Chapter Sixty One

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"Fine. I'll do it myself,"

Before Stefania could say anything else, Caterina's lips were on hers and she felt something flip over in her stomach. Suddenly, it was like they were back at the top of the auditorium. Kissing. They were kissing and it was magical. Back then it was magical. Right now it was wrong but Stefania didn't pull away, though she didn't kiss back either.

"Luc," She mumbled and placed a hand on her chest, pushing back gently.

"No, Stefania, please. We can finally be together," Caterina felt herself choking up as her mind turned into a hurricane of thoughts and she tried to kiss Stefania again. "We can finally-"

"Excuse me?" Stefania jumped as she pushed Caterina away who stumbled back in shock and saw Danielle standing there, eyebrows furrowed as she looked back and forth between the two of them. "Excuse me?" She repeated as the initial shock suddenly turned into anger. "Stefania?"

"I'm sorry. It's not, that's not what-"

"It was me," Caterina said, raising her hands guiltily as she wiped her eyes.

"I don't want to hear shit from you," Danielle seethed as she turned her back towards Caterina and stared at Stefania expectantly. "What do you- what even...?" Danielle started to breathe heavier as she tried to wrap her mind around what she just saw, her eyes burning into Stefania's. 

"Do you have your key?" Stefania asked, clenching and unclenching her jaw. Danielle took a second to understand what she asked, her face blank as she reached into her pocket. 

"Danielle, honestly. It was all me, Stefania didn't do anything-"

"I said I don't want to hear shit from you," Danielle spat out as she pushed her key into the lock of her trailer.

"Don't take it out on her," Caterina pleaded, her eyes darting back and forth between Danielle and Stefania. "It was me. It was me. She didn't even-" The blonde ushered Stefania into her trailer and shut the door, cutting Caterina off mid sentence. 

"Danielle, I'm sorry," Stefania whispered as she looked at her girlfriend who leant against the wall, staring at her feet. "I didn't know... she just kissed me and I didn't kiss back... it was just-"

"Just what?" Danielle muttered, crossing her arms over her chest. Stefania walked over to her and held her face in her hands as she made Danielle look at her. "Stefania," Danielle mumbled as she tried to shake Stefania's hands off and keep her head down.

"No. Look at me," Stefania tightened her grip a little as Danielle lifted her gaze, blue eyes angry and hurt. "We were talking and she said... well she said a  lot and I had to let her speak, I owed her that and she was getting mad and then she just kissed me but I did not kiss her back. I tried to push her off, I did," Danielle's eyes filled with tears as she listened to Stefania, her chest felt tight and heavy. 

"You clearly didn't push her hard enough," Danielle said. "Can you get off of me?" She held one of Stefania's wrists and pushed slightly but she didn't budge. "Stefania. Get off of me," She gritted her teeth as she put her hands on her girlfriend's waist and pushed her back a little. She was angry and she needed Stefania to listen to her. 

"You're not listening to me," Stefania said, still refusing to move away from Danielle. 

"No, Stefania. You're not listening to me," In a quick movement, Danielle spun them around and pushed Stefania against the wall, her breathing heavy as she eyed up the brunette. She couldn't quite figure out what was running through her mind. She was angry, that was a given. After knowing the history, a complicated one at that, between Stefania and Caterina, it felt a lot more weighted. She was hurt because she never had a doubt in her mind about trusting Stefania, but that was different now. And she was in denial because Caterina said it was her fault and Stefania said that she didn't kiss back but Danielle still saw it happen. 

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now