Chapter Seventeen

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"I really want to kiss her,"

Jaina just give Danielle a look which read that she had already figured that out. But both also knew that Danielle wouldn't. At least not tonight even though the feeling in her chest was getting harder and harder to ignore. That sort of childish, giddy feeling where the butterflies are just starting to make their appearance and your eyes begin to search for them more and more.

The four had decided that they were going to go on the Playstation, a console that was kind of neglected in the house hold, but always was good fun in times like these. They only have two controllers however, their previous room mate took her controller with her when she moved out and they had broken the other spare one. So they were in teams. Jaina and Barrett were quick to claim each other, smirking in Danielle's direction. 

"I'm just going to change out of these jeans. You guys set up," Danielle quickly went upstairs and grabbed a pair of her shorts that were on her bed. She also opted for a Chelsea FC shirt and may or may not have sprayed a tiny bit of perfume on her neck. She left her room to head down and very much like last week, crashed into a body coming up the stairs. Stefania. Of course.

"Spiacente," Stefania giggled, her hands firmly holding Danielle's waist as she looked at her from the step below. "Wow, I really like this blue on you," She commented, pulling on the bottom of her t shirt. 

"Grazie? Right?" 

"Si! Stefania grinned, nodding her head enthusiastically. "Prego," She then moved past Danielle and went into her room, her cheeks hurting from smiling so much which she realised happened a lot when she was around Danielle. The blonde basically jumped down the stairs and dived on the sofa.

"Are you going to kiss her? Did you?" Barrett asked, eyes wide and voice hushed. 

"No, I want to, I don't know when but... I just want to,"

"I know you clearly want to now, but if you can hold out maybe another week, Jaina and I were just thinking of having another.. gathering here next week, get Stefania involved, some alcohol, maybe a game of 21 Dares..." Danielle listened and it wasn't a bad idea. It's not like she would explode if she didn't kiss her. At least that's what she was hoping.

Though that kind of changed as the night went on.

First of all, Stefania returned to the little group wearing a lilac vest top and floral, flowy trousers making her legs look even longer. She sat right next to Danielle who was on the floor, back against the sofa. They went with Fifa first, as per Danielle's request. She played Jaina first, and if there was one thing you should know, they are both incredibly competitive. Eyes narrowed at the screen, atmosphere tense. Stefania watched fascinated while Barrett put Snapchat filters on their faces. 

"Barrett! Stop distracting me! We want to win" Jaina said when they reached half time.

"But this is funny," She replied, giggling as she looked down at her phone. "You're fine anyway, it's only Danielle,"

"I'm beating her!" Danielle pointed out, laughing as she made a substitution. 

"Why are you changing them?" Stefania asked, leaning in close to Danielle's side, making her press the wrong button.

"He's injured," She replied. "Wait, do you not know how to play?" 

"Uh... no," Stefania said. "I have seen Gio play but I do not know how to," Danielle was a little shocked, as much as she had a crush on Stefania, she really likes winning. 

"I'll teach you. Just watch what I do, okay?" Stefania nodded her head and sat cross legged, facing Danielle, watching intently. But the blue eyed woman realised that it was just kind of putting her off because her gaze was so intense. At least she won. Before they switched controllers, Danielle ran through all the basics, set up her team and even kissed her on the forehead before the match started. 

"Wow, lucky kisses," Stefania smiled, turning to face the screen. 

"I mean..." Danielle shot Jaina a look before she could say anything else. It didn't take long for Barrett to score but the pout Stefania had on her face when she looked at Danielle almost made her forget about the need to win. Almost. 

As it was only fair, before the second half started, she negotiated that she can help control as well. And how did she help? She got Stefania to move forward a little and sat behind her, legs sticking out to the sides, her head resting on her shoulder so she could see the screen, fingers overlapping. Jaina had to take a picture of this and she also knew the thoughts that were rushing through her best friends head at that exact moment. 

Danielle wondered if Stefania could feel her heart beating. 

They ended the match on a draw, both cheering and laughing because no one in that room had any hope for Stefania winning. They swapped over so Danielle played Barrett, winning again and Stefania played Jaina though she was adamant that she could play herself which resulted in a loss, but they still won overall for Fifa.

"I'll teach you how to play some more another time," Danielle said to Stefania, leaning into her side with a smile.

"What do you mean? I know how to run, how to pass, how to shoot. I am great!" Danielle rolled her eyes jokingly. "What are we playing next?"

"Sonic racing,"Jaina replied, holding up the case as she changed the discs.

"Ah! I know this! I like, uh.... una scimmmia? Uh... this one," She pointed to Ai Ai, a smile on her face. 

"Why? Because he's cute?" Danielle asked jokingly,

"Si!" Stefania laughed, throwing her head back when she realised how astonished Danielle was by her answer. "Who do you like?"


"Of course you do. Because you are so tough, grr," Stefania bared her teeth, leaning in closer to her face and acting like she was going to bite her. Danielle quirked an eyebrow, making direct eye contact.

"I dare you,"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now