Chapter 54

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"I love you,"

Stefania's eyes were glowing as she gazed into Danielle's and she took in every single movement. The way her bright blue eyes widened ever so slightly and the corners of her mouth turned up into a smile. 

"I do. I love you," Stefania nodded her head as she whispered, gently rubbing Danielle's cheek with her thumb. 

"I love you, too," Danielle smiled and as soon as the words passed her lips, Stefania brought her in for a long and passionate kiss, both breathing heavily as they pulled away. The brunette held her girlfriends face in a hands for a little longer, she felt electric. 

"Let's go," She dropped her hands down and laced their fingers together as they walked back off to their room and stood impatiently waiting for the elevator. As soon as they got in, and to their fortune no one else was in there, Stefania backed Danielle against the wall, holding her waist as Danielle's hands instinctively went up to the back of her neck and pulled her in closer. Stefania slipped her hands underneath Danielle's blazer and pulled her in even closer, praising her decision to not wear a shirt. 

The elevator dinged and with a sharp intake of breathe, they pulled away and rushed to their room, Danielle fumbling with the card as Stefania ran her hands over her body, sneaking them round the front and unbuttoning her blazer. 

"You were about to give everyone a show there," Danielle mumbled as they stumbled into their room and she pushed Stefania up against the door. 

"Mhm, wouldn't want that. You're all mine," Stefania said as she swung her hair out of her face and pulled Danielle back in. The blonde started to pull at the bottom of Stefania's dress as the taller woman undid the remaining button of her blazer, hands immediately grabbing at Danielle's now exposed chest. 


"Balcony," There was a devilish gleam in Stefania's eyes as she saw Danielle pause, her eyes slowly making their way down Stefania's body, then grabbing her wrist and pulling her outside. Stefania had Danielle against the railing, laughing softly as the breeze wrapped around them. Danielle arched her back, pressing into Stefania as she started to kiss down her neck, moving down quickly until she got to her boobs. Danielle tangled a hand in Stefania's hair and held her close, breathing getting heavier. 

"Stefania," Danielle gasped as teeth grazed at her skin. She had refused anything from her girlfriend earlier and she was definitely needing it now. 

"Patience, baby," Stefania murmured as she made her way back up Danielle's neck and pulled at her ear lobe with her teeth. "I think I want to keep you in this suit," She whispered as one hand smoothly undid the button of her trousers and pulled down the zip, making her way down. 

Danielle let her head fall back, looking up at the stars. Stefania was about to make her see stars anyway.

They had made their way back into their suite when Danielle was starting to get a bit too loud so now Stefania was currently pinned under her girlfriend who was mischievously looking at her. The brunette was breathing heavily as Danielle lowered herself back down to kiss her. 

"I love you," Danielle whispered, causing a whole load of butterflies to flutter around her chest.

"I love you too," Stefania smiled, kissing her deeply and trailing her hands down her lovers back. 

Then her stomach growled. 

And both burst out laughing when they realised that they didn't actually eat dinner. 

"Hungry?" Danielle asked, leaning back a little. Stefania nodded her head in response but was in a dilemma of how much she wanted her girlfriend to just have her way with her, and how much she really wanted to eat actual food. Danielle could see the conflict on her face and smiled. "I'll have you for dessert?" She whispered, pressing a kiss to Stefania's cheek. Stefania nodded again, smile on her face as Danielle moved to the side of her. 

"What do you want?"

"I really want pizza," Stefania said as she sat up. 

"We can get pizza," Danielle nodded as she reached for the room service phone and checked the menu. 

"Whatever you do, don't get pineapple," Stefania warned, shaking her head in disgust. Danielle held up a thumbs up as she pulled the cover over her exposed shoulders and spoke on the phone. Stefania went to the bathroom, laughing when she saw the hickies on her chest. Danielle was a sucker for... well sucking. And biting. Not that she was complaining.  As she walked back into the bedroom, she picked up Danielle's discarded blazer and slipped it on her shoulders, moving her hair to the side. 

"Oh look, I'm Danielle. I'm all muscly and have beautiful blue eyes," Stefania walked around the bed, wiggling about as Danielle put the phone down and laughed at her. 

"When have I ever said that?"

"I know you think it!" Stefania laughed. "I see you when you look in the mirror and you... you do this," Stefania flexed her arms and turned to the side. "I can bench press you! I just need my protein shake!" The brunette picked up a cushion and started to curl it.

"Your form is rubbish," Danielle commented, laying back on the bed and crossing her arms behind her head. Stefania feigned offence and chucked the cushion at Danielle who caught it and chucked it right back, hitting Stefania in the stomach. 

"Ah! How could you? After everything we've been through!" She dramatically fell to the floor, holding onto the side of bed as Danielle laughed her head off. "You're meant to help me up, Danielle," Stefania called out from the floor. The blonde moved forward to the edge of the bed, looking down at her girlfriend who was holding up a hand. 

"You're so silly," Danielle laughed, grabbing her hand and leaning down to kiss her. Stefania used her spare hand to hold Danielle's face, smiling into the kiss. 

"I love you," She smiled, still feeling like she was on cloud nine to be able to actually say that Danielle. "I love you so much," 

"It's actual music to my ears hearing you say that, you know?" Danielle smiled, bumping their noses together. 

"Well, I'm going to be saying it a lot so that's good. Now help me up," Danielle reached down and wrapped her arms around Stefania's waist, pulling up a little but the angle was really awkward and Stefania just fell back laughing. Once she composed herself, she got up onto the bed and straddled Danielle's lap, still wearing just panties and Danielle's blazer. 

"How is it possible for one human to look this good?" Danielle questioned as she held onto Stefania's waist and admired her girlfriend. Stefania just smiled bashfully and ran her fingers through Danielle's hair, playing with the ends. 

"Have you ever considered short hair?" Stefania asked, gathering Danielle's hair behind her head and leaning back a little. 

"Uh, I have before, yeah. But I can't really cut it now because I'm filming,"

"Oh yeah," Stefania nodded but the reminder of Danielle filming made her remember Caterina. 

"What is it?" Danielle asked when she noticed the switch in her girlfriends demeanour. 

"You are mine, yeah? Like, even if someone makes advances, I expect you to fly kick them, okay?"

"Okay?" Danielle laughed as she ran her hands up Stefania's side, still not fully grasping why she felt the need to say this. 

"Uh uh, I need full confidence!" She announced sitting up expectantly. "You're back at work on Monday and I have a very important meeting at 9am on Monday and need to have a clear conscience,"

"Oh! Because of... right," Danielle suddenly realised what Stefania was referring to and laughed softly. "Of course, my love. I will fly kick anyone who even comes within six feet of me with other intentions,"

"That's what I like to hear," Stefania smiled as she leant down and pulled Danielle in for a kiss. She untangled her fingers from her girlfriends hair and held her face in her hands, keeping her close as she felt herself getting lost. 

"Room service!"

A/N: Just a heads up that I won't be able to update tomorrow!

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