Chapter 56

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"Finally! You're home!"

"She actually said that she wants to meet me?" Stefania questioned. It was Wednesday evening and they were laid together on Stefania's bed. Danielle had her head on her girlfriends lap as she played with her hair soft hair mindlessly.

"Mhm," Danielle mumbled softly.

"Did she seem enthusiastic about it?"

"Uh..." Danielle tried to think back to how Caterina was acting. "I was looking at the ceiling when she asked but she didn't seem the most genuine I suppose,"

"So you think this is a good idea because...?"

"I didn't say it was a good idea. I'm just saying," Danielle said, as relaxed as she could possibly be.

"Okay. Well, I'm coming Friday anyway, right? So maybe we'll just so happen to bump into her?"

"Yeah, I just won't leave the two of you alone. And not with Jesse. Such a pot stirrer," Danielle laughed. Friday definitely would be interesting to say the least...

"Hey! Stefania, right?" Jesse appeared next to Stefania as she signed into the filming site at security

"Yes! Jesse," He nodded his head and waited as she finished. 

"I can take her through," He said as the security opened the doors and let them in.

"I did text Danielle that I'm here but she hasn't said anything,"

"She's probably on her way now but no point in you waiting over there,"

"She told me about Caterina," Stefania said, watching Jesse intently. 

"She did? Wow," Jesse bit the inside of his cheek and tried not to laugh too much. "And?"

"Not much I can do regarding the acting stuff but outside of that, I have a little more control over,"

"So I should put my money on you?" Jesse teased. "Time and place and I'll be there," Stefania pondered the thought for a second but surely this woman would be able to respect the fact that Danielle is in a relationship and nothing should lead to Stefania needing to start anything. 

"Danielle wouldn't let that happen. But if it did..." Stefania flexed her arm a little as they approached the trailers. 

"Oh! You're here," Danielle was quickly making her way across the lot when she looked up and saw her girlfriend. "What have you been saying to her?" She asked Jesse, squinting her eyes at him. 

"Nothing, nothing!" He held his hands up in defence as Danielle gave Stefania a quick kiss on the cheek. "But my money is on her if it comes to it," He laughed as he jogged off to his trailer, Danielle glaring at the back of his head. 

"He would have made a good choice," Stefania shrugged innocently as she took Danielle's hand and they walked to her trailer. "Have you seen her yet today?"

"Just for a table read," Danielle replied as they sat down on the little sofa and Stefania dived into her lap, happily holding her close. "She usually stops by about half an hour before we're called to set,"

"Oh really?" Stefania popped her head up slightly, a mischievous look in her eye. "Maybe I'll just so happen to have you up against the wall but we'll see," Stefania shrugged, laughing as Danielle's mouth dropped open. 

"I can't stand you,"

"Yeah, your legs would definitely be too weak to stand," Stefania quickly replied, wiggling her eyebrows as she looked up at her girlfriend. 

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now