Chapter 24

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"Pizza's here!"

Stefania ended up eating her dinner in the kitchen, watching some videos on her phone while Jaina and Danielle were happy in the living room. Every so often, the blonde would glance over at Stefania, and Stefania would do the same. Never at the same time though. 

Stefania finished up in the kitchen, cleaned, and then went up to her room. She had some work to do and had the motivation to do some which was helpful so put on some music in the background, got comfortable with her laptop and started working. Another perk of her job, was that it was always interesting, whether she was marking or setting up teaching plans, it was all to do with dance in some aspect.

Downstairs, Danielle stayed quiet while Jaina kept looking at her, waiting for something. She paused the movie suddenly and looked at her best friend. 

"Why do you look so... guilty? Are you hiding something? What were you and Miss Stefania doing?" She fired the questions quickly, waving her hands around. The blonde bit her lip, trying to hold back the smile. She wasn't really sure why she didn't tell Jaina straight away. Maybe she didn't want to jinx it.

"I'm going out on Monday, just so you know,"

"I didn't ask that,"

"Ask me where I'm going," Danielle said, laughing softly.

"Where are you going on Monday?"

"Well, actually... I haven't got the location exactly-"


"I'm taking Stefania on a date," There was a moment of silence. Jaina stared at her.

"You're what?!"

"Taking Stefania on a date. I'm picking her up from work at four and taking her somewhere,"

"Why... and I mean, why, did you not tell me this straightaway? Oh my gosh, do you have any idea where?"

"I haven't finished," Danielle said, bowing her head as the smile really grew on her face.

"Go on..."

"We kissed. We were, kissing when you came and asked about pizza," Out of excitement, Jaina chucked the nearest cushion to her at Danielle. 

"Shut up!" Her mouth fell open as she processed the information. "Shut up,"

"It felt magical," Danielle whispered, clutching the cushion in her arms and already feeling stupid for thinking she wouldn't tell Jaina.

"Oh, you're so soft!"Jaina teased, but her best friends smile was so infectious. "Wait, so do you have even the smallest idea of where to take her?"

"I was thinking a gallery or museum. Probably a gallery because it's more... artsy. Something that means we're doing something more than sitting and talking, especially because we can do that all the time here,"

"Very true, very true," Jaina nodded her head. "Gosh, this is like a reality show, like Love Island, living with the person that you're dating,"

"I mean.... kind of? I think it's going to be very interesting because I've already experienced her when she's tired and in her pyjamas and having dinner and met her brother,"

"But that's also what it's like when you date someone you've been friends with for a while. Like if you were to date, I don't know, Grey," Danielle pulled a face at the thought. "Hypothetically. You already know a lot about one another, this might just have moved and will move a little faster,"

"Yeah, exactly. This might even be better because I won't have to travel far if I miss her. Just walk a few steps," She glanced up at the stairs. If she really wanted, she could probably go and kiss her right now.  

"Oh gosh, you two are going to be sickly adorable, aren't you?" Jaina asked, rolling her head back on the sofa. 

"Like you and Boris aren't!" 

"Double date!" Jaina blurted out, smile on her face. 

"That would be cute! But not just yet," Danielle pondered it for a moment. "Maybe after a few dates. You never know, we might not even be cut out to actually date each other,"

"What if it gets awkward and we need a new room mate?"

"I haven't thought that far ahead. And to be completely honest, I would hope that it doesn't end up like that," 

Time continued ticking by, Jaina and Danielle stayed downstairs, Stefania working away in her room when she decided to have a little break. She put her laptop to the side and rubbed her eyes. She smiled as she thought about who was sat on the end of her bed earlier on. She wondered if Danielle was romantic. She knew she most certainly is. Which led her to ripping out a piece of paper from her notebook and writing a little note on it. 

Ciao bella,

I kind of but also really want to kiss you again :)


She folded it a couple of times, drew a heart on it and then slid it under Danielle's door. When she would see it, she didn't know, but it seemed more special to give her a note then to just go downstairs. She could hear Jaina and Danielle laughing about something from the living room and considered joining them, also wondering if Jaina had been told yet, but decided to just focus on her work. The more she got done now, the more of a relaxed Sunday she could have. 

Midnight slowly approached and Jaina announced that she was going to head up to bed, fist bumping her best friend as she headed to the stairs. 

"Sleep well!"

"Don't stay up too late!" Jaina laughed. Danielle turned her attention back to the television, though her mind wandered to what Stefania was doing. She hadn't been down for a while though there was also the chance that she was asleep.  She contemplated her options and decided to stay downstairs for a little longer, she didn't know how much would be too much. About half an hour later, Danielle finally went upstairs to her room, though she paused for a moment and looked at Stefania's door. Ignoring the urge, she opened her bedroom door, completely missing the folded bit of paper under her feet. She went to her bed, and picked up the clothes that had been discarded there earlier then went to brush her teeth. 

But something caught her eye. 

Not to say that Danielle had the tidiest room, but she didn't recognise a piece of folded up paper on her floor. She picked it up and unfolded it, eyes quickly scanning over the little message and she had never wished more that she had gone into her room earlier. She decided to brush her teeth first, ran a hand through her hair then stood outside Stefania's door. She really hoped that she wasn't asleep. She knocked lightly and waited for a response. 

"Stefania," She whispered as she rocked back on her heels. There was no answer and she felt her heart sink a little and was about to turn away when she heard Stefania say something in Italian. She knocked again but Stefania didn't respond to her, just speaking very quickly. She pushed the door open a little and peered in to see Stefania glaring at her laptop, earphones in her ears and a very concentrated look on her face. She waved her hand a little to get her attention and when she did, Stefania's face softened instantly. 

"Danielle," She said softly, pulling her ear phones out. 

"I got your note," Danielle smiled as she stood in the doorway. 

"Finally," Stefania laughed. "Come here," She said, holding out her hands. The blonde walked over and sat next to Stefania on her bed.

"So, do you still kind of, really want to kiss me again?"

A/N: ig: savre.anatomy

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now