Chapter 71

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"I caught it!"

"D? Are you busy?" Danielle sat up from where she was laid out on the sofa and looked at Jaina who was awkwardly standing a few feet away. She made a show of out of looking around because clearly, she wasn't occupied at the moment aside from paying a bit of attention to the detective series that was on the television. 

"Super busy. Swept of my feet," Danielle said sarcastically, earning a fake laugh from Jaina. "What's up?" She asked, beckoning with her head for Jaina to come over and join her on the sofa. 

"I need to talk to you about something," Jaina began as she took in a deep breath. 

"Clearly!" Danielle laughed as she picked up on the nervous energy that was radiating off of her best friend. "What is it? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm great, I'm great," Jaina quickly said, though didn't say anything else after that. 

"Something happen with Boris?" Danielle asked cautiously. Jaina had been with him today and hadn't said much since being home, up until now. 

"Uh... yeah. Where's Stefania?" 

"She's on her way back from work," Danielle replied. "What is it, Jai?"

"You know how when we were younger and we first talked about moving in with each other and that, uh well we said how-"

"Jaina. What is it?" Danielle asked, slightly agitated. 

"Boris asked me to move in with him," Jaina blurted out, bringing her hands up to cover her face. 

"What? That's amazing!" Danielle squealed as she dived forward and hugged her best friend. "Are you happy? You must be happy,"

"Yes, I'm happy," Jaina said as Danielle pulled away, a massive grin plastered on her face. 

"Wait, so why do you look so unsure?" Danielle questioned, squinting her eyes slightly. 

"Well because, it would kind of effect both of our relationships, I guess," Jaina said as she started to fiddle with her fingers. "Because then it would only be you and Stefania but I don't want you to feel like I'm forcing you guys to just live together even though you already do but-"

"Okay! Take a breath," Danielle giggled as she watched Jaina's eyes get comically large. "I get what you're trying to say but you don't need to worry about it. All that matters right now, is that you're going to live with Boris!" Jaina beamed and clasped her hands together. 

"Are you actually okay with it?" Jaina checked as she did a little dance from where she was sat. 

"Yes. Stefania most likely will be too because, I mean you saw how happy she got when she caught the bouquet," Danielle said. "When are you planning to move?"

"We said in around a month? Just so we both have time to get everything sorted and be prepared to move all my rubbish to his," Jaina replied happily. "Though I feel like if he asked, I would be ready to move in tomorrow,"

"Gosh, I'm so happy for you!" Danielle beamed as she pushed herself up from the sofa. "Come hug me!" Jaina quickly dived into her best friends arms and hugged her tightly. 

"Look at us! All loved up in stable relationships!"

"It's a miracle!" Danielle laughed, throwing her arms up in the air. "Gosh, I can't wait for Stefania to get home now,"

"Oh my, you guys are going to have sex everywhere," Jaina said as she walked off towards the kitchen. 

"Like we don't already," Danielle winked at her best friend who just made a face of disgust. "I'm not even marginally offended by that face," 

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now