away. 

"Third date rule?"

"Third date rule,"

"Want to go on two dates now?"

Danielle whipped her head round to Stefania who was playing with the ends of hair, acting all innocent when the thoughts in her head were anything but.

"I can't tell if you're being serious or not, Stefania,"

"Kind of," She said, as she took a couple of steps towards her. "But," She whispered, gently tugging on Danielle's ear with her teeth. "I know that the wait will be worth it," The blonde felt goose bumps rise up on her arm as she looked into the brown eyes opposite her. "When is Jaina back?"

"Uh... in like," Danielle glanced over at the clock, head slightly clouded. "Fifteen minutes, I think,"

"Fifteen minutes? Whatever could we do in fifteen minutes, Danielle?" 

"Well..." She straightened up a little as she got close to Stefania's face. "I could kiss you here..." She said in a lowered voice as she pressed a kiss to her cheek. "And here... and here... and here..." She pressed kisses over her face and slowly moved down to her neck, holding her jaw with one hand to tilt her head. Stefania took in a deep breath as she felt Danielle's teeth graze the skin of her neck and kiss it straight after. She had her hands on Danielle's waist, steadying herself as she tilted her head to the side even more. She let her hands wander up Danielle's back, gently tracing patterns. 

"Danielle," She breathed out as she moved her hands to the blonde's face and pulled her upwards so she could kiss her. They stumbled a little until Stefania backed Danielle against a wall, pressing her body against her as their breathing got deeper and deeper.  The brunette slid her hands under Danielle's top, fingertips gliding over her waist as the blue eyed women brought a hand up to the back of Stefania's neck, pulling her closer. 

Stefania then pushed one of her legs between Danielle's, leaning in even more when she felt the blonde dig her nails gently into the back of her neck. Stefania still had on her dress and Danielle wished that she could feel more of her under her skin and had to prevent herself from pulling the dress off of her all together. Hands were roaming, breathing heavy, teeth clashed and pulses were racing.

"I take it the date went well?"

A/N: 2 weeks until s17/s4!! 

IG: savre.anatomy

TikTok: savre.anatomyy   (I used to have a bigger following on there but my account got permanently banned so I'm slowly starting to post again but it's currently mainly livestream clips) 

Hope you're all doing well and keeping safe! :)

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