Chapter Nineteen

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If the loud ringing didn't interrupt them, Jaina screaming definitely did and they let go of each other and turned away quickly. Danielle blushed like never before, Stefania had the biggest smile stretched on her face. Jaina glared at Barrett who had run off to the living room to answer her phone. 

"Uh, I'll be right back," Stefania quickly walked off and headed up the stairs to her room.

"What the hell! Why didn't you kiss her?"

"Barrett's phone made me-"

"You were standing like that for at least ten seconds,"

"No, we weren't-"

"You said you wanted to kiss her and the opportunity was right there,"

"I know!" Danielle slapped her arms down against her sides. "But I kind of realised something as well," Jaina looked at her expectantly.

"I'm pretty sure that every girl I've ever been involved with, was a product of a drunken kiss or hook up. I don't want that. You of all people know how much I love the rush of romance and obviously, if the kiss is with the right person, then the moment is magical, but I just... you know what I mean, don't you?"

"Yes, I know what you mean," Jaina sighed. "But that would have been so cute! And I was recording it,"

"Kind of weird, Jai," Danielle sighed loudly and turned around, wobbling a little bit as she moved. "Oops," She giggled, making her way over to Barrett who was making circles around the sofa. 

"Okay, I will, I will," Barrett said, holding out her hand for Danielle to hold so they were walking around the sofa. She mouthed to Danielle that it was her mother on the phone. "Okay... yeah... bye, love you," She hung up and grabbed the blonde's shoulders. "Did you kiss her? Where is she?" 

"No, I didn't. I want special,"

"But you still scared her off?"

"No! She just went up,"

"She's okay?" 

"Uh, I think so,"

"I'll check," Before Danielle could protest, Barrett headed to the stairs, holding tightly onto the banister to steady herself. I think that was the beauty of their friendship group, everyone was so open and welcoming and especially as Stefania was living in this house, it only felt right for Barrett to check. She furrowed her brow when she looked at the bedroom doors, but luckily heard a movement from one so knew it was Stefania. She knocked lightly on the door and waited for a response.

"Uh... si?"

"Hi, Stefania. It's Barrett," There was another movement and then Stefania opened her bedroom door, small smile, watery eyes. "Oh, are you okay?" She asked when she saw the little glisten in her eyes that only comes from tears. Stefania took a deep breathe but no words came out so just motioned with her head for Barrett to come into her room. They sat on the edge of her bed, a couple of deconstructed boxes stood in the corner but she was more or less completely moved in. 

"I think I like Danielle," She whispered after a moment of silence. Barrett had to stop herself from screaming in excitement but she could also see that Stefania was upset about the revelation. "Don't tell her please,"

"I won't" Barrett replied. She was good at keeping secrets. "Is that why you're upset?"

"Sexuality is confusing for me," She said, playing with her fingers. "My family are not really accepting. Apart from my little brother. And I know that I am a grown woman but my family and I are close, and they would always talk badly about, you know, being gay,"

"Oh, I see," Barrett said, nodding her head. "And if you like Danielle, you want to tell them?"

"Yes," Stefania said quietly, wiping her eyes before any tears came out. "This is silly, I am so sorry,"

"Hey, it is fine, honestly. You have already seen me in a state," Barrett smiled, nudging her side gently. "Can you talk to your little brother about her?"

"Si, si. But it is also not the exact same. Especially if I date her, which I think I want to do. Well, I know I do. My father always likes to know about my relationships so that I don't end up alone,"

"What about your mother?"

"My mama passed away," She paused for a second. "When I was twelve. I never really got the chance to talk to her about anyone I liked. My father is re married but she is not that nice," 

"I'm so sorry," Barrett said, a little bit unsure on what to say next. "What if you spoke to Danielle? I've seen the way she looks at you,"

"I have too," Stefania replied with a little laugh. "She has very piercing eyes, how could you not notice? And she blushes a lot, especially when I am close to her, and does this little laugh. So cute,"

"Oh, so you like her, like her," Barrett teased, a big smile on her face as she listened to Stefania talk. "This is more than you just thinking that she's nice to look at,"

"Maybe," Stefania mumbled, smiling herself. "I don't know what my next step is though,"

"I always sleep on it. Especially as we're all a little intoxicated right now. Sleep on it, maybe talk to her tomorrow or Sunday or whenever you're ready,"

"You're very good at advice," Stefania commented, nodding her head. "But yes, not tonight,"

"Let me get your number actually so you can text me if anything," Barrett said, pulling her phone out and seeing some notifications from Oak and Friends.

Jaina O: *video of Danielle and Stefania in each others arms*

Jay H: Of course Danielle would have a thing for Stefania!

Grey D: That's their new room mate?!

Grey D: I need to come over

Danielle S: Shut up Grey

Jay H: Is that wise though? You live with her

Danielle S: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Barrett read the chats, wondering if Jay had a point but then just switched to make a new contact, passing her phone to Stefania. 

"Lovely," Barrett smiled. "You want to head back down?" Stefania took in a deep breathe and pondered for a second. 

"Si. But no more alcohol per favore,"

"No more alcohol," Barrett held out her hand to shake, then they headed back down. Jaina and Danielle were sat on either end of the sofa, in deep conversation. "Movie time?" Danielle jumped a little when she heard Barrett's voice, eyes darting to Stefania who was avoiding all eye contact. 

"Is she okay?" She barely even whispered to Barrett. She nodded her head in response then sat on the arm chair, curling her legs up under her. Stefania had gone into the kitchen to get a drink. 

"Stefania! If you go in the top cupboard, there's microwavable popcorn bags," She shot her a thumbs up and got some out of the cupboard.

"Were you guys talking upstairs?" Danielle asked, eyes focused on Barrett.

"Yeah, but nothing important," She shrugged it off then took the controller to go through Netflix.

"Everything is okay,"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now