Chapter 22

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"I want this to be special,"

Danielle was laid out on the sofa eating a bunch of grapes, inspired by Stefania, and watching a random episode of FRIENDS. She had showered, put on a face mask and was ready for one of the most chilled Saturday's that she'd had in a while. It always worked wonders when she really went for it at the gym. 

As the credits started rolling, the door opened and Jaina walked in, happy as could be. She was humming a tune, light steps, grin on her face. 

"Is Boris around?" Danielle asked when she noticed her best friends demeanour. 

"He was just around and down and everywhere.. if you know what I mean," Jaina stuck her tongue out and started laughing. "He's still at the station now though,"

"You went all the way to Nineteen to have sex?"

"Indeed, I did! So worth it!" She waved her hand as she went upstairs, continuing humming a tune. Danielle laid back on the sofa, she hadn't had sex in a while and she missed it but she also didn't want to message just anyone, especially as her mind was kind of focused on someone else. Which made her realise that she hadn't actually seen Stefania today at all. 

She tried to not think about her but nothing was working and she ended up just picturing and creating stupid little scenarios in her head.  The television was still on in the background but Danielle just closed her eyes and imagined taking Stefania on a date, showing her off. She also really liked the idea of meeting her after work, the little gestures meant a lot. Surprise her with a cup of coffee, or a smoothie or some flowers. 

Little did she know, Stefania was looking at flowers  for her at that very moment. 

"Roses are so classic," Gio said, pointing to the the different coloured bunches. 

"I know, and they are so pretty," Stefania's eyes scanned the flowers, making decisions in her head. "Maybe, I'll get them for her after I kiss her. Because, what if I talk to her and it doesn't work out?" 

"It's up to you, but I say get them now," Gio said. "It would be so sweet,".

"No, not today. Maybe on Monday or something, after I talk with her," She turned and left the shop, Gio following her out. 

"Well if we're done here, I'm going to head home. Make sure you let me know how everything goes," Gio said, nudging his sister's shoulder with his own. 

"I will, arrivederci!"

"Arrivederci!" They both went their separate ways, it wasn't too far back home for Stefania but long enough for her to plan out exactly what she wanted to say. She thought to have the conversation in her room so that they wouldn't get interrupted by Jaina going to the kitchen or anything and so she could light some candles for atmosphere, have it a bit more private. Though she hadn't quite figured out how to start it.  Before she knew it, she was putting the key in the door and walked in, heart immediately starting to race when she saw a blonde head of hair on the sofa. Though Danielle hadn't looked behind her. 

Stefania was quiet, taking off her shoes and walking softly, heading straight to the stairs and safely to her room. Danielle didn't notice her because she had fallen asleep... thinking about her. She lit a couple of candles then sat on the edge of her bed, trying to calm her nerves. And then she remembered the talk she had with Barrett so got out her phone, opening up a chat.

Stefania S: Hey Barrett! I'm going to tell Danielle soon :))

She started to play some music from her phone and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked good that's for sure. At least she got a bit of confidence from that.

Barrett D: You are?! Let me know how it goes! 

Stefania S: I will! She probably will too 

Barrett D: fbfnsnfo this is exciting

Stefania smiled down at her phone and moved to the door. Just as she was about to open it and go to Danielle, she heard a scream, making her jump. 

"Danielle!" Jaina called, standing at the top of the stairs. The blonde stirred slightly, jumping when Jaina suddenly appeared looming over the sofa. "I got my period!"

"Hooray!" The sleep suddenly left Danielle's body and she jumped up onto her knees, raising her arms and celebrating. "No baby this time!"

"I'm baby-less!"

"Ah! Best news all day!" Danielle laughed. "Oh damn, I bet I'm going to start by midnight then,"

"Most likely," Jaina smiled at her best friend and happily went into the kitchen. When she heard it get quiet downstairs, Stefania walked down, waiting on the bottom step. 

"Danielle?" Her voice was suddenly very hushed as she felt her pulse pick up a little. 

"Hm?" She twisted her head from the sofa and looked at Stefania. She looked extra pretty. Stefania beckoned her with her hand and pointed upstairs. Danielle nodded and slowly got up, she tried to make eye contact with Jaina but she had her back to her so she followed Stefania up the stairs and into her room. It smelt nice, cosy. 

"Sit, sit," Stefania said as she sat cross legged on the middle of her bed. Danielle sat at the edge, a little nervous. "Uh... I need to speak to you about something,"  Stefania started, wringing her fingers together.


"Well, I... gosh, sorry,"

"It's okay," Danielle reached a hand out and rested it on her knee but it just made Stefania's heart race even more.

"My family, but not Gio, my family have very strong opinions," She took a breathe  before continuing. "And I value what my family think a lot but sometimes that is not a good thing. For example, my family, my Papa, they think that liking the same sex is a bad thing," Danielle nodded her head, heart starting to race. 

They weren't to know, but their hearts were beating at the same time. 

"We share a lot in our family about dating people and marriage and my father expects a lot from me, I am his only daughter but, I... he doesn't know, well he kind of does but..." Stefania trailed off as she tried to find her words. "If I told him that I like girls, like actually, he will never talk to me again and I know that I am old enough but his opinions mean a lot to me and because I never got to talk about this with my Mama, it is difficult,"

"I'm sorry," Danielle said, squeezing her knee gently.

"But the thing is..." She paused as she looked into Danielle's eyes. Her beautiful blue eyes that had flickers of orange flames reflecting in them. "I like you, Danielle. I really like you and I-" She cut herself off when words just failed her, her heart was beating so fast against her chest, her palms felt hot as she looked down at her lap. Danielle couldn't believe what she was hearing, eyes widening as the words fell from her lips. 

"If you didn't already notice, I like you," Danielle said, a smile growing on her face. Stefania let out a little sigh as she looked back up at her. 

"Do you know what baciami means?"

A/N: hehe :)

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now