Chapter 6

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"In actual fact, I have decided,"

"Thank you so much!"

"We're happy to have you. When would be a good day for you to move in?"

"Uh, probably next weekend because so that I can pack up where I am now, sort out all the little bits,"

"Sounds good. Just drop me a text when you know when exactly so that we are prepared as well,"

"I will do. Thank you again,"

"Of course, speak soon," Jaina hung up the phone with a smile, and turned to Danielle. "See? That wasn't so bad was it?" Danielle just looked at her best friend and smiled.

"If she turns out to be a psycho killer, I'm blaming you,"

"We'd be dead, but sure," Jaina remarked, laughing to herself. "She said she's looking at moving in next weekend so we have a whole week left together,"

"A whole week left of happiness," Danielle said, sighing way too loudly than what was necessary. 

"You had the last say on which one, theoretically, this was down to you," Danielle flopped down on the sofa, groaning. "You're so dramatic, Miss Savre," The blonde haired women chucked a cushion at her best friend. "How about, we have everyone over? Next Friday?" Danielle didn't even reply, just started typing a message in the group chat.

Oak and Friends:

Danielle S: Guys! On Friday, our place before our new room mate arrives?

"I'll take that as a yes then!" Jaina laughed. "What do you have on next week?"

"I have a fitness shoot on Tuesday, actually,"

"Oh nice! Who for?"

"Under Armour," Danielle replied, a small smile on her face.

"Look at you trying to act all humble about it? We both know that you'll be trying to leave in the shoot clothes,"

Jay H: Of course I'm in!

Oak O: Yes yes!

"I mean, yeah," Danielle replied. "I'm looking forward to it though, this should be good exposure and I know that brands like Under Armour reuse models quite a lot," Obviously, both Danielle and Jaina have dreams of being on television and cinema screens but you always need to start somewhere. Parents on either side would advise them, and essentially try to guide them towards a more stable path, hinting that actors can really struggle but both are also very strong minded, determined individuals. And though, as they both stood now, their parents were kind of right, they were happy. Danielle sightly more stubborn about it compared to Jaina. 

"Yeah, that's always nice. I have another shoot with the same people I did the music video with last week lined up which should be fun," Jaina said, very glad that she could dance because it's gotten her way more jobs.

Barrett D: Count me in!

Jay H: + Brett?

Barrett D: Not this time :(

The week seemed to move by quickly. The girls fixed up their house just a little bit, making sure the soon to be occupied room was prepared. Danielle's Under Armour shoot went well and she wore the stuff she got to keep for the rest of the week. Jaina went to visit Boris a couple of times at work but really just went to watch him saunter around in his firefighter gear. Between gym trips, binge watching Netflix shows and failed attempts at trying new recipes, which had become a tradition between the best friends whenever they argued about what to eat, Friday rolled around and their friends began to arrive. Oh, and their new room mate was definitely moving in on Saturday.

Barrett arrived first for a nice bit of 'girl time'. While she loved all of her friends, sometimes, she just needed to talk to Danielle and Jaina about things. Things being Brett. They had been together for a while, almost four years. But Barrett was kind of freaking out because Brett had been hinting at engagement rings and marriage and had been for the past week or so, especially as their anniversary is in March. Not to say that she doesn't love him with her whole heart, but the idea certainly spooked her.

"I don't even know why I'm acting like this because we've talked about it before and I've pictured us having kids and a big house and a dog, maybe a cat as well but now that he's actually talking about it..." Barrett trailed off as she leaned against the kitchen counter, watching Danielle slice up some limes. 

"Maybe you're just nervous about it? Like, a good nervous, but it is still a little daunting, if you get me?"

"No," Barrett said, deadpan. "Jaina! You always have good relationship advice," Danielle rolled her eyes jokingly and went back to her limes. 

"Well, do you want to marry him?" Jaina asked, as she put some more beers in the fridge.


"Yeah or yes?"


"Okay, well, this is a big thing. You have every right to freak out a little. I mean, this is a whole new chapter of your life that you could be walking into very soon," Jaina said, walking over to Barrett and holding her arms out. "This is good, I'm happy for you," Barrett smiled as she hugged Jaina. It was exciting. Boris came in next, looking extra suave as he kissed Jaina on the top of head upon entrance.

"Hi baby," He said quietly.

"Hi," She replied, turning to face him and quickly give him a kiss. 

"I can't even pretend that they're not cute," Barrett said to Danielle.

"I know. And I see this at least once a week," Danielle replied, cleaning up the counter.

"What about you? Any new missus on the horizon?"

"Ha! Not a chance," Danielle laughed. "Not right now," She said, a little softer.

"What happened to that girl you were seeing from-" Danielle was saved by persistent pressing of the doorbell. 

"I'll get it!" She exclaimed, rushing over to reveal Oak and Grey. "Boys," She grinned, holding her fists out.

"Savre!" They bumped her fists and both gave her a little hug. 

"Go on, show us the progress," Oak laughed, crossing his arms tightly. Danielle smiled and dramatically turned to the side, flexing her arms muscles at every angle. "Bigger than Grey's"

"Uh.. No, they're not," He replied but also kind of knew that it was true. They both took their jackets off and walked over to Barrett, Grey placing a bag on the counter. " Tequila and chips," He announced. 

"Dips in the fridge!" Jaina called out from the sofa where she was sat cuddled up with Boris. 

"Guess what Grey did when we were in the grocery store?" Oak began, already starting to laugh.

"Bro, nooo," Grey rolled his head back.

"He saw this girl that he thought was cute, and as he does, he approached her. She was just stood in front of the cereals, holding a cup of coffee or whatever it was in the cup,"

"Why do I feel like that cup is going to be a crucial part of the story?" Barrett questioned, an amused look on her face as she looked at Grey.

"Well! He introduced himself, asked her name, yada yada yada, then he went to take his phone out of his pocket but it got a little stuck so he tugged it and accidentally whipped it out and knocked her cup and spilt the contents all over herself and the floor," Grey walked over to the nearest wall and pressed his head against it while everyone else burst out laughing.

"I gave her money for another one," He muttered. "Can Jay please  get here so we can start any drinking game," Grey groaned, not wanting to take the heat. 

"And Jason?"

"No, he couldn't make it, the missus isn't feeling well," Almost on cue, the doorbell went off and of course, Jay stood with a big grin and a very colourful shirt. 

"Hola amigos! Let's get smashed!"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now