Chapter Thirty Three

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"Yes, I started without you. Now come join me,"

Danielle bit down on her lip as her eyes traced over Stefania, her mind ticking back and forth, back and forth. The no sex until the third date rule was kind of important to her after seeing previous relationships built on the prospect of just sex. Which is why they ended up falling apart. But this was so different and she knew that and Stefania knew that and if she didn't make a move now, the tension would kill both of them. Stefania could pick up Danielle's hesitation from the door way and she sat up a little. 

"If you don't want to-"

"No, I definitely want to," Danielle said, voice considerably lower. She took a step towards Stefania, eyes locked with each other's then she pulled her top up and off, hair falling about her shoulders as she discarded it on the floor. Stefania's eyes widened and her signature smirk was back on her face as her eyes drunk in the gorgeous person standing a few feet away from her. 

"Come here," She whispered, tilting her head to the side as she watched Danielle's painfully slow steps to the edge of the bed. Stefania sat up even more when she could reach Danielle and softly ran a hand up her side as countless thoughts ran through her head. She motioned her head towards her lap and pushed against Danielle's side a little. The blonde understood what she was trying to say and straddled her lap, both hands on the back of Stefania's neck, the brunette's hands going straight to her waist. Their foreheads were pressed together, blonde hair falling down over their faces. Stefania leaned forward a little and caught Danielle's bottom lip between her teeth and bit down gently, pulling backwards.

Danielle let out a shaky breathe as Stefania let her lip go and wasted no time in pulling her back forward and crashing their lips together in a hot haze and explosion of feelings. Stefania kissed back with just as much passion, hands running over Danielle's skin, through her hair, and down to her boobs. She grabbed at them and loved the feeling of having Danielle dig her nails into her skin, pulling her closer. Danielle moved her hands to Stefania's shirt and tried to pull it off, Stefania taking it off the whole way. 

The brunette chucked her shirt to the side and quickly flipped them over so she was on top, leaning straight back down to kiss Danielle some more but that didn't last long when she moved down to the blonde's neck again, biting gently as she worked her way down to her bra clad chest. Stefania moved one hand up and gently wrapped it around Danielle's throat as she began to kiss and suck on her boobs. 

"Yes," Danielle whispered as she pushed her head back into the pillow and smiled mischievously. Stefania tightened her grip around Danielle's throat and smiled when the blue eyed woman dragged her nails down her back. She would definitely be doing that again. Stefania tired quickly of Danielle's bra being in the way so brought a hand round and underneath Danielle, skilfully unhooking it with one hand and smiling at the blonde's eagerness to get it off.

She wasted no time in dropping her head back, flattening her tongue against her nipple and then gently sucking. One hand was holding her up while the other moved to play with her other nipple. Danielle moaned softly and arched her back up a little, one hand running through Stefania's hair and tugging gently every now and then. Stefania swapped sides, leaving bite marks between her boobs as she moved. 

Danielle shifted her legs a little so that one was between Stefania's and slid it up until it was positioned right between her thighs. The brunette took in a sharp inhale of breathe and slowly started to rock her hips back and forth, biting when Danielle would push up a little bit more. Stefania pulled away from her boobs and went back up to kiss Danielle some more, a hand coming back up to grip around her throat.

"You look so beautiful right now," Stefania whispered as she took in Danielle's flushed cheeks, hooded eyes and heaving chest. 

"Shut up and just kiss me," Danielle mumbled, grabbing the back of Stefania's neck and pulling her in, tongues and teeth clashing as the room got hotter and hotter. Stefania trailed down the hand she had around Danielle's throat, to her boobs and then down to the waistband of her jeans. 

"I think these need to come off, don't you?" Stefania whispered against Danielle's lips. All Danielle could do was nod her head as she felt slender fingers undo the button and pull down the zip, tracing over the top of her lace thong, that admittedly, she had put on just in case. "Cute," Stefania mumbled as her eyes gazed hungrily. She began to kiss her way down Danielle's body, flicking her tongue over her nipples, leaving more bite marks as the anticipation built up higher and higher. She placed kisses along the waistband of her thong, leaving Danielle whining. 

"Stefania," Danielle breathed out as she pushed her head back into the pillows.

"You want me to stop?"

"Don't you dare," Danielle shot back, head shooting up as her breathing got heavier. Stefania smirked as she tugged on the waist band of her jeans, Danielle lifted her hips up so she could pull them off and down her legs, leaving her to kick them off at the end. Stefania knew that Danielle worked out but wow. Her body was sculpted perfectly. She placed some more kisses on Danielle's body, from her knees, slowly up her thighs, dragging her tongue along her inner thigh and pausing just at the top. Her nose brushed over where Danielle most wanted to be touched but she didn't give in and started to kiss and suck her other thigh. 

With a smug look on her face, Stefania moved back up Danielle's body until her face was hovering over the blonde's again. She found it quite amusing at how frustrated Danielle looked. 



"What is it, tesoro?" Danielle glared at her because obviously, she knew what the problem was here. She took in a deep breathe and rolled her eyes. "I didn't even touch you. Why are your eyes rolling to the back of your head?"

"Shut up!"

"Make me," Danielle squinted her eyes at Stefania and contemplated her next move. In a swift motion, she grabbed her shoulders and pushed her down on the bed, getting on top of her and going straight for her neck, kissing and biting and sucking. 

"Hm? Did I hear you say something?" Danielle teased when Stefania's breathing got heavier and her hands tangled themselves in Danielle's hair. Stefania didn't even respond, just moaned softly and pushed her head down towards her boobs. "I don't even know why this is still on," Danielle mumbled as she unclipped Stefania's bra and started sucking on her nipples. 

Danielle's free hand, that wasn't holding herself up, slowly made it's way down Stefania's body, underneath her undone jeans and rested on top of her panties. The brunette bit down on her bottom lip and waited for her next move. It felt like her body was on fire. 

"Danielle.... come on," Stefania whined, moving her hips slightly. 

"I like this side of you," Danielle smiled as she slowly dragged two fingers lower, applying a bit of pressure, she could feel how turned on Stefania was. While the teasing was fun, the blonde also really wanted to feel Stefania so moved her hand back up and slid it underneath her panties, lower and lower. Stefania's breathe hitched and she pressed her head back into the pillows. The blonde pushed herself up a little more so she was directly above Stefania again and pressed a kiss to her cheek. 

"Let me see those pretty eyes,"

A/N : *clears throat* so yeah :)

I'm feeling nice so I'll post two today 

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