Chapter 67

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"I changed my mind. I love camping,"

Barrett stood with a massive grin on her face, vodka bottle held up to her lips as everyone took pictures of her. It was the weekend of her bridal shower, just over two weeks before her wedding. Barrett's maid of honour, her half sister Natalie, had planned an entire weekend for the bridal party. 

The Saturday started with everyone being texted the name of a street to go to. Danielle, Stefania and Jaina met Barrett as they made their way, and when they arrived, they were greeted by Natalie who took them up to where they would be staying. A stunning penthouse with an amazing view of the city. 

"Nat..." Barrett gasped as she looked around. The interior was all very modern. Floor to ceiling windows, a black marble kitchen area, light grey pieces of furniture with plump cushions on top. On one of the counters were a large bunch of flowers with lilies and roses and jasmines, along with a pink sash wrapped around it with the words 'Bride to be' printed on it. And one of the most important aspects of this weekend, alcohol. And lots of it. 

"Thank goodness I don't have work on Monday," Danielle laughed as they all set their bags down. Jaina happily agreed, more than grateful that her course was only part time. Stefania on the other hand knew that she had to remain partially mindful of her 8:00am start. 

"Am I going to need to carry home a very drunk Danielle?" Stefania questioned playfully as she rested a hand on her girlfriend's lower back.

"Potentially just very hung over," Danielle shrugged as she looked up at Stefania. "Oh wait! You have work on Monday," The brunette laughed softly as Barrett popped open a bottle of champagne, cheering as the cork flew off. Danielle let out a small yelp, the noise clearly frightening her as she turned her head away from wherever the noise came from. 

Everyone laughed at Danielle whose cheeks turned bright pink and she rested her head on Stefania's shoulder to try and hide her face. The brunette pressed a kiss to the top of her girlfriends head as she laughed then laced their fingers together, leading her over to where Barrett was filling up five champagne flutes. 

"To Barrett!" Natalie cheered as they all lifted their glasses in the air and took a sip, the bride to be dancing around from where she stood. 

"Okay, can you tell me what's planned now?" Barrett asked excitedly as she looked at her half sister. 

"We have a booth booked at Kepner's," She replied with a grin, knowing just how difficult it was too actually secure a booth at the club. 

"Shut up! Really?" Jaina gasped. Kepner's was known as one of the best clubs to go to, with a reputation of having celebrities frequent the venue. 

"Yes! Really!" 

"Oh my gosh, this is going to be amazing!"


The five women made their way down the street, heels clicking on the pavement as Kepner's came into sight. 

"Holy shit, it's so busy," Jaina commented as they walked through swarms of people. Woman in tight dresses, men with large chains around their necks and branded t-shirts. 

"Good thing we're on the list," Natalie winked as she approached the bouncer. "Wait there," Jaina, Barrett, Danielle and Stefania stood to the side as Natalie sorted everything out. 

"We haven't even taken pictures yet!" Barrett exclaimed, her eyes wide as she fished into her purse for her phone. 

"Wait until we're inside," Danielle laughed. "Lighting sucks out here,"

"Ah! You're so smart!" Barrett sighed as she grabbed Danielle's arm and leaned in. It was safe to say that Barrett was much more drunk than anyone else, but she was allowed to be. It was funny watching her tell anyone they walked past that she was getting married and strangers would cheer for her and congratulate her. Barrett was having fun and that was all that mattered. 

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now