Chapter Forty Three

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SS: Just left work :) 

Danielle played around with her hair, flipping it from left to right as she looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. She had about five minutes until Stefania would get back and that made her heart race just a tad. After one final look in the mirror, she went downstairs, pressed play on the playlist she had made especially for tonight and leant against the kitchen counter, twiddling the rose stem in her hand. 

Then she heard a key in the door. 

Stefania walked in, head down as she pulled out her earphones. She pushed a hand through her hair as she looked up and realised that the place looked a little different. Then her eyes fell on Danielle. 


"Hi, beautiful," Danielle smiled as she walked over to Stefania, heart beating fast. "This is for you," She said, handing out the rose. 

"Grazie," Stefania took the rose with a curious smile on her face and looked around some more as Danielle stood behind her and pulled her jacket off, ever so chivalrous. "What's going on?"

"I thought I'd do something nice for you especially as we have the house to ourselves,"

"Oh? Okay," Stefania smiled as she gave Danielle a kiss. "You look very nice in this dress. I think you should wear it more often," The brunette commented as she ran her hands down Danielle's sides. 

"If you're going to look at me the way you're looking at me now, then maybe I will," Danielle slipped her hand into Stefania's free one and squeezed gently. "I made dinner,"


"Yes, me," Danielle laughed as she brought her over to the table, candles flickering away. "Sit down and I'll bring it over,"

"I feel like I should have dressed up more," Stefania laughed softly as she sat down and watched Danielle move about. 

"You always look good, Stefania," Danielle said as she got the plates out. She had dished everything up before Stefania arrived and to keep it warm, she had left the plates in the still warmed oven. 

"You made this?" Stefania asked, kind of in disbelief as Danielle set the plate down in front of her. It was some sort of pasta dish with bread on the side. 

"Not the bread. But everything else, yes," She said proudly as she got a bottle of wine out of the fridge and filled their glasses.

"I actually have no words,"

"What can I say? You have this effect on me," Danielle said, tilting Stefania's head up to give her a soft kiss before sitting down. "Let me know what you think," Stefania nodded as she took a bite and chewed slowly. 

"For your first time cooking something like this, it's pretty good,"


"Yes! Good job, baby," Danielle smiled as she started to eat as well and she couldn't deny that it was quite nice. She gave herself a mental high five. 

"Did things at Royal Central ease up?"

"Ah... not really. Exam season is always stressful and there's so many courses... and I won't lie, I don't know why they start new one's in May. I saw Jaina for a minute and she said she could feel the tensions in the air. It's just a lot, you know,"

"How long does exam period last for?"

"Six weeks. Then we have the showcase so auditions for that are next week and rehearsals will start the week after," Stefania took a long sip from her glass and let out a sigh. She had other time to stress about work, now was just about being present with Danielle. "How was your day, my love?"

"Well, I spent most of it doing this and thinking about you so I'd say pretty good," Stefania rolled her eyes jokingly. "You know, if you need any help with work stuff, I'm around,"

"Don't be silly, you start filming in two weeks,"

"But I could maybe help get rid of some of the stress,"

"You already do great things that get rid of my stress, Danielle," Stefania said, voice considerably lower as she brought her wine glass back up to her lips. 

"I'm being serious!"

"So am I," Stefania shrugged. "But honestly, you're about to get super busy and I'm used to this, you should have seen me the first year I did exam season. I was a mess. I might just be very... cuddly and crawl into your bed with no other intention than sleeping next to you,"

"That's fine by me," Danielle smiled, tilting her head to the side. "Maybe in a month or so, you could come to the set after work and just flop down in my trailer,"

"Oh yeah, you're getting a trailer! I feel like we're going to have a lot of sex in there,"

"No complaints there," Danielle held up her glass and clinked it against Stefania's.

"This is nice. Thank you for doing this," Stefania said as she finished her food and pushed the plate away from her a little. 

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," Danielle stood up and went to pick up the plates. She could feel her heart starting to beat faster again. She had the note in her hand as she placed Stefania's plate down so when she lifts the plate up, Stefania will see the note. 

"You okay?" Stefania questioned as Danielle just kind of... stood there.

"Yeah, yeah, sorry," She laughed nervously. "Do you want some more wine?" Stefania nodded her head and watched Danielle intently. She seemed kind of odd. "What's up?" Stefania asked as she got up from her seat and took both of Danielle's hands into her own. 

"Nothing, nothing. Just stood up too fast," Danielle brushed it off but Stefania wasn't having it and held her jaw, making her look into her eyes. Brown eyes met blue and the fireworks and butterflies were off!

"I know you well enough to know that something is off, Danielle," 

"Stefania, nothing is off," She laughed, her cheeks heating up which didn't help her case at all. Stefania narrowed her eyes at her and pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. 

"What is it? Gym wasn't good today? Something wrong with Jaina? Has something changed with filming?" 

"No, no and no,"

"You're really not giving me anything here!" Stefania said, shaking her head as she brushed a thumb over Danielle's cheek. 

"Because nothing is wrong!"

"Okay," Stefania said as she leaned in to kiss Danielle quickly. "But I have a problem,"

"If you say that your problem is not knowing what my problem is-"

"No! No, it's not that," Stefania laughed as she took hold of both of Danielle's hands and swung their arms back and forth.

"What's your problem then, Stefania?" Danielle asked, as she watched her intently. 

"My problem," Stefania begun, moving in a little closer so their noses were almost touching. "My problem is that you're still not my girlfriend," Stefania felt her heart beating fast as she whispered the words, locking her eyes with Danielle's. 

"You didn't-" Danielle let go of Stefania's hands and the brunettes face fell instantly. "No, no, no wait!" Danielle quickly said when she realised how that might have looked. "I- lift up your plate," She said, motioning to the table. Stefania gave her a questioning look as she turned and lifted her plate, revealing a little note with her name on it. "Open it," Stefania slowly unfolded the piece of paper, a smile spreading on her face. In Danielle's messy hand writing read:

Will you be my girlfriend?

Plus a really wonky heart. 

"Yes! Si, si, si,"

A/N: I have very busy week ahead of me so I'm going to post a couple chapters  now so don't get mad if I don't post for the next couple days! Please and thank you :)) Hope everyone is well 

IG: savre.anatomy

TikTok: savre.anatomyy

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now