Chapter 68

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"Hey dickhead! Get your ugly fucking hand off of my girlfriend!"

"It's broken?"

"My middle finger is and the fingers on either side are badly sprained," Danielle replied as she made her way out of the hospital, a fresh cast on her hand. 

"Shit then,"  

"Yep. Oh gosh, I have to tell one of my producers," Danielle realised. 

"Yeah! Your character can't just suddenly have a cast on," Jaina laughed from the other end of the phone. "Is it on for six weeks?"

"About that, yeah. I have to get a check up in a month. It might come off then but then it also might be extended to two months. Though the doctor didn't say it was too bad," Danielle explained, slightly hopeful that it would come off sooner than later. 

"Have you told Stefania yet?"

"No, I've only just come out and called you. I might just wait until she's home anyway," 

"Alright. Well I'll see you soon. Are you coming straight home?"

"Yeah, yeah. Oh shit!" Danielle cursed as she suddenly remembered something. 


"I'm going to have this on for Barrett's wedding," She groaned as she stared at her cast.

"Oh yeah... what colour is it? Maybe we can paint in to match our bridesmaid dresses," Jaina suggested.

"We might just have to," Danielle sighed. "Alright, I'll see you in a bit,"

"Bye," Danielle put her phone in her pocket and looked down at her hand. If she knew this was going to be the outcome, she wished she had at least done more damage. 


Danielle was half way up the stairs at Kepner's when she realised that Stefania wasn't behind her anymore. From where she stood on the step, she was able to see a fair amount of the club, though her eyes weren't as sharp as they usually are. Blame that on the alcohol and flashing lights. However she felt like every cell in her body sobered up when she saw some man grabbing her girlfriend. 

Danielle didn't even hesitate before marching straight back down the stairs, pushing through the crowds of people and colliding her fist directly into his grubby face. The adrenaline soaring through her body disguising the initial damage she had done to her hand. He yelled out, grabbing the attention of a few surrounding people. 

"Fuck! What did you do that for?" He swore, clutching the side of his face in agony. 

"You're a piece of shit," Danielle seethed as she stood in front of Stefania protectively, grabbing one of her hands as she glared at the man in front of her. 

"Danielle, it's-"

"You're lucky I don't chop your lame excuse for a dick off of your pathetic body," 

"Who the fuck do you think-"

"Sir, can you come with me?" Before anything could escalate any further, a security guard intervened and dragged the man away. Danielle could just about to see a bruise already forming on his face. Good. 

"Are you okay?" She asked as she turned to face Stefania, bringing a hand up to her face as their eyes met.

"I- yeah," Stefania blinked rapidly as she focused her eyes on her girlfriend. "You punched him kind of hard, is your hand okay?"

"Yeah," Danielle shrugged, but when she looked down at her hand, she realised that it was already a slightly different colour than it usually is. "Well," She winced as she tried to flex her fingers, the pain slowly settling in. Though that was nothing compared to when she woke up the next morning and a large portion of her hand had turned purple. 

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now