Chapter 62

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"Just don't be surprised if I don't ask you to come on set more often,"

Things weren't the same. Things were off. Danielle was nowhere near as touchy with Stefania as she usually was. She wouldn't go into Stefania's room after work, she wouldn't randomly appear for a kiss then run off laughing, she hadn't written any notes to put under her door. And Stefania had noticed this and of course, she knew why this was happening but she didn't know what she should do. It made sense in her mind to give her space but what if Danielle was waiting for her to show her that she does care about her and love her? 

Stefania didn't really spend that much time in the living room unless she was with someone else, most times it was just easier to get work done in her room and stream shows on her laptop. But on this Friday evening, she decided to sit on the sofa and patiently wait for Danielle to get home. Despite the small amount of speaking they had done over the week, Stefania still knew that Danielle was due to finish work at seven, if she included filming running over, her girlfriend should be home by eight thirty the latest. So as soon as it hit eight on the dot, she  began to count down the minutes. 

Stefania laid on the sofa as she watched, but didn't really pay attention to, a game show. Nothing was really keeping her occupied at this point but that changed when she heard the door open. 

"Hey Jai, I thought you were at Boris' tonight?" As Stefania couldn't actually be seen from where Danielle stood, it made sense that she thought it was Jaina watching the television. 

"Not Jaina!" Stefania sat up and looked at Danielle, immediately trying to figure out what mood she was in. She seemed okay. 

"Oh hey. You're not usually down here," Danielle said, a small smile on her face as she walked into the kitchen. Stefania stood up and followed her, pausing a few steps behind her. 

"Yeah, I was waiting for you to get home," Stefania explained as she tapped her fingers against her thigh. "How was work?"

"It was good," Danielle replied though she hadn't turned to face Stefania. Just kept herself occupied with looking in the cupboard when in reality, she didn't need anything from there. The brunette slowly approached her and wrapped her arms around her girlfriend's waist, resting her head on her shoulder. Stefania felt Danielle tense up a little and it made her heart sink. She pressed a kiss to her cheek, lingering a little as she debated her next move. 

"I've missed you," Stefania whispered as she realised how much she missed having Danielle in her arms, a wave of relief floating over her when the blonde relaxed a little into her and rested her hands on top of Stefania's, though she didn't respond. "You want to watch whatever it is that's on right now with me?" Danielle nodded and Stefania smiled as they walked over to the living room. At least it was something.

They sat quietly, Danielle cuddling into Stefania's side, occasionally glancing up at her and feeling an overwhelming rush of confusing emotions coming over her. The blonde tilted her head to the side a little and brought a hand up to Stefania's face, turning it gently and leaning forward to give her a gentle kiss. She pulled away ever so slightly, her blue eyes glowing as brown eyes lit up, watching intently. The hand she still had resting on Stefania's cheek moved to hold her jaw, grip tightening ever so slightly as she  pulled her back in, kisses needy.

Stefania sat up a little straighter as she reciprocated, immediately running her hands through Danielle's hair and holding her close. They shifted positions so Danielle was straddling Stefania, slowly grinding against her as their breathing started to get heavier and hands began to wander. 

"You want to take this upstairs?" Stefania asked breathlessly as Danielle started to press kisses down the side of her neck.

"Mhm mh," Danielle shook her head as she continued, one hand slipping under Stefania's top and she was more than happy to find out that she wasn't wearing  a bra. It didn't take long at all for Danielle to pull her top off completely and start kissing her way down to her boobs, the brunette leaning her head back in bliss as she felt Danielle's tongue flicking over her nipples. The blue eyed woman smirked as Stefania's breathing got heavier and heavier so she moved back up, pressing her body tightly against her girlfriends.

Danielle ran her fingers through Stefania's hair, letting it fall about in its natural waves as her hands come to hold her face in one smooth movement, eyes shining as they always do when she looks at Stefania. 

"You know that makes me melt," Stefania whispered, as she gently stroked Danielle's sides.

"Yeah," Danielle smiled softly as she leant down and kissed her again, running her hands down her body teasingly. She looked at Stefania's boobs as she held them and swiped her tongue over her bottom lip, her mind ticking away. Just the way that Danielle was looking at her was driving Stefania crazy and she could feel her body begging for something more.

"So are you just going to stare at me or..." It was like a switch was flicked in Danielle's head as her eyes shot back up to Stefania's, much more emotionless now. "Danielle?"

"But you must have saw it coming, right?" She leant back, eyebrows furrowed as she pinched the bridge of her nose with her fingers. 

"Uh, what?" Stefania asked, nervously laughing as she tried to figure out the sudden change. 

"With Caterina. You must have been able to pick up that she was about to kiss you?" Stefania's eyes darted around, looking for her top before she said anything else. Danielle handed it to her from where it had been dropped onto the floor and watched her closely, still not moving from her lap. 

"Uh, no. She was getting worked up," Stefania replied as she sat up a little more. 

"But you don't just grab and kiss someone. I mean, you do but there's signs," Danielle said as she ran a hand through her hair, thoughts whizzing around in her brain. She had tried her hardest to block it out but every time she looked at Caterina and every time she looked at Stefania, she saw it. It was like she was trapped.

"She said something about in the movies when people yell at each other about their feelings and they kiss but I wasn't yelling about my feelings. I was just letting her get it out," Stefania explained, her hands still tracing patterns on Danielle's sides.  The blonde was struggling to convey exactly how she was feeling, but this definitely wasn't something she could just let go, even though she had tried. 

"Stefania," Danielle pouted as she tilted her head to the side, letting her shoulders slump. "I can't- I keep thinking about it. And it's not even necessarily a trust thing because I believe you when you say you didn't kiss back and it was all her but I can't get that image out of my head,"

"What do you need me to do?" Stefania asked as she moved her hands up to Danielle's face, pushing her hair out of the way. 

"I don't know," Danielle sighed. She could feel tears starting to fill her eyes and there was no way that Stefania wouldn't be able to notice.

"Hey, hey, hey," Stefania whispered as she gently stroked her girlfriends cheek with her thumb. "I'm sorry. I wish I would have chucked my shoe at her like I said all these weeks ago," At least that got a small laugh out of Danielle. "Listen, I love you, Danielle. And I would never do anything to hurt you and I am so sorry that even happened and I- I understand if you want to take a break or-"

"I don't want to take a break. I don't think I do,"

"Okay," Stefania smiled softly as she continued the motions of her thumb. "You let me know what I can do because I know that if this was the other way round, I probably would have smashed all the plates in the cupboard and tipped your protein powder in the sink," 

"I think I'm just going to go up," Danielle said quietly as she levered herself off of Stefania, pausing for a second as she looked down at her girlfriend. Stefania felt her heart sink again in her chest as Danielle weakly smiled. 

"My bed?" Stefania offered as she swung her legs off of the sofa and reached out to hold Danielle's hand, loosely playing with her fingers. 

"I think I just want to be alone in mine,"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now