Chapter Fifty Five

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"Room service!"

Danielle woke up when she heard someone knocking on her bedroom door, squinting as she barely opened her eyes. Monday morning arrived quicker than she had hoped and if she could of stayed at the Resort with Stefania for a whole week, she would have in a blink of an eye.


"Buongiorno bella," Stefania whispered, peeking her head round the door frame. "I'm about to leave for work," Danielle sat up a little and held out her arms, Stefania not wasting a second in slipping into her room and hugging her girlfriend. 

"Have a good day," Danielle mumbled into her shoulder. 

"You too. Text me, yeah?" Danielle nodded her head as Stefania let go and walked back to the door. 

"I love you," She said, laying her head back down on the pillows. 

"I love you, too," Stefania replied, blowing a kiss as she shut the door. Not even five seconds later, Danielle's door swung open and Jaina barged in. 

"I think you missed out an important detail when you were telling me about your trip!" She dived onto her best friends bed and looked at her expectantly.

"What?" Danielle groaned. She really thought she was going to be able to sleep for another half hour or so. 

"I love you? You said I love you and you didn't tell me?" 

"Oh shoot," Danielle started laughing quietly and Jaina playfully hit her. "Yeah. I love her, she loves me, k-i-s-s-i-n-g,"

"That's not how the rhyme goes but I'll let you off," Jaina bounced on her knees and grabbed Danielle, shaking her about. "I'm so happy for you," Danielle rolled onto her back and looked at Jaina, rubbing her eyes. 

"Yeah, it is pretty great," She smiled as she let out a yawn. "It feels so... right,"

"I knew it was going to happen soon. I could feel it. But anyway, I was just about to leave for work when I heard her say it so I'm going to run now but I want the full details on how it happened later," Jaina pressed a kiss to the top of Danielle's head and climbed off the bed. "Bye!"

"Bye, Jai!" Danielle called out, accepting the fact that she wasn't about to fall back to sleep. The blonde decided to get her workout done now then head down to work. She felt good, and that was all that mattered. 

Down at Royal Central, Stefania sat at her desk, finally on a break after a very long meeting. It had gone better than anticipated but there was still a lot of information to take in. She took a sip of her coffee and let out a long sigh. She had about fifteen minutes before she had to get ready for a physical class so she unlocked her phone and texted Danielle, she should be on set by now. 

SS: Hi :)

Danielle <3: Hey pretty girl

SS: Are you on set?

Danielle <3: In hair and make up 

Danielle <3: In hair and make up 

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We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now