Chapter 69 (hahaha)

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"A pigeon pooed on it!"

On some nights, Danielle and Stefania would sleep in their respective rooms, usually because it was easier for Stefania to focus on any work she had to do without the distraction of her effortlessly beautiful girlfriend whom she struggled to stay away from for more than five minutes. And that worked well because she would get her work done and either just fall asleep in her own bed or crawl into Danielle's, that was if Danielle was already in bed. 

Tonight however, and perhaps it was partially related to the fact that Danielle had had a few late shoots at work meaning less time together over an evening, Stefania was craving Danielle. And no matter how much she tried to focus on grading a piece of work, all she could think about was a sleepless night completely consumed by her girlfriend. Was that really so much to ask for? Apparently yes because Danielle still wasn't home. 

Stefania set her laptop to the side and picked up her phone, face timing Danielle and crossing her fingers that she was able to pick up. 

"Hi baby,"  Danielle smiled as she accepted the call. From what Stefania could see, she was in her trailer. 

"Hi," Stefania said, almost shyly as she watched Danielle set her phone on her dressing table. 

"What's up? Oh, you look pretty," Danielle complimented as she looked at Stefania through the screen. 

"Shut up, no I don't. I look tired," Stefania dismissed, though the comment did make her smile. "Are you finished?" She asked hopefully while Danielle opened a bottle of water, her hand gripping the bottle a little tighter because her cast made some things difficult to do. The veins in her hand...

"Not yet, just on a little break so you called at the right time," Danielle replied. "But this is the last thing I'm shooting today so I should be out within an hour and a bit,"

"An hour and a bit," Stefania repeated, nodding her head slowly. "Okay,"

"Are you okay?" Danielle asked, squinting her eyes slightly. Stefania just nodded in reply, a small smile on her face. "Okay. I'll see you soon? If you're awake,"

"Yeah. I love you,"

"I love you too," Danielle blew a kiss to the camera before hanging up, leaving Stefania to her own devices. As soon as she hung up, she knew exactly what she wanted to do. Before anything, Stefania put on some music, then began to get ready. She opened one of her drawers and pulled out a lilac lingerie set, very lacy, very pretty. Something she knew that Danielle would admire, but also pull off of her body in seconds. Preferably with her teeth. 

She left the garments on her bed as she had a quick shower, shuffling back towards her bedroom with her towel wrapped around her. She paused when she realised that she wasn't entirely sure of Jaina's whereabouts. Not that her being home had ever stopped her and Danielle before. Stefania walked towards Jaina's door and listened, it seemed quiet. She knocked, waited for a reply then peered round after about ten seconds, thankful to see a vacant room. 

She walked with a large smile on her face back into her room and chucked her towel on the bed as she started to dance around naked. Wine. She wanted wine. Stefania ran downstairs, opened the refrigerator door and grabbed one of her bottles of wine along with two glasses because she's sure Danielle wouldn't oppose when she arrived home. Stefania headed back upstairs and poured herself a glass as she continued to dance around naked. The only thing that would make this better right now, is if Danielle was with her as well.

"Okay..." As the song came to an end, Stefania put her glass down and slipped on her lingerie set, admiring her body in the mirror. Not even two hours to go and Danielle could have her lips all over her skin. She felt goose bumps cover her body at the thought. Stefania took another sip of wine before she headed into Danielle's room, turned on the light then laid down on her bed. She opened the camera of her phone and tried to figure out the best place to set it but concluded that it was easier to just hold it above her. 

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now