Chapter 36

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"Much better,"

Stefania stood in the kitchen, spinning pizza dough around as Jaina watched in pure awe. 

"This is talent," She said, nodding her head. "Pure talent,"

"You should be a commentator," Stefania laughed as she placed the dough on the worktop and spread it out a bit. 

"I'll just commentate you cooking,"

"Si, si," This was all very amusing to Stefania as it was a second nature to her to be able to cook further than the microwave and pre packaged meals. But she thought today was a good day to cook for everyone. One, everyone loves pizza. Two, she had a late start for work the next day so could afford to be up a little later. Three, she knows Danielle loves pizza so hopefully it would bring some good luck. Jaina jumped excitedly when she heard the doorbell and skipped over to it. Barrett stood on the other side with a big smile on her face. 

"Hello!" She grinned, holding her arms out and hugging Jaina tightly. "Red," She said bluntly, handing over a bottle of wine to which Jaina happily took. "Hi Stefania!"

"Ciao, ciao!" Stefania waved, flour floating about everywhere. 

"Where's Danielle?" Jaina motioned her head upstairs towards the bedrooms. "I believe that you, Miss Stefania, have some things you would like to tell me," Barrett smiled as she walked over to the kitchen and leant against the counter. 

"Whatever could that be about?" She questioned, feigning cluelessness as she turned around, wiping her hands on her apron. Almost on cue, Danielle came downstairs and walked into the kitchen headed straight for Stefania and wrapped her arms around the brunette's waist. 

"Answer to the question!" Barrett grinned as Stefania pressed a kiss to the top of her head. 

"Barrett's here!" Danielle smiled, turning around and quickly hugging her friend before going back to lean against Stefania. 

"You've just covered yourself in flour," Stefania pointed out, laughing softly as she draped her arms over Danielle's shoulders. The blonde looked down as she realised that in fact yes, she now had flour over her. She would be annoyed but she theoretically did that herself.

"So Stefania, if you want to continue with your answer,"

"What's the question?" Danielle asked, tilting her head to the side. 

"Maybe not a question as such but we haven't had much of a follow up since the museum and from the state of Danielle's neck, I'm assuming that the feelings are mutual here, right??" Jaina laughed as she watched her best friend blush while Stefania just proudly nodded her head. 

"Ah yes, it has all gone to plan," 

"I'm glad," Barrett smiled. "You guys look cute together," Stefania cupped Danielle's jaw with one hand and squeezed gently. 

"I agree. But I need to get back to the pizza,"

"Pizza?" Danielle asked, voice suddenly full of excitement. Stefania just laughed softly as she turned back round to the counter, Jaina happy to go back to watching her. 

As time went on, all had eaten pizza and drunk some wine and were sitting in the living room, warm and happy. Barrett was curled up on the arm chair, Jaina sat at her feet and Stefania and Danielle were laid out on the sofa together. The blonde tried not to fixate on the time but every minute that went by, the closer to midnight it got and she felt that sinking feeling in her chest. Stefania seemed to sense the feeling and squeezed her gently. 

"You still have a couple of hours," She whispered, kissing her cheek. Danielle slightly nodded her head but kind of decided it was best to forget about the role and took another sip of wine. The four decided to watch Family Feud before Barrett headed home. 

"Whose phone is that?" Barrett asked as she sat up a little. 

"Danielle," Stefania nudged Danielle who had dozed off a little. "Your phone,"

"My phone!" Suddenly, she was sat bolt right up, clutching her phone as it rung. An unsaved answer. Her eyes widened and Stefania almost answered for her before it stopped ringing. 

"Answer it then!"

"This is important?" Barrett asked, looking at the three for any sort of indication. 

"Hello?" Danielle stood up and walked over to the kitchen. Jaina muted the television as they all watched her intently. She was chewing on her bottom lip and walking in a circle, nodding her head and, annoyingly for them, facing the other way. "Yeah, that's great. Okay. Thank you so much.... I'll see you on Friday," Danielle placed her phone on the counter and walked back over to the living room, smile growing as she got closer. 

"You got it?" Jaina asked, leaning forward in anticipation. 

"Next steps on Friday!" Jaina was up on her feet in record time and grabbed her best friend, hugging her tightly. 

"I knew you'd get it! This is it, you know. No more pointless adverts for you," She smiled, eyes gleaming. Barrett elbowed Jaina out of the way and hugged Danielle. 

"What did you just do?" She asked, though she was just as excited. 

"I had a casting today for a new pilot show and they've offered me the role,"

"No way! Oh my gosh! Look at you! Miss Danielle Savre, okay, okay," Barrett waved her hands about and hugged Danielle again, Stefania watching with a smile on her face. 

"Congratulations, bella," She smiled when Barrett sat back down in the chair. "I'm proud of you," She said quietly as she held her jaw and pulled her in for a kiss. Hearing Stefania tell her that she's proud of her made the butterflies rampage inside of her. Stefania went to pull away but Danielle kept her close, wanting to just kiss and kiss her. 

"Oh, this is what you live with?" Barrett asked, laughing as Jaina shielded her eyes. 

"Indeed. But now, I've got the sofa back," She grinned as she flopped down. "Two rooms, ladies. You have two rooms to choose from," Stefania laughed as she pressed one more kiss to Danielle's lips then pulled away, saying she was going to get some water. Danielle sat down next to Jaina, a big smile on her face. 

"Look at our Danielle. I've never seen her so happy before," Barrett swooned from the sofa. Danielle just rolled her eyes and rested her head on the back of the sofa. She couldn't deny it. She was incredibly happy. All her dreams were coming true of being on an actual television show and she was dating this incredible woman. It kind of felt unreal. 

Barrett left not too long after the good news, hugging Danielle tightly and telling her not to forget about her once she's famous. It suddenly crossed Danielle's mind that she might not actually be allowed to tell anyone that she's got this part. But she figured she'd find out on Friday. Once the door shut behind Barrett, Stefania headed to the stairs, pausing and looking back at Danielle. 

"Bella, are you coming?"


We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now