Chapter 52

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"I think we should skip straight to dessert,"

Stefania woke up to a lot of movement going on around her which was very unusual as her girlfriend usually slept like a log. 

"What are you doing?" Stefania mumbled, face buried half in the pillow. After the week she had had, Stefania was more than looking forward to being able to sleep in for a bit so whatever Danielle was doing had to stop. 

"Sorry," Danielle replied but the movement didn't stop and Stefania could hear her talking to herself. 


"Yes?" The movements stopped and Stefania barely opened her eyes to see Danielle going through her wardrobe and putting clothes on her bed. 

"What are you doing? What time is it?" 

"Just gone eight,"

"What the fu- why are you awake?" Danielle smiled as she turned around, folding up a t-shirt in her hands. 

"You need to get ready,"

"Danielle. Answer the question," Stefania was more annoyed with the fact that her sleep brain was leaving and she was actually feeling herself wake up. 

"It's a surprise. But I'm taking you somewhere for the weekend," 

"And we have to be up this early?"

"Yes, my love. In hindsight, I probably should have planned this to start a little later but you can sleep for as long as you want tomorrow," Stefania slowly sat up and looked at her girlfriend who had the energy of an excited little kid the morning of a school trip. 

"Okay. What do I need to bring?"

Danielle and Stefania walked into the entrance of a lovely looking resort. Palm trees stood either side of large glass doors, marble flooring leading through a reception area and to the front desk. 

"Hi, reservation under Savre," Danielle said, leaning against the counter as Stefania looked around. 

"Savre... Yep. Room twenty three," She reached under the desk and grabbed a card. "This is your card for your room and when you have treatments, you need to bring it as well. Do you have your itinerary on your phone or would you like a copy?"

"Got it on my phone. Thank you,"

"If you need anything, just call down. Hope you enjoy your stay,"

"Thank you so much," Danielle took the card and turned around, expecting to see her girlfriend but instead she was off looking at a plant. 

"Stefania," Her girlfriend looked over at her, took a picture of said plant and then walked over. 

"I think we should get one for the house," She said as she followed Danielle towards the elevator. "It would look nice," Danielle nodded as Stefania started to talk more about plants. She was paying attention but it was also kind of just going in one ear and out the other. 

"Room twenty three," Danielle said as they made their way down the hall. 

"Did you that on purpose?" Stefania asked, small smile on her face. 

"Maybe," Danielle wiggled her eyebrows. "But wouldn't it be the nicest coincidence if we just happened to get our anniversary number?"

"The nicest," Stefania agreed as they got to twenty three and Danielle swiped the card. 

"After you, my love," They walked in and instantly were drawn to the view from the balcony. They dropped their bags by the foot of the large bed and walked outside to just see mountainous pathways and little rivers and clear skies. It was gorgeous. 

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now