Chapter 63

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"I think I just want to be alone in mine,"

Barrett, Jaina and Danielle excitedly burst through the front door, all carrying large white bags. They had spent most of the day dress shopping for bridesmaid's dresses and Barrett's wedding dress. While Barrett hadn't managed to decide on a final dress just yet, they had picked out bridesmaids dresses which both were eager to try on again and prance around the house in.

"But just be super careful," Barrett said as they set all their bags onto the kitchen counter. "Maybe I should keep them just in case you two get drunk one night and decide to put them on. Next thing you know, one of you are drunk calling me all pouty faced and wide eyes because... there was an accident,"

"Awh, come on! We're not that bad," Danielle laughed as she rolled her eyes.

"I mean..." Jaina made a face when she thought about all the antics her and Danielle tend to get up to, especially if they added alcohol into the equation as well. "Maybe you should take them with you,"

"Wait, no I-"

"Thank you!" Barrett raised her hands in victory. "I'll just give them back the day before,"

"It's still so crazy to think you're getting married in a month and half," Danielle said as she brought out some glasses from the cupboard.

"I know, I know. My mother still thinks we're not engaged for  a long enough period but the place we'd always wanted had a cancellation so what's the point in waiting?" Jaina got out a bottle of wine from the fridge as Barrett spoke and filled their glasses. 

"To Barrett!" The three raised their glasses and clinked them together before taking a sip.

"Can I put these somewhere before anything else?" Barrett asked as she rested her hand on the bags.

"You want to put them in Stefania's room? Because obviously, no one will need to go in there," Jaina asked but it was more aimed at Danielle because at least she could have a little bit of a say over that.

"Yeah, you can do, she'll be fine with it. I'll take them up," Danielle just about managed to pick up all the bags and headed upstairs, opening Stefania's bedroom door and placing everything on her bed. She kind of wished Stefania was home, but she had gone over to Gio's place so she just had to hold out a little longer.

"Okay! We want to get champagne!" Jaina announced as Danielle returned downstairs.

"Now?" The blonde questioned as she brought her glass up to her lips.

"When we finish the wine," Barrett had a big grin on her face as she topped up her glass. "I just feel like today deserves champagne,"

"So a classy beverage but who's going to be throwing up first?" Danielle asked with an amused look on her face as she directed it towards Jaina.

"Shut up! Lest we not forget last time when I kindly cleaned your sicky self up," Jaina pointed out.

"Wait, where's Stefania?" Barrett asked when she realised how much she missed the Italian's presence.

"She's at her brothers," Danielle replied, a small pout on her face.

"When is she getting back?" Barrett asked, dancing around on her toes.

"She didn't actually say, I can ask her?" Barrett nodded her head even though she easily could have messaged Stefania herself.

Danielle <3: Hey 

Danielle <3: Barrett wants to know what time you're due home?

SS: Just Barrett?

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now