Chapter Forty Nine

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"Danielle! Hair and make up!"

Stefania laid out on the sofa of Danielle's trailer, impatiently waiting for her girlfriend to finish shooting. The sexual frustration had passed and she had already done all of the work she had to for Royal Central. Now, she was just waiting. She heard voices outside and considerably perked up, even more so when she heard Danielle. 

"It's so fun working with you," Caterina smiled as they stopped at Danielle's door. 

"Yeah, it's really great," Danielle nodded her head but she was itching to get inside her trailer and to her girlfriend. Stefania went over to the window and peered through the blind and she could just about recognise Caterina from a couple of photo's Danielle had shown her though the pictures were just of her side profile from a few shoots.

"Let me know if this weekend sounds good, yeah?" Caterina pulled Danielle in for a hug, hands lingering on her waist. Stefania squinted her eyes as she watched. She already had to live with the fact that her girlfriend makes out with this woman for her job, she didn't want to see them all close and personal. Maybe it's a good thing she wasn't actually allowed on set. Danielle pulled back from the hug but Caterina kept one hand on her hip, tracing little patterns. She almost thought Caterina was going to lean in and kiss her from the way she was looking at her. It just didn't sit right with Stefania.

Danielle didn't even answer her regarding this weekend and just headed up into her trailer, raising an eyebrow when she saw Stefania just standing there aimlessly. 

"Hi?" She said as she walked over to her and was about to give her a kiss but Stefania turned her head. 

"You brushed your teeth? Had some gum?" She looked at Danielle intently, crossing her arms over her chest. The blonde smiled as she showed the piece of gum she had in her mouth. 

"As soon as I finished. Now kiss me," Danielle took a step towards but Stefania dodged her again.

"What are you doing this weekend?" 


"Caterina," Stefania said, raising an eyebrow. "She said for you to let her know about this weekend."

"Oh, um. She wanted to run lines," Danielle sat on the arm of her sofa and looked up at Stefania. "She wants so get wine drunk so it can be authentic,"

"She wants you to come over this weekend to get wine drunk and run lines? Let me guess. She wants to do all the making out scenes?" Stefania rolled her eyes as she leant against the wall. 

"How do you even-" It baffled Danielle how spot on Stefania was. 

"I looked out of the window when I heard your voice and she seemed a bit too disappointed when she let go of you. I can read people really well, Danielle. I know you're acting as girlfriends but she seemed a little too attached. Lingering. And she wants you to come over and get wine drunk and practice making out!"

"Well, she didn't explicitly say that-"

"No, but it's the scenes where you're in bed, right?"

"How are you being so accurate!?"

"I just know. I can feel it," Stefania shrugged as she ran a hand through her hair. "Did she know I was here?"

"Uh, she knew I had someone with me," Danielle said and as she spoke, she realised that maybe she should have just outright told Caterina she has a girlfriend. Some of her actions and words do seem like they have ulterior motives. "I wasn't really planning on going anyway," Danielle said as she stood up and walked over to Stefania, lifting her head slightly so she would look her in the eyes. 

"I'd much rather get wine drunk with my actual girlfriend this weekend anyway," She said, eyes sparkling as a smile grew on Stefania's face. "You don't have anything to worry about, my love,"

"I'm not worried," Stefania said bluntly. Danielle raised an eyebrow, slightly amused. It wasn't even about Caterina trying to take her place or something, she just didn't want someone touching up on her girlfriend more than they had to. She wasn't afraid to throw something. "I will chuck my shoe at her if she tries something. Don't mess with a Spampinato!" Danielle laughed as Stefania flexed her arms. 

"You're so annoying," She said, though she felt all the butterflies fluttering around as she looked at her. 

"You love it," Stefania teased as she picked up her jacket, completely missing the look on Danielle's face. "Let's go home so I can make sure you know that you're mine," The blonde's mouth dropped open a little as she just watched Stefania walk to the door. "Coming?" She questioned, as she looked at her girlfriend. 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Danielle snapped herself out of whatever trance she had just slipped into and grabbed her things, following Stefania out of her trailer. 

"Hey, Danielle!" She turned around to see Jesse jogging up to her, smile on his face. "Headed home?"

"Yeah," Danielle nodded as she made sure her trailer was locked. 

"Who's this?"

"This," Danielle began, reaching for Stefania's hand. "Is Stefania. My girlfriend,"

"Hi," Stefania gave a little wave as she stood next to Danielle. 

"Girlfriend? Woah, Cat is not going to be happy," Stefania's face dropped instantly and she narrowed her eyes slightly. "But nice to meet you,"

"Uh, what do you mean?" Danielle laughed nervously as she felt Stefania's hand loosen slightly. 

"I was just thinking about stuff and I asked her and well... ah, you go with your girlfriend. I'll tell you next time I see you,"

"No, no. You can say it now," Stefania said through a tight lipped smile. Danielle glanced at her girlfriend, she hadn't seen her like this before.

"Ah, it doesn't matter. I have to run anyway," Jesse could tell he said the wrong thing and quickly excused himself. Danielle watched him jog off, lost for what to say. Stefania visibly took a deep breath and shut her eyes as she looked at the ground. She trusted Danielle. Caterina on the other hand, she wasn't so sure and she really didn't need another stressor in her life at the moment

"Are you o-"

"Let's just go home," Stefania didn't have the energy right now to talk about how she felt and she didn't want to risk the chance of bumping into Caterina because her shoe would come flying off of her foot. Danielle was cursing Jesse in her head as they began to walk again, Stefania a few steps in front. There was such a battle going on in her head at the moment and she was trying her best to not let her possessive side jump out. 

They stayed quiet on the way home, Stefania remained stony faced and looking at the ground, Danielle kind of unsure on what she should do. They got home, Jaina was on the sofa and could almost instantly feel the tension between the two. And not the good kind. Stefania said a quick hello to Jaina then went upstairs.

"Okay, what is this all about?"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now