Chapter 40

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"If you haven't passed out, then sure,"

Danielle woke up in the warm comfort of a bed, curled up tightly. She stayed curled up as she slowly began to open her eyes but it felt like there were weights holding them down. And then she felt the head ache set in.

"Ah, shit," She groaned as she barely moved onto her back, deciding to just keep her eyes shut for a minute. She could feel that she was in different clothes from last night, when that happened exactly, she wasn't sure. Danielle managed to open her eyes and realised she wasn't even in her own bed, but Stefania's. Though there was no Stefania in sight.

The thought of moving seemed to be too much of a task so Danielle tried to think about last night. If she was in Stefania's bed, clearly they were talking again. When they made up though, she wasn't entirely sure. She could remember a lot of shots. Doing shots with everyone. Did she do a shot with Stefania? Her brain was working too hard.

Danielle laid there for a few minutes then the door was slowly pushed open and Stefania quietly walked in holding a cup of coffee. She smiled when she realised that Danielle was awake.

"Morning, bella. How are you feeling?" She whispered as she sat on her bed and let Danielle rest her head on her lap.


"You don't need to be sick again?"


"You were sick last night," Stefania said as she took a sip of her coffee.

"Sorry you had to deal with that,"

"I didn't. Jaina did because she didn't want me to do it," Stefania explained. "But you refused to sleep in your own bed and I said if you threw up in here I would stop dating you and you just found it funny,"

"Rude," Danielle laughed, lightly nudging her. "But you are still dating me?"


"Well I was trying to remember when we talked last night but-"

"You can't remember? I told you that you wouldn't,"

"Was I really that bad?"

"I've learnt that there are levels to your... intoxication. You get really soft, like a puppy. Then you get very very affectionate, I guess still kind of like a puppy. And then, I think the right word is careless but it's funny. You tried to punch Grey at one point because he tried to flirt with me,"

"Of course he did," Danielle rolled her eyes but also found it funny because this was all news to her. "So I wasn't that bad?"

"There's videos," Stefania said as she took another sip. Nothing else. Danielle wasn't really sure if she wanted to see the videos to be completely honest.

"Can I have some please?" She asked, nodding her head towards the cup of coffee.

"Si, sit up," Danielle very slowly sat up and took the mug in her hand, sighing loudly as she took a sip and swallowed. Stefania just found the whole interaction very endearing. "Oh, this is bliss, thank you,"

"Of course, my love," Stefania said as she pressed a kiss to the side of Danielle's head, lingering slightly. "You reek of alcohol,"


"Not in the slightest,"

"When your body actually turns on, go and shower so I can actually kiss you and hold you without this... scent," Just that sentence made the blonde perk up a little more and she swung her feet off the edge of the bed.

"I won't be long," She smiled as she drunk a little more coffee, handed the mug back and stood up. "See, I'm good," She said through a tight lipped smile as she took little steps out of Stefania's room. The brunette sighed deeply, she really had feelings for Danielle. Like big, scary ones that were just always there. Stefania stared into her coffee mug, not even minding that Danielle had drunk a lot of it. She was already smitten.

"You can join me if you want," Danielle laughed from outside her door, snapping Stefania out of her trance. It wasn't necessarily a bad idea. When Stefania heard the shower running she got up and walked towards the bathroom. But Danielle had only gone and locked the door.

"Why'd you lock the door?"

"I was kind of joking! I thought you were happy drinking your coffee," Danielle called from inside the shower. Never had she wished she had left the bathroom door unlocked before.

"Never joke about shower sex, Danielle," Stefania called back as she turned back to her bedroom, laughing when she heard Danielle's frustrated sighs. The blonde got out of the shower feeling much more refreshed and was headed straight back to Stefania's room when Jaina stopped her.

"Uh uh. You need to help clean up," She said, pointing downstairs. Danielle rolled her eyes but also kind of wasn't ready to see what had actually happened downstairs.

"I want to kiss Stefania,"

"Ten seconds," Danielle dashed into Stefania's room, grabbed her face and leaned in for a deep kiss, a silly grin on her face as she pulled away

"You really missed me in that shower?"

"Well, yeah. But Jaina said I have ten seconds to go downstairs and start cleaning," She explained, her competitiveness clearly shining through.

"Okay, but kiss me like that again afterwards, please!" Stefania called out as Danielle ran down the stairs.

"Twelve seconds, Savre. You're slacking," Jaina laughed as she sprayed the counter with disinfectant. "You feel okay?"

"Shower helped. I heard I was sick and that there are videos,"

"Correct and correct!" Jaina chucked her best friend a rubbish bag which just kind of floated in the air and fell down. "I'll show you after. There's most likely some in the group chat anyway,"

"What happened with Stefania last night?"

"Uh... from what I remember," Jaina said as she flicked through what she could remember of last night in her head. "She came home and Jay pulled her over and then you both went upstairs, then you came back down and were kissing and everything was fine. And then you threw up and she was going to help you clean up and everything but because you're still in the early ish stages, I decided to be a good best friend and do all of that but then she stuck by your side for the rest of the night. And you like, clung to her when we tried to put you to bed because you wanted to sleep with her,"

"So, at the end of the day, typical Danielle drunken antics," Danielle laughed. "I'm assuming everyone has gone home?"

"Yeah, they all got cars back," Jaina nodded. "Are you going to speak to Stefania later then?" Danielle nodded in reply.

"At least I don't have this daunting feeling though,"

"She does really like you, you know? I could see it. I started to sober up a bit and there was a moment when you were like, stumbling about and she sat on the sofa and got you to lay down, like your head was on her lap, and she was just playing with your hair and looking at you with this look of... endearment? I don't want to say love but I hope Boris looks at me that way," Danielle smiled as she listened to Jaina, it made her wish she hadn't drunk as much as she did last night.

"Love is a funny word,"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now