Chapter 26

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"You should do that more often,"

"You know, I was thinking about it," Stefania began as they sat in the gallery cafe, a cup of fruit tea nestled in her hands. "I won't necessarily get to take you home. You know how people do it. They take their date home and you kiss on the front door and if you are lucky you get invited inside and, well whatever happens happens," 

"Right, yeah," Danielle nodded her head but she couldn't get over just how cute Stefania looked. 

"Because we live together. Maybe, I will take you to your bedroom door and kiss you there,".

"You can do that. I won't complain," Danielle smiled as she finished off her drink. "When you're ready, we'll go somewhere else,"

"Somewhere else? Wow, okay. I need to go the restroom before though," Stefania said as she stood up from her seat. 

"That's cool, I'll wait here," Both girls also knew that this was the perfect time to message whoever they needed to message and talk about what was going on. 

Danielle S: Jaina! I'm so SMITTEN! You have no idea!

Jaina O: It's going well?

Danielle S: Yes! At least, it definitely is for me... she's so beautiful, I can't cope

Meanwhile, Stefania had her own phone open as she texted Gio. 

Stefania S: Thank you thank you thank you

Gio: ????

Stefania S: For making me talk to Danielle about how I feel

Gio: HOW COULD I FORGET?! So it's going well?? Tell me everything

Stefania S: Very well :) We are about to go somewhere else and she brought me flowers and she's so adorable

As Stefania sent the text, she had another one come through.

Barrett D: Hey! You never updated me, what happened with Danielle?

Stefania smiled as she left the bathroom and walked back over to Danielle. She managed to grab a sneaky picture of her at the table, flowers in view and empty cups. 

Stefania S: (one image)

Barrett D: That's a date. You're on a date! Oh gosh, I can't wait to come over again

"Ready?" Danielle asked as she stood up. Stefania nodded and they made their way to the exit, greeted by a brisk wind.

"Where to now?" Stefania asked as she adjusted her bag then reached down to hold Danielle's hand.

 "Well, we're kind of heading back towards the house," She explained, giving Stefania's hand a little squeeze. "At least in that general direction,"

"Ah, okay, okay. I still don't know everything there anyway,"

"I know a really nice place that we can go," The blonde said. "Not many people know about it so it's usually quite quiet which is nice," They made their way, little conversations here and there surrounded by glances and smiles. About twenty minutes later, and they were walking down a quiet road.

"This is not the part where you murder me is it?" Stefania laughed. Danielle didn't respond, just tilted her head to the side in thought. "Danielle!"

"Of course I'm not going to murder you!" She laughed, playfully nudging her date. "At least maybe not,"

"You wouldn't have the guts to anyway," Stefania said, shaking her head.

"Oh really? What makes you say that?"

"Well for starters.." She stopped talking as she walked through a little entrance. "Woah," 

"Beautiful, right?" They were stood at the edge of a large green area that was surrounded by a hill. Trees and bushes and flowers around the edges. A path that followed around in a perfect circle. 

"We're going to the top, right?"

"Of course we are," Danielle smiled as they headed off, very happy that no one else was around. This place was quite special to her. She would usually come here when she had to think or need some time alone. They were quick to get to the top and admired the view around them, stars and all.

"What's down there?" Stefania asked as she faced the opposite way that they had come from. 

"Oh, there's a basket swing and a tyre see saw thing and benches,"

"This is so cute," The brunette smiled as she looked up at the sky which had now turned into a deep, dark blue. "Oh, what was I saying before?"

"About how I apparently won't have the guts to murder you,"

"Ah yes. You like kissing me too much," Stefania still had her head tilted to the sky as she said it. Danielle just stared at her, tongue pressed into her cheek. "By your silence, I think that I'm right,"

"Prove it," Stefania quirked an eyebrow and turned to face Danielle, placing the flower on a nearby rock. She held the collars of her jacket and pulled her in, kissing her softly at first, then breathing in deeply, feeling her closer. 

"Mhm, yeah. You're right," Danielle said softly as she smiled then leaned in to kiss her some more. The blonde brought her hands up to hold Stefania's face, one slipping to the back of her neck. The kissing started to get more passionate, breathing getting heavier, hands trailing. Stefania dropped her hands to Danielle's waist, slipping them underneath her jacket. "We... should stop," Danielle breathed out. 

"Yeah," Stefania nodded but continued kissing her, happy as can be. Danielle traced her jaw line with one hand and slowly moved the other down, along her neck, down her arm until she could tangle their fingers together. Neither could deny the butterflies they were getting in that moment. But eventually, Stefania slowly pulled away with a gentle and longing kiss. They sat down on a large rock, Stefania leaning on Danielle's shoulder. 

"I get to take you out next time, yes?"

"Oh, so there's a next time?"

"I think there will be," Stefania smiled. "Don't you?"

"I think so too," Danielle smiled, leaning in for another little kiss. 

"You know, I was so nervous," Stefania admitted. "I was freaking out to Gio and also the other night, when we were, I don't know, almost kissed? And I went to my room and Barrett came up and I told her everything,"

"Wait, Barrett knows?"

"Si. She messaged me earlier and I sent her a picture," Stefania pulled out her phone and showed Danielle the picture she took of her. 

"So she knew that you liked me and just let me get all crazy about it? Unbelievable!"

"She said that she's good at keeping secrets," Stefania smiled. "But isn't it good that I already get along with your friends?"

"Yes, it's good," Danielle smiled. "We should probably start walking back soon. You have work in the morning,"

"I'll walk you," Stefania stood up and held her hand out to Danielle who happily took it and allowed herself to be pulled up. "Do you have a vase? I don't have one," Stefania realised as they made their way down the hill. 

"I think we do. It's either a vase or a very large pint glass," Danielle laughed. "Either way, there's somewhere to put your flowers," They walked the rest of the way home hand in hand, very happy. Stefania talked a bit about work and when her and Jaina should come in next again. Once they got to the front door, Danielle opened it for Stefania and took her flowers to put in the vase, which actually was a vase. 

"Thank you," Stefania smiled. "I'll drop you to your door now," Both smiled as they walked upstairs and stopped in front of Danielle's bedroom door. 

"I had a really nice time," Danielle said, her voice slightly lowered. 

"Me too," Stefania smiled, bowing her head. The brunette then took a small step forward and kissed Danielle. 

"I look forward to the next one," 

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now