Chapter 60

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"This is definitely a good morning,"

Stefania watched as Danielle got her make up touched up on set. A couple of weeks had passed since she was last on set and first saw Caterina and luckily, in those two weeks, things had started to ease up at Royal Central. Everyone could see the difference in Stefania. She wasn't as hidden away in her room, she was cooking and eating more and the smile on her face was almost always there. 

Danielle had made sure that this scene had no physical aspects with Caterina at all so it wouldn't be awkward or difficult to watch. Caterina hadn't arrived on set yet and the thought had crossed both Stefania and Danielle's minds that maybe they should have given her a bit of a heads up. But it was too late now as she entered and made her way onto the set. Stefania was stood to the side near the monitors so if you weren't looking over there, you probably wouldn't see her which worked out well a bit.

They began to shoot the scene after a quick briefing from the director, with Stefania smiling from the side as she watched her love work. She'd done a few things on set herself before but nothing as big as this. They finished shooting from one angle and had a little break as they set up for the next take. Danielle looked over at Stefania and stuck her tongue out at her but Stefania just blew a kiss back. Danielle laughed as she caught it and pressed it to her cheek.

"What are you doing?" Caterina laughed a little awkwardly as she looked at Danielle then followed her eye line to Stefania. "Oh. I didn't realise that she was with you today,"

"Sorry. I probably should have let you know,"

"No, no. It's fine," Caterina waved her hand in dismissal. "Just kind of wish we were doing a sad scene now. Or an angry one. Aha," Danielle felt very awkward as she stood there and looked over at Stefania who could clearly tell that her being there was a small problem. She pointed to the exit and held up a thumbs up as she decided it would be best for her to go back to the trailer and wait in there for Danielle. It's not fair on Caterina. And to be completely honest, she still wasn't sure how she felt about the situation.

Stefania strolled out to the trailers, humming a tune. It was a relatively nice day out and she looked around to see if there was a bench or something she could sit on instead of staying in Danielle's trailer but all she could really see were lines of trailers and cars so she continued her way. Then she realised that Danielle's trailer was locked and she most certainly did not have the key.

Stefania stood in front of the door, trying to make as decision on what she should do and opted to just sitting on the steps. At least she had her phone. About twenty minutes later, as Stefania was watching a dance video, a human sized shadow covered her and she looked up.

"Luc- Caterina, sorry. Hey. Where's Danielle?"

"She's shooting still. They had to change something last minute and didn't need me anymore," Caterina replied as she leant against the trailer and looked down at Stefania. "Uh, how are you?" Stefania wasn't really sure what Caterina wanted. There was already a very odd tension in the air.

"I'm good but you know we don't have to-"

"No, I know. I know," Caterina nodded her head slowly. "I didn't forget about you," She said after a few seconds of silence. "I tried to. But I couldn't,"

"I'm sorry," Stefania said as she looked down at the ground and tapped her foot against the step.

"You still tap your foot when you're nervous," Stefania looked up at Caterina, slightly shocked that she even remembered such a small detail about her. And the fact that she now knew she was nervous didn't really help. "Like I said. I tried to forget but I couldn't,"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now