Chapter 12

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"Anyway, I don't even know if she likes girls,"

The next few days passed by with not a lot happening for Danielle and Jaina. Stefania, on the other hand, was almost always out at Royal Central. Both had to admire her work ethic and neither could remember having a schedule as busy as hers. 

"Jay said he's going to stop by later to drop my hoodie and shorts off," Danielle said to Jaina after coming in from the gym.

"Oh nice, he can meet Stefania as well, she said she finishes earlier than usual today," Jaina said. "Maybe he can use his gaydar to actually detect something,"

"Ha, ha. very funny," Danielle said, rolling her eyes as she put her protein powder into her shaker. 

"Do you want kids?" Jaina asked out of the blue.

"Uh, I think I do yeah, eventually. Why?" She replied shrugging it off.

"Oh, just wondering. Like if I had a baby, you wouldn't be going mad," Danielle almost choked on her shake as her eyes widened.


"No! No, I don't think so," Jaina replied, not really calming her best friend's heart rate at all.

"Wait, explain,"

"A couple weeks ago, Boris and I, we didn't use protection and I'm not on any contraceptive because I was dumb and forgot to refill my prescription, don't worry, it's all done now and it's not like I've missed a period or anything, the thought just crossed my mind,"

"Right, okay. Well, let's not freak out or anything yet. I was going to say, we're pretty synced up now so next week, just let me know," Danielle said. "And if it comes down to you being pregnant," She paused for a second at how crazy that sounded out loud. "You know your options and I will support you with whatever you may choose,"

"Thank you, I'm sure it will be fine," Jaina had a small smile on her face as she walked up to Danielle and hugged her. "We would make a cute kid though,"

"Oh, very cute," Danielle agreed as she let go. It was something they had talked about before, mainly the baby names but also the actual babies. And they agreed that they would be the best aunts to each others kids. Everything would be okay, as long as they had each other.

Later that day, Danielle and Jaina found themselves on the sofa watching Grey's Anatomy.

"Hey, she kinda looks like that girl who was almost our room mate... uh, Maggie?"

"Oh yeah, she does," Danielle replied, tilting her head to the side. "It would be so amazing to be on a show like this,"

"Look for some casting calls. There's bound to be some around,"

"I have been looking, it's just difficult. I need to get some updated head shots as well," The conversation faded as they both got sucked back into the programme and both almost jumped out of their skin when they heard the door swing open. 


"Oh shit," Jaina jumped, chucking the pillow she was clutching at Danielle in fright. She just chucked it back. "Hey, Stefania," She said with a nervous laugh, twisting a little to see her. 

"Hi," Danielle said quietly, watching the Italian as she took off her coat. "Uh, how was work?"

"Ah, very good! I have this one student who has been really struggling with this move and she got it today! It was so great," She said with a smile as she sat on the armchair. "I have to start choreographing a new routine for a class which is taking a little longer than I thought it would but it is all okay,"

"Sounds good," Jaina smiled. "I dance a little, maybe if you show me what you have I might be able to help?" Stefania pondered the offer for a second.

"You can come with me into Royal Central?"

"Oh, I just meant here,"

"No, no. Come in with me and we can use the studio. You will be with me so you are allowed," The thought of getting to use one of the studios sounded so cool to Jaina and even though Stefania is out so early, of course she would go. Danielle listened to the conversation, ever so slightly jealous with a pout on her face. "Miss Danielle, you look so sad. You want to come as well?" Her cheeks heated up but of course she wanted to.

"I don't dance,".

"That is okay, I know you want to see it so you can come and you can tell us if we do a good job," 

"I- sure," Danielle said, nodding her head. "What day were you-oh, hang on," Her phone started ringing in her pocket and she pulled it out. 

"Hey, girl. I'm just popping into the shop before I come to you, do you need anything?" Oh, Jay was such a sweetheart. 

"Um... could you pick up some orange juice please? Yeah... smooth. Hang on, you guys need anything?"

"Chocolate buttons, please!" Jaina shouted a smile on her face. Danielle looked at Stefania and tilted her head. 

"Bananas? I've eaten all of mine, if that's okay," 

"I know you heard Jai and also a bunch of bananas please...No, not for us, Stefania... Yes, you get to meet her... okay, great, thank you. See you soon," Danielle put her phone down. "He's about fifteen minutes out,"

"So, I am meeting friend number one today?".

"Yeah, Jay. He's great. Everyone wants to meet you because we told them how nice you are but we said one at a time," Jaina said. "But obviously, you briefly saw Boris the other evening,"

"Oh, you're very nice, thank you," Stefania smiled, bowing her head slightly. "But as we were saying before, on Friday, you guys can come to Royal Central for three because I have no later afternoon classes and I can meet you outside,"

"Oh, thank goodness. I thought we would have to leave at the same time as you," Danielle sighed, raising her hands up in relief. 

"You would make me late," Stefania said bluntly.

"I would not!"

"She won't necessarily make us late, however she won't be happy," Jaina chimed in, a grin on her face as she nudged her best friends foot. Danielle couldn't be bothered to argue and just focused her attention back on the television, ignoring whatever Jaina and Stefania were talking about. 

Almost exactly fifteen minutes later, the doorbell went off and Danielle got up to let Jay in. 

"Shorts and hoodie," He announced, holding them out proudly. "Washed and ironed,"

"Thank you," Danielle smiled, tucking them under her arm. She turned around and Jay followed her. "This is... Stefania. Stefania, Jay," She said, introducing the both of them. 

"You forgot to mention how gorgeous she is!" Jay exclaimed, stepping closer to her as she smiled bashfully. "Wow," He sighed as she looked at her features. "Sorry. Jay," He laughed, holding out his hand.

"Stefania," She smiled, shaking his hand. Danielle watched the exchange between them and forgot to ask Jay to see if he thought she likes girls. So she texted him. 

D: Use your gaydar and see if she likes girls

He didn't check his phone straight away as he had a small conversation with Stefania but smiled when he finally read the text, shooting Danielle a wink. Now, she just meant if he could tell, because you know, he usually just had the knack of figuring out if someone was gay or not. But no, he couldn't be subtle this time.

"Do you like girls?"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now