Chapter 32

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"Oh, we're so cute,"

Danielle and Stefania strolled hand in hand down the street, past the corner shop where they first met each other when Stefania came to view the house and then up to number 19. 

"I had a really nice time," Stefania said quietly as they stopped outside their door. 

"Me too," Danielle smiled. "You do know that you live here, right?"

"I'm trying to be romantic, stop!" Stefania giggled. Danielle grinned and nodded her head, pretending to zip her lips. "So... when can I see you again?"

"Maybe in about fifteen minutes? On the sofa?"

"Oh, so I'm coming in?"

"Shut up!" Danielle laughed as she pulled her keys out and opened the door. "After you," Stefania walked in and straight away caught sight of the flowers in the kitchen, even though the lights were off. Danielle hadn't yet noticed them as she took off her shoes. 

"I'm going to put the stuff we made in the fridge," The blonde said as she walked over to kitchen, light turned on, and she finally noticed. "Oh. These are pretty," She commented as she walked past them and opened the fridge. Stefania shook her head in disbelief that she somehow didn't see the note with her name on it. In her opinion it was pretty clear. 

Eventually, Danielle went back over to the counter to take a closer look and she kind of froze when she saw her name on the note. 

"For me?" She hadn't yet put together that they were from Stefania because it didn't seem possible. She opened up the envelope and read over the note. 

Ciao bella,

You look beautiful today, like you always do.

I think about you a lot, in a non creepy way though 

You just make me really happy. 

SS :)

"Stefania..." Danielle smiled, as she turned around, note clutched in her hands. "They're perfect, thank you,"

"Prego, bella," She walked over to Danielle and took her hand. "I mean it, you make me very happy,"

"You make me very happy too," Danielle replied, pushing up a little on her toes to kiss her. They paused for a second, faces centimetres away from each other, eyes locked, they bumped their noses together gently and smiled as they leaned in again. Danielle was quick to place the hand written note behind her and then gripped Stefania's waist, pulling her in. 

The brunette happily let her body press against Danielle's, hands holding her face and keeping her close. It was about time they resumed what was going on in the photobooth. Stefania wasted no time in pushing one of her legs between Danielle's, making the blonde gently bite down on her lip, fingers digging in. She smiled against her lips as they kissed some more, sparks erupting inside. 

As they took a breathe, Stefania slipped her tongue into Danielle's mouth and they moved in perfect rhythm. Hands began to roam more as it got more heated. Stefania traced down Danielle's neck, hand briefly coming round to the front of throat then drifting down. Danielle pushed forward more against Stefania as she felt her hand trailing. At this point, she would let Stefania touch her wherever she wanted. 

Stefania's hand paused, waiting for some sort of indication to go further and she got that when Danielle grabbed her hand and moved it straight underneath her top, feeling goose bumps rise up on her skin as Stefania's hand moved along undiscovered skin. Danielle brought both hands back up to the back of Stefania's neck and breathed in deeply as slender fingers grabbed at her chest.

The brunette pulled away from Danielle's lips and placed kisses down to her neck, making the blonde have to hold back a moan. 

"Why are you holding it in?" Stefania whispered, biting gently on her ear lobe as she slid her hand underneath Danielle's bra, grazing over her nipple and tugging at it gently. 

"Stefania," Danielle gasped, letting her head roll back as her date pressed kisses all over her neck, sucking and leaving gentle bites. The thought crossed her mind of the three date rule and theoretically, this was still only date two but everything that Stefania was doing felt way too good. Danielle tried to gather her bearings as she began to unbutton Stefania's shirt, eyes widening as she took in her insane body. 

"I want this off," Stefania mumbled against Danielle's lips as she started to pull her top upwards. Danielle had her hands all over Stefania's body and wasn't exactly co operating but she would get to that in a minute. Right now, she just wanted to marvel over Stefania. 

"Gosh, I just want to-"

"There are two... two! Perfectly good bedrooms upstairs, why is this happening again?" Danielle and Stefania jumped when they heard Jaina who had suddenly appeared at the bottom of the stairs, arms folded over her chest. Danielle pulled her top down but Stefania seemed a bit more calm about having everything unbuttoned and the smirk she had on her face definitely meant she was fine. Danielle on the other hand, cheeks flushed, nervous laughter, avoiding eye contact. 

"I am going to my room," Stefania announced as she picked up her bag. "Thank you for a lovely day," She smiled, spinning around and gently holding Danielle's jaw to kiss her softly before she headed to the stairs. "And thank you for the help with the flowers. As you can see, she really liked them," Danielle blushed even harder when Stefania looked back at her and winked before going upstairs. "You know what room mine is!" She called out. 

"Miss Danielle Kathleen Savre! What happened to your three date rule?" Jaina asked, crossing her arms over her chest and tapping her foot. 

"I know, I know! I did think that but I just... She makes me, like... kind of crazy? In a good way. In the best way,"

"It was a good date?"

"So good,"

"Well, what did you do? I only knew about the flowers?" Jaina asked as she walked into the kitchen. 

"You knew about them?"

"Yeah, she asked me if I could get them once you had left because obviously, she's out early and didn't want to carry them around everywhere but she didn't actually tell me what you guys were doing,"

"Oh, she's so sweet," Danielle swooned. "We, um, we went to an Italian cooking class and it was really fun, we brought some stuff home for you, in the fridge and then she took me to this place, a shop, with football shirts from all over the world and she got me one with my name on the back and then we took the cutest photobooth pictures and, Jaina..."


"I'm so happy," Jaina smiled at her best friend. She loved seeing her like this and she could already tell how good of a person Stefania is. "Oh! She wanted to talk to you about something as well but I'll let her explain. I am going to go upstairs and continue from where we were rudely interrupted," Danielle said, waving her hand around as she walked to the stairs. 

"I bid you good night!" She said dramatically.

"Don't be too loud!"

"This can be revenge," Danielle laughed and quickly dropped her bags in her room before knocking on Stefania's door. 

"Come in, Danielle,"

"How did you know it was me?" Danielle asked as she walked in, eyes drinking in every inch of Stefania who was laid on her bed, shirt all undone, hair a mess amongst the pillows and the button and zip of her jeans had suddenly come down. Stefania sighed as she watched Danielle look at her and put everything together in her head.

"Yes, I started without you. Now come join me,"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now