Chapter Thirteen

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"Do you like girls?"

Danielle's eyes widened and she looked anywhere but at Stefania as she waited to hear an answer.

"Sorry, I'm a little straight forward, which is ironic, because I'm not," Jay laughed. "I just... have this friend and I know you're 100% her type, I couldn't help but ask," Stefania bit her lip and took in a breathe. 

"Uh well... I am just, a sexual person," She said."Maybe you introduce me to your friend one day?"

"I most certainly will!" He replied, a big smile on his face.

J: Happy? :))

D: It wasn't the most straight forward answer but I suppose????

Danielle avoided eye contact as she went back to the sofa, Jaina intently watching her. 

"These are your bananas?" Jay asked as he placed his bag on the counter and pulled them out.

"Ah, si! Grazie," Stefania went to her bag to grab her purse, holding out some money to Jay.

"Don't be silly," He smiled, shooing her hand away. 

"Are you sure?"

"It's six bananas, Stefania. I'm sure," He said, putting the orange juice in the fridge. "Jaina said you're a really good cook? These two need it, they live off of pre-packaged things,"

"Oh, I know. It pains me when I see the containers in the bin,"

"She said she'll cook for me once a week!" Danielle called from the sofa. 

"It doesn't make sense how she works out so much but puts so much rubbish in her body," Stefania sighed, shaking her head. 

"She's probably the best out of our friendship group honestly," Jay said, feeling slightly guilty. "But I could never pick anything over McDonald's. One time, Danielle was doing this cleanse and she just ate roasted vegetables and... plain chicken for like, two weeks,"

"I was the one who had to live with the smell. Everything was so green," Jaina added, Danielle just listened to them talking, rolling her eyes every now and then. An hour or so later, and Jay announced his departure.

"It was lovely meeting you, Stefania. I shall see you again soon,"

"Si, you too, Jay," 

"Ortiz! Savre!" He said, holding his hand up as he opened the door. 

"Get home safely!"

"Savre?" Stefania repeated once the door had shut, adding an accent to it. "I don't know how to say it," She laughed.

"It's okay, you make it sound so much better," Danielle replied, shaking her head slightly. They both walked over to the kitchen where Jaina was cooking. 

"I've made enough for you both, don't worry,"

"Uh.. what is it?" Stefania asked, trying to peer into the pan.

"Quinoa and halloumi," She replied. "Trust me, it's really good,"

"Ahh... okay, si. I will try it, thank you," She nodded her head and then went to the stairs. "I have been in this all day," She said, pointing down to her clothes. "I will change and be back," She walked off and gave Jaina and Danielle a minute to talk. 

"Do you like girls? A bit obvious, don't you think?" Jaina asked, her voice slightly lower.

"I asked him to use his gaydar, not outright ask her,"

"But... you want to know,"

"Yes! I want to know!" Danielle whisper shouted at her best friend. "But, I guess she kind of does?"

"I don't know. Maybe, she would sleep with a girl but not actually date one? I don't know what you're looking for here,"

"Me neither," Danielle sighed. "It's just a stupid little crush, it probably won't last very long,"

At 2:00pm on Friday, Danielle ran out of her room for the third time to get Jaina's opinion on her outfit. She had to look good, put in a little extra effort. 

"I already said that the jeans and cream jumper was fine! Come on!" Jaina sighed as she leant against the wall watching her best friend. "We're leaving in five minutes,"

"Okay, okay!" The blonde ran back into her room and re immersed a couple minutes later in light blue jeans, a copper coloured jumper and black blazer.

"Lose the blazer, wear that jacket," Jaina said, pointing to a long grey one that was hanging up as she tied up her shoe laces. Danielle nodded and changed it over then pulled on a pair of Timberlands. 

"Very nice," She said in approval as she looked over herself in the mirror.

"Yes, very nice, let's go," Jaina opened the front door and signalled with her head, Danielle finally getting out. The journey wasn't too bad and before they knew it, they were stood outside the main entrance of Royal Central. A large brick building with white marble steps leading up to the door and large marble pillars. 

"Ah, the building is so cool," Jaina said, her head craning at every which angle. "I can't believe she works here," Danielle was listening but also making sure her hair still looked good in her phone reflection. Jaina kept on talking when Stefania appeared at the top of the stairs. 

"Come, come," She said, beckoning them with her head as her arms were crossed over her chest. They went up and followed her into the building, greeted by a lovely warmth. "Just sign in here," Stefania smiled at the receptionist as she handed over a book and they both quickly filled it in. "Buono. Follow me," They walked through a series of doors, up a stair case, down another corridor, up another small flight of stairs and then they were in front of her office. If she asked them to get here by themselves, they would probably take a wrong turn somewhere. "You can leave your jackets and bags here," Stefania explained as she opened the door, greeted by a lovely smell of coffee and biscuits. There were a couple of desks in the room, a large book case and a filing cabinet.  A notice board was pinned up behind the door with a timetable and some pictures. There were a couple of Stefania on a stage and some of who they assumed to be other teachers. Before they left, Stefania picked up her laptop and bottle of water and began to walk down the hall. 

"We have two studios and a storage cupboard and a couple classrooms on this floor but one is with computers," Stefania explained. They walked past high quality posters of previous showcases that were put on here and another board with student written notes on it. Some looking for project partners, some looking for music techs, some looking for models. 

"You need to update your head shots, apply for that," Jaina joked, showing Danielle.

"Pretty sure they want other students here,"

"Oh, you can do it. I know the student who is doing it, they're very good at photography and it's to build their portfolio. I can even show you where the photography department is after. I said before, that you have a good uh.. face structure," Stefania opened a door at the end of the hall and allowed the two visitors to enter first. "They'll appreciate it, trust me," They walked in, eyes straight to the floor to ceiling mirror lining the far wall. Large speakers were hung up in each corner, stacks of chairs in the corner by a small desk, heavy curtains tied up. The lights were intricate upon looking up and they were pretty sure that all of the studios looked like this. 

"Holy shit," Jaina gasped. "This is amazing. Imagine if we had this sort of space at school,"

"I know right. These kids are so lucky,"

"Not just kids. We do adult classes as well," Stefania explained as she typed away on her laptop then plugged her phone into the aux. 

"Okay! Shall we begin!"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now