Chapter 28

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"I take it the date went well?"

Friday made its way round and Danielle and Jaina were on their way to Royal Central again. Jaina to do some dancey thing with Stefania and Danielle... well Danielle was going to watch Stefania and press play on the music. She didn't mind though. She hadn't gotten to see an awful lot of Stefania since their date and very heated make out session in the kitchen as she was very busy with work. 

Unfortunately, the blonde could not say the same for herself though had a casting call coming up next week. Jaina had definitely been luckier in the work sector recently, it did make part of Danielle wish she actually learnt how to dance. Maybe she could get some private lessons from Stefania.

They stood at the bottom of the steps and waited for Stefania to appear, Danielle thinking back to Monday. 

"I should have brought her flowers again!" She suddenly said, letting out an exasperated sigh. 

"Oh Danielle, a sucker for love," 

"You have no idea how much her face lit up when I gave them to her on Monday,"

"Yeah, she looked like she really appreciated them," Jaina smirked, laughing to herself as she looked down at the ground. Danielle felt her cheeks heat up slightly. "When is your next date?" 

"Uh... I don't know yet. She's taking me out so I'm just waiting, I guess," She shrugged. "It's so weird though because, even though I haven't seen her that much this week, we still do live together and I've had at least one kiss a day from her. It's not like normal dating where I would sit on your bed and talk about her and how much I miss her or want to kiss her because I literally just have to walk a few steps,"

"Well yeah, it's not conventional. But you're still cute together," Stefania appeared at the top of the stairs, waving to two of them to get their attention. 

"She's so pretty," Danielle whispered to Jaina as they walked up. "Hi," She smiled, as they followed her inside, signed in and then went off to the studio. 

"Hi," Stefania smiled back though it wasn't as happy as she usually was. "The journey was good?"

"Yes, all good,"

"Buono, buono," They stayed quiet as they walked, Stefania saying 'hi' to a couple of people. "I'm just going to get something from the office," She said as she let them into the studio then disappeared again. 

"She seems sad. I'm not wrong, am I?" Danielle questioned as soon as the door shut. 

"Yeah, she doesn't seem herself," Jaina nodded as she took off her shoes and tied her hair up in the mirror. 

"Why though?"

"Am I supposed to have an answer for that?"

"Obviously not," Danielle laughed, rolling her eyes. "But I don't know if she would come and talk to me if something was bothering her. I would hope that she would,"

"See how she is during this and ask after," Danielle nodded her head and took her seat by the aux cord. Stefania came back in carrying a notebook and her bottle of water. 

"Okay! Quick warm up, Jaina?"

"Let's do it," Danielle pressed play on some music and they began to warm up, Stefania running through the basics and then heading straight to the dance routine. As Danielle watched, she could see how Jaina had gotten a lot more comfortable in the space and she could also pick up that Stefania's energy wasn't as high as it usually is. But that was a conversation for afterwards. Either way, she still looked amazing. 

About half an hour into them dancing and choreographing, they took a break. Jaina stood in front of the mirror with her water bottle, Stefania grabbed hers and sat next to Danielle. Not saying a word. 

"Are you okay?" Danielle asked quietly. Stefania just nodded her head and rested it on her shoulder. The brunette took her free hand and grabbed onto Danielle's, pulling it onto her lap. Danielle squeezed it gently and decided not to ask her anything else. 

"Ready?" Jaina asked as she looked at them through the mirror. Stefania nodded and then placed a kiss on the back of Danielle's hand before jumping up. 

"Uh- wait! I want one," Danielle smiled, beckoning for her to come back down. Stefania leaned down and gave her a quick kiss, the blonde smiling happy as their noses bumped. "Thank you," She smiled bashfully, cheeks a little pink as she watched Stefania walk over to Jaina. Luckily, she wasn't in too much of a trance for her to press play again. 

Danielle was quite impressed at how well Jaina and Stefania worked together, maybe it was the dancer in both of them, but it was honestly kind of satisfying to watch. She thought back to Monday and how difficult it was to take her hands off of her. She wanted more and after today, that want had grown even more. 

They wrapped up and the best friends waited in the studio as Stefania quickly went into the office to get all of her things. 

"Tuck isn't in today," Stefania said as she entered again. "But here are two headshots, printed and glossed and he emailed me the others," She handed Danielle the pages. 

"Woah, these are really good," Jaina gasped, eyebrows raised.

"Tuck is very talented," Stefania said. "It also helps that the model herself is beautiful," Danielle bit her cheek to stop herself from smiling too big and Jaina laughed as she watched her best friend. 

"She said thank you," Jaina laughed as they walked out of the studio. The three made their way home, Stefania sort of keeping to herself. She didn't say much at all and then they were home and she went straight up to her room. 

"Come on. That's not like her at all," Danielle said, looking at Jaina then back up at the stairs. 

"Go ask what's wrong then," Jaina said, it was clearly the obvious option here. The blonde pondered for a minute then nodded her head, going upstairs and knocking on her door. 

"Stefania? Can I come in?"

"Si," The blonde opened the door to reveal Stefania stood in front of her mirror, eyes bleary. 

"Are you okay?"

"Ah, have a guess," She softly laughed as she turned to face Danielle and pointed to her eyes before wiping them and sat down on her bed. 

"Oh," Danielle pouted. "You want to talk about it?" She asked as she tentatively sat next to her and took hold of her hand. 

"Not really," She sighed, squeezing Danielle's hand gently. "I might go out for a bit. Go and see Gio,"

"Oh, okay. Let me know if you need anything," Danielle said as she let go of Stefania's hand and stood up.

"I didn't say you had to leave,"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now