Chapter Three

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"It's going to be an eventful week,"


"What time are we meeting Maggie?" Danielle asked, walking downstairs with a bowl and spoon to see Jaina laid on the sofa, watching something on Netflix that was also just acting as background noise because she had her nose buried in her phone

"Four." She replied, tapping away. "It shouldn't be longer than an hour or so with her. I have a shoot for a music video at half seven anyway,"

"Oh nice! Who's it for?" Danielle questioned as she washed her bowl and spoon, dried and put them away. 

"Uh... I can't remember. It's just one of those random one's I applied for but they only need us for 2 hours and they're paying $120 so I'm not complaining,"

"Ah the perks of freelance acting," The blonde haired woman laughed. "I haven't gotten many jobs recently,"

"I'm losing my drive for this, you know. I even thought about looking into getting a more nine to five job," Jaina sighed, swinging her legs off of the sofa and sitting up. "Don't get me wrong, it has been my dream to be an actress for as long as I can remember, but if you're not getting jobs, you have to do something,"

"But a nine to five job? Doing what?"

"I have no idea. Maybe I'll work as an assistant to a director or someone then one day step up as the 'unheard and unnoticed' assistant who is actually an amazing actor and is about to take over the world," Jaina swooned, rolling her eyes at how stupid she sounded. Of course that was not going to happen.

"You never know, Jaina," Danielle said with a smile. "You just need your big break because we both know that you're amazing,"

"Of course," She laughed, shrugging off that momentary feeling of sadness and under achievement. 

A few hours later, the two best friends left their house and made their way to the corner shop where they were meeting room mate candidate number one, Maggie Pierce. They arrived at exactly four and there she was, nervously looking at the ground, glancing around every so often. 

"Oh hi! You must be... Jaina," She took a second to figure out pronunciation. "And Danielle!  So nice to meet my future roomies," She smiled, shaking both of their hands excitedly. Jaina had a genuine smile on her face as she greeted Maggie, Danielle, on the other hand, was not as impressed. Too much energy and happiness for her liking but Jaina had given her a lecture before they left that she had to be nice.  

"This is such a nice area!" Maggie smiled. 

"Yeah, it's really nice around here. If you want we can walk to the house. It's honestly three minutes tops from here,"

"Amazing!" Maggie replied with that same big smile. "What are the people like here?"

"Decent," Danielle replied. "We're not buddy buddy necessarily but we acknowledge each other to some extent,"

"Yeah, there's not really much trouble around here," Jaina added. Maggie seemed to be happy with that answer. "We'll give you a tour of the place then sit down and talk about everything else," Danielle walked ahead of Jaina and Maggie, fiddling with the keys in her hands. 

"Alright! This is it, number 19," Danielle said, though her smile was fake as she put the key in the lock. 

"It's already so pretty, even from the outside," Maggie commented. Neither girl could deny it. They did take pride in their house. It's located just off a main road, fairly residential with detached and semi-detached houses scattered around. They were in a detached house with a small patch of green in the front that Jaina would take the time to plant flowers there. A brick house, white door and white window frames with a little glass lantern hanging just to the side of the door.  

The door opened to reveal the large open plan downstairs. A shoe rack, which had more shoes discarded to the side than on the actual rack and a coat rack stood near the door along with a tiny little table for post and keys. The three girls took their shoes off and headed in. The floor, light pine floorboards, a three seater,  beige sofa with a red blanket on the back of it was ahead of them, matching arm chair and foot rest as well. They were facing a television placed on a glass stand, a massive plastic plant in the corner. Now, if you want left from the front door, you'd be in the kitchen which was separated by a white counter, a fruit bowl prettily placed atop. It was a typical kitchen. Oven, microwave, fridge freezer and so forth. In the corner of the kitchen, placed on the counter was a few half drunk bottles of alcohol. To the right of the front door, a small bathroom which just consisted of a toilet and a sink. Past that door was the stairs that led to the bedrooms and bathroom. 

"It's so lovely in here," Maggie commented. "And you have a garden, wow!" Her attention was drawn to the glass back door.

"Oh, yeah. You might not want to go out there," Danielle said with a laugh. "We don't really use it and it's kind of, over grown. Especially during these months," After all, it was January. Maggie took her word and headed up the stairs. 

"That room is mine," Jaina explained, pointing to the one at the end of the hall. "This is Danielle's" She said, motioning her head the room with the door slightly ajar. "So, this is yours," Jaina opened the door to the spare room, letting Maggie walk in. 

"Oh, nice," She said, walking over the window. "It's a nice size. I might move some things around but I like it. "Do you know what type of material the mattress is made from? Oh, and while I remember, the sofa downstairs, is it non-allergenic?" Danielle squinted her eyes at the questions. Jaina replied for her and showed her the bathroom. Maggie let out a weird sort of laugh as she looked around. "You need to get a better toothpaste," The two best friends made eye contact and Danielle had to bite her lip not to say anything. 

"Well if you're done looking around up here, we can head down and have a chat," Jaina suggested, walking out of the bathroom and downstairs anyway. 

"Have you ever considered getting carpet upstairs?" Maggie asked. "Makes it much more homely,"

"No," Danielle replied bluntly, getting a glare from Jaina. "We can't afford to get all of it done. We're both actors so sometimes it's difficult,"

"Actors? Really? Anything I would have seen you in?" There was some sort of judgement present in Maggie's voice. 

"Maybe," Danielle had honestly given up on this one and she could tell that Jaina was as well. Yet they sat through another conversation with Maggie and were very glad to hear that she could make her way back fine. Now Danielle had a genuine smile on her face as Maggie walked away. "No," She said, looking straight at Jaina. 

"Oh yeah, I know," She agreed, shaking her head. "I've had enough judgement from my dad my whole life about career choice, I do not need to hear it coming from a room mate. "Oh well. It will make the final choice a little easier,"

"Reed, right?" 

"That's the one," Jaina confirmed. "Early though, we're meeting her at ten,"

"Yay. So. Excited,"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now