Chapter 2

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"Oh good afternoon, Danielle," Jaina grinned, a mug in her hand as her best friend made her way down the stairs, clearly after just waking up. "I'm in a great mood, I got blissfully intoxicated last night and had amazing sex with the man that I love and he's currently laid up in my bed looking all sexy,"

"Shut up," Danielle said. Though she was joking. Obviously, she was happy for her best friend but at times, she was kind of envious. Because while she spent her last night in the great company of her friends, she wished she had someone to go home to and go to bed with. Danielle is a romantic at heart, just doesn't really have anyone to share it with. 

"And do you know what's going to make today even better?" She asked, an even bigger smile appearing on her face. "We get to go through thirty four room mate applications!"

"What," Danielle wasn't even fully awake to be honest. "Thirty four. Ugh! I'm going back to bed," 

"I thought we would have had more honestly, we have a really nice place,"

"Uh huhhh," Danielle trailed off, as she dragged herself back upstairs and under her duvet. Of course, she wasn't actually going to go back to sleep but she wanted to at least cocooned for a bit longer. She thankfully wasn't hung over otherwise she really would not be going through those applications. 

Later that day, Danielle found herself cleaning up the house, music playing as Jaina and gone out for a bit with Boris. She's a sucker for the Top 40's and happy, pop music which is exactly what she had on. Dancing around in a pair of shorts and the same Arsenal t-shirt from the day before. The kitchen was basically spotless and the sofa had never looked more plump before. She sang along to Camila Cabello and Ed Sheeran and Little Mix, swinging around the cloth she had in her hand, unaware that Jaina had returned. The music coming from the speakers jumped, signifying a notification so Danielle slid over to where her phone was on the counter, somehow never turning around to see Jaina standing there.

Oak and Friends:

Jaina O: (1 video)

Danielle thought it was going to be some cheesy video of her and Boris sharing a hot chocolate but it was to her surprise, and horror, that it was a video of her swinging her hips to Havana. 

"How...?" She quickly spun around to see Jaina doubled over in a fit of laughter and rushed over, swinging the cloth around so it was twisted and hitting her with it. 

"Hey! Stop!" Jaina laughed as she failed to swat her best friend away. "Good to see you're preparing for our new room mate,"

"Not my intention," Danielle remarked, hitting Jaina one last time then sauntering back over to the window she was in the middle of cleaning. 

"We've had more applicants," Jaina began, taking off her jacket and shoes and sitting on the sofa.

"Great," Danielle muttered. "Can we  make this easier though? As in, as there's quite a few, narrow it down now. Like specific age range, I don't really want to live with a guy, and so forth,"

"Yeah, I can get behind that. Let me grab my laptop," Jaina jogged upstairs as Danielle put away the cleaning stuff and begrudgingly sat on the sofa. "Okay so," Jaina began as she sat back down. 

"No guys. So that narrows it down to... twenty one. Do we want someone our sort of age?"

"Preferably yeah. Maybe do, four years younger, eight years older? I'd rather someone to be a bit more mature than childish,"

"Good point," Jaina agreed as she scrolled down the screen. "Okay.. that's twelve. Much more tolerable. 

"We have to meet with twelve different people? That's still so many," Danielle complained, taking the laptop from Jaina. "I don't like the name Freya, I had a childhood bully named Freya so not her. My ex was called Kim so not her. That rude librarian at school was called Mandy, that's nine,"

"We could be crossing our dream room mate off just because she has the same name as one of your exes,"

"None of these will be classed as a dream room mate because I don't want another one. Just be thankful that I'm actually narrowing this down," The blonde haired woman said, pulling her lip between her teeth as she read through the information. "Oh gosh, she's from Delaware. Nope," Jaina just sat there kind of amused by it, but at least she didn't have to do all the work.

"Eight potential room mates. We might as well get it out of the way and call them now to set up a viewing and everything," Danielle nodded and pulled out her phone, typing in a number. It rang a few times. No answer.

"Seven!" She laughed. About twenty minutes later, they were left with four potentials. One other didn't pick up and two weren't interested anymore. They were to meet all of them over the span of next week. 

Maggie Pierce

Reed Adamson

Stefania Spampinato

Sam Bello

"Now that we're done here, I'm going to the gym," Danielle sighed, pushing herself up from the sofa and heading upstairs. 

"It's going to be an eventful week,"  

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now