Chapter 38

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"I said, I want to be left alone,"

Danielle made her way to the office where she was to be meeting with Matt and Lucy again. She would be lying if she said what happened with Stefania last night wasn't bothering her. It just wasn't like her at all to be so closed off and it made Danielle worry because they are still in early stages of their relationship, if it even was an actual relationship yet. But right now, she had to be professional. She made her way through the building, excitement starting to build as it fully sunk in what she was about to embark on. 

"Ah, Danielle! Amazing to see you again!" Matt jumped up from his desk and held out his hand, followed by Lucy. 

"Likewise!" Danielle beamed as she took a seat. 

"So, it's best we start with a congratulations! Welcome to Your Hand Featuring Mine!" Matt placed a stack of papers in front of Danielle with what she assumed to be the title of the show on the front in bold. "What we're going to do today, is run through everything with you. We're going to go a bit more into detail about what the show is about, talk about when filming starts and also the table reads. Location of where we will be shooting and so forth. Hopefully ending with you signing the contract. Sound good?"

"Sounds amazing!"

"Lovely," Lucy smiled. "Right, so. As you already know, you will be playing the role Jersey, the girlfriend of Caterina's character who is called May. You're that kind of, annoyingly perfect couple, I would say,"

"Yeah, annoyingly perfect but everyone loves you," Matt chimed in, nodding his head. "There will be intimate scenes, that are written in the script. No nudity but it most likely is implied occasionally, is that alright?"

"Yeah, that's fine," Danielle nodded and the thought of Stefania briefly crossed her mind. She's not sure how she would receive that. Matt and Lucy continued to talk about the show and it sounded like a great storyline.

"So filming is looking to start on the 14th of May. That's what we have written but that wouldn't be your first day working because we would have table reads and give you the chance to meet everyone and get acquainted. If you look on page four, the address of the studios is there and you would be having your own trailer on site plus parking and so forth," Danielle nodded her head as she looked at the paper, trying to absorb as much information as possible. 

They went through some more notes, talked about payment and Danielle couldn't lie, it was a pretty nice sum that she would be earning. Everything sounded really good and she was looking forward to meeting the cast and crew. 

"Any questions before the final steps?"

"Am I allowed to bring people on set with me? Even if they just stay in my trailer when I'm filming,"

"For the first two, three weeks, I'd say no. I think while everything is still new and all but afterwards, we'll give the go ahead to everyone and that would be fine. Obviously, we'll have scenes where we won't allow other people on set but yeah, the trailer's are decent sizes,"

"Okay great, thank you. That was all,"

"Amazing! So..." Lucy pulled out a thin folder with some more sheets inside. This is your contract. If you want to read through it and send it back to us by next week Tuesday the latest, that's more than fine. However, we have already gone through most of it with you now," Danielle nodded her head as she looked over the contract quickly.

"Do I get a copy of this?"

"Yes, yes,"

"Okay, well...." Danielle took in a breathe as she skimmed over the last lines. "I'm good to sign now," All three were smiling as Danielle took a pen, signed the contract and wrote the date. They all stood up and shook hands again, Danielle couldn't stop smiling even if she tried. 

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now