Chapter 48

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"I didn't say you had to leave,"

Danielle looked around her trailer, making sure it was as tidy as possible and awaited a text from her girlfriend. She was finally allowed people on set and she knew she wanted Stefania here straight away. The past week was still difficult for Stefania. She wasn't as affectionate as usual and spent most of her time on her laptop. Danielle would be lying if she said she wasn't a little worried.

There was a knock on her trailer door that startled Danielle a little. She knew she had at least forty minutes before she was called for anything.

"Hey," Caterina smiled, rocking back on her heels when Danielle opened the door.

"Hey, you alright?"

"Do you want to run lines?"

"Uh, I can but I don't have that long because I have someone coming on set," Danielle said as she opened the door more for her to come in. "I spoke to Jesse last week and he said you never used to run lines," Caterina nervously laughed as she sat down on the sofa and crossed her legs.

"What can I say? The chemistry off set is just as good," Danielle tilted her head to the side a little. Sure, they got on well but she not as well as Caterina seemed to be implying. "Anyway, um," Danielle looked at herself in the mirror as Caterina fiddled with some papers, realising that she probably should of just said no. "You know the scene where we are in bed?"

"Which one?" Danielle asked as she turned around.

"The wine drunk one,"

"Oh yeah," The blonde realised that Caterina also seemed to only want to run lines for scenes that involved them kissing, never a normal conversation. "What about it?"

"Well, because we're not actually going to be drunk or anything, I was thinking maybe this weekend, you could come over maybe and we can get a little wine drunk together," Caterina wiggled her eyebrows playfully. "Method acting,"

"Uh..." Danielle laughed nervously and tried to avoid eye contact. There could not have been better timing for her phone to buzz in her hand.

SS: I'm here :)

"I'll let you know but I have to..." She pointed to her phone and then to the door and ushered Caterina out of her trailer.

"Yeah, okay. That's cool. See you on set in a bit," Caterina waved as she walked back over to her own trailer and Danielle made her way towards the entrance, speeding up her pace a little when she caught sight of her girlfriend who was signing a piece of paper at the front.

"There she is," Stefania smiled as she nodded towards Danielle. The security guard took back the paper and let her through. "This makes me feel famous," She said as she approached Danielle.

"Hi, my love," The blonde smiled as she kissed Stefania then took her hand. "How was work?"

"There's not much to say that's different to the past couple of weeks. Stressful,"

"I'm sorry," Danielle said, squeezing her hand gently. "We have a bit of time before I get called to set to just chill. We can do whatever you want,"

"I kind of want a tour,"

"I'm not really allowed to take people all through the set yet but I can show from here," The blonde said as she pointed over to a building and started to explain how everything runs. It made a lot more sense when you were actually there. "And last but not least, the trailers,"

They managed to walk around without actually seeing anyone else from the cast, just some crew members but Danielle was sure everyone would love Stefania just as much as she does.


She shrugged off the thought as she opened the door to her trailer.

"After you," Stefania went up the steps and looked around. It definitely looked nicer than the couple videos she had seen.

"It's nice. I like it," She smiled as Danielle took her bag from her. "How long do we have?" She asked, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth.

"About twenty to thirty minutes," Danielle said as she checked her phone. "Why?"

"Well, if I remember correctly," She began as she took a couple of steps towards Danielle and tugged on her belt loops. "We had some plans for this trailer," Danielle chucked her phone on the sofa and draped her arms over Stefania's shoulders.

"Oh really? What were these plans?" She questioned as she leaned in a little closer.

"Just something to do with you..." Stefania placed a kiss on Danielle's cheek. "And me," She slowly trailed the kisses down to her neck. "You'd be moaning my name," Danielle tilted her head to the side as her grip tightened on the back of Stefania's neck. "And begging for me not to stop,"

"Stefania," Danielle felt her legs get a little weak as Stefania whispered into her ear and she let herself get backed up against a wall.

"Sound good?" The brunette had one hand holding Danielle's jaw, the other resting on the top of her jeans, pulling at the hem of her top. All the blonde could do was weakly nod her head before she crashed their lips together, pulling Stefania in even closer. The brunette slid one hand up Danielle's abdomen, up to her chest, smiling into the kiss when Danielle tried to supress a moan. "What did I tell you?" She pulled her hand out and grabbed Danielle's face as she stared intently into her eyes.

"Don't hold it in," There was a sparkle in Stefania's eyes as Danielle spoke.

"Good girl," She whispered as she pulled her back in, lips moving in perfect motion as she directed them over to the sofa. Stefania crawled on top of Danielle as she laid back on the sofa and started to cover her neck in kisses. The blonde hooked one leg around Stefania's waist as her breathing got heavier and heavier, hands roaming. "How sound proof is this trailer?" Stefania asked as she slipped a hand back under Danielle's top.

"Uh, I don't know," Danielle breathed out, back arching up into Stefania. "I don't really care either,"

"All of your new co-workers are about to hear you yelling my name then," Stefania tugged on Danielle's ear lobe with her teeth, loving the effect her words were having on her girlfriend. The blonde was barely even focusing on what she was saying and grabbed her jaw to pull her back in for a long and deep kiss. Stefania trailed her hand until she reached the waistband of Danielle's jeans and slowly un did the button. She kept kissing her girlfriend as she pushed down the zip and slid her hand straight under her panties, slender fingers dragging slowly, eliciting a gasp from Danielle.

The tension was killing Danielle but Stefania was clearly having a great time, a smug look on her face as she pulled back from the kiss. She looked into Danielle's fully blown eyes, then at her lips, a small smirk growing on her face as she failed to control her breathing.

"Danielle! Hair and make up!"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now