Chapter Twenty Five

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"So, do you still kind of, really want to kiss me again?"

Monday rolled around and Danielle had just finished a session at the gym. Her heart was pumping, endorphins flowing, she felt good. She walked home quickly, discarding her jacket and trainers by the door. Jaina had gotten a last minute shoot so was out. Luckily, her best friend had helped her pick out an outfit prior. The blonde downed her protein shake and had a quick shower, psyching herself up as she looked in the steamed up mirror.

She shuffled into her room wrapped in a towel and played some music as she began to get ready. She, and Jaina, had opted for a lacey, white top, black jeans that hugged her perfectly and a black leather jacket. She applied a little make up which was most uncommon for her and had her hair falling around her face in loose waves. 

"This is what I like to see," Danielle mumbled to herself, tugging on the collar gently. It was almost three which meant that she had about fifteen minutes before she had to leave which also gave her enough time for a small pep talk. 

"I know she likes me. This is just, the first date, even though we live together. No biggie," She took a deep breathe. "Gosh, she's just so pretty," She smiled when she thought about kissing her and the thought remained as she left the house and made her way to Royal Central, of course stopping to pick up some flowers. She opted for light pink tulips, purple peonies and a singular red rose in the middle, all wrapped up in some white tissue paper. 

The journey seemed flawless, and before she knew it, she was stood outside of Royal Central, trying to act all cool and calm by leaning against a lamp post when really, her heart was going crazy in her chest. She obsessively checked her watch as the hands moved and then it was four on the dot, but like Stefania had said, she might be out a little later if she had work to look at. She watched as groups of people started to leave the building, some carrying pieces of art, some clearly coming from some sort of movement class. And then, at the top of the steps...


Danielle had to bite her lip when her eyes landed on her. She had on a blue, floral dress and her jacket draped over her shoulder, hair blowing gently in the wind. She smiled when she saw Danielle and made her way down the stairs. 

"Ciao, bella," 

"Hi beautiful," Danielle kind of got lost in her eyes for a moment, head tilted to the side. "These are for you," She held out the flowers, watching as the brunette's eyes lit up. 

"They're beautiful," Stefania said as she leaned in and gave her a quick kiss. "Thank you," She whispered as she pulled away. Even though Danielle had been thinking about kissing her, it still made her blush a little, she didn't expect it and the butterflies quickly made an appearance. 

"So, where are we going?" Stefania fixed her bag on her shoulder and held the flowers close to her as they started to walk. 

"The ironic thing here," Danielle begun. "Is that you probably know this area much better than I do. I'm pretty sure I know the route but if you see me looking a little lost..."

"Yes, I will help you," Stefania smiled. "But you did not tell me where we are going,"

"Just walk with me and then we will hopefully get there," Stefania nodded, though she could kind of tell that Danielle was just a tad uncertain. "How was work today?"

"Ah! Very good! Ma... it is always good. What did you do today?" 

"You'll never guess what? Gym!" She smiled as they turned a corner. "And Jaina is out at a shoot so I just had the house to myself for a bit which was nice,"

"Mhm yes, you are always at the gym. I need to get a membership there,"

"I can help you set it up later if you want?"

"What a perfect first date! Setting up a gym membership," Stefania laughed, but it was nice how natural this all felt between them. 

"Okay yeah, maybe we'll do that tomorrow," Danielle paused as she looked down two different streets, eyes looking both ways. 

"Do you need directions?" 


"You know, if you don't want me to help, why don't you just use the maps on your phone?"

"You have a very good point," Danielle said, slowly nodding her head. "But, I know the way," They continued to walk, a bit of a breeze in the air. Stefania wrapped a hand around Danielle's arm and huddled close to her. 

"Oh wow," She mumbled, feeling the muscles in her arm. "This makes so much sense," Danielle felt her cheeks heat up a little and had to fight the urge to flex her arms.

"You're not cold are you?" She asked after taking a deep breathe. 

"Uh, no. Maybe a little when it is windy," 

"We're almost there, just stay close," They smiled at each other as they continued, Danielle very happy with herself when she saw the gallery come into view. The relief when they entered and were greeted with a warm rush of air was unmatched. 

"Ah, I have not been here in so long," Stefania said, looking around. "The last time I came here, was about the time I moved into this area, so last year,"

"I mean, they're always changing their exhibitions so you could come once and month and see different things," Danielle said as she picked up a gallery map. "Start on floor one?"

"Si," Stefania smiled, although she didn't really know what was on floor one. "As someone who has an eye for artistic compositions, sometimes, I do not understand art," The brunette stopped and looked at a large white canvas which had a single red line going through it. "It is pointless,"

"But it is art, Stefania," Danielle laughed. "It symbolises something to someone," Stefania shrugged and carried on walking, heading towards a room with a bunch of sculptures. 

"What are these even supposed to-" Stefania stopped and gasped. "That's meant to be a penis?" She cracked up laughing when she realised how loud she was, Danielle laughing along with her. 

"Yes, Stefania. It's very ugly,"

"Si, si," She shook her head and they carried on their way through the gallery sharing laughs and silly insights on what the pieces of art meant. Most of the comments that Stefania made were not serious in the slightest and involved a lot of tilting her head to see if she could make out what they were. But she actually seemed to stop and admire a particular piece of work.

They had moved into a room with old looking paintings on the wall of women in gowns and in the middle of the room, stood a sculpture of two women wrapped up in each other. Stefania looked at them, eyes paying attention to each curve and detail. She thought it was beautiful. 

Danielle, on the other hand, was focused on another piece of art. That piece of art being Stefania. 

The blonde watched her date intently, soft smile gracing her face. She took a step forward so she was closer, slowly reached up and gently placed a hand on her cheek to turn her face and kissed her. It was soft, and sweet and blissful. Danielle was about to pull away but Stefania moved in closer so their bodies were pressed against one another. They only stopped because they heard some voices nearby but both pulled away with smiles on their faces. 

"You should do that more often,"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now