Chapter 4

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"Yay. So. Excited,"

Danielle groaned at the sound of her alarm, reaching out to grab her phone and shutting it off with a sigh. For the sake of Reed, she hoped that she will come up to be a potential candidate. Danielle laid in bed for a while, scrolling through Instagram and then her email to some, unfortunately, 'we regret to inform you emails'. Damn, it was difficult finding jobs but she had this strong persistence, and look at her, who wouldn't want to see that face on the big screen.

"Danielle," Jaina's voice came from outside the door. "Are you awake?"

"Uh huh," Danielle replied, but apparently not loud enough because Jaina entered her room holding a little water gun. "I'm awake!" Danielle shouted. pulling her covers up over her. She had been in this situation too many times before and it was too cold to be shot with a little water gun. 

"Good," Jaina said with a smile. "Boris stayed the night so he's going to be with us today for a bit, he doesn't have work until one," Danielle nodded her head, stretching her arms out in front of her, very conscious and proud of the flexing muscles in her arm. 

"Oh, I cannot wait to go to the gym after Reed,"

"I haven't told you yet but Stefania asked if she could changer her time to today instead of tomorrow because of a timetable thing at work,"

"Great. Love her already," Danielle muttered, slowly pulling herself out of bed. "I could of gotten to the gym at the perfect time where it's still virtually empty. What time with her?"

"Four thirty. I already agreed because I was pretty certain that you didn't have anything on today," Danielle nodded her head, smiling when she realised that Stefania wouldn't actually cut into gym time. "Alright well, I'll let you get changed. Not too long!" Jaina said in a sing song vice as she left her best friend's room. Twenty or so minutes later, Danielle, Jaina and Boris were all stood outside the corner shop, shifting from foot to foot in the cold as they waited for Reed. Not long after, a short woman wrapped in a muted red beanie and scarf hurried around the corner. 

"Hi, so sorry I'm late. I'm..." She trailed off when she looked at Boris and took a breathe. "Reed," Her eyes were still fixated on Boris and Jaina was on her like a hawk. 

"Hi, Jaina," She said pointing to herself. "This is my boyfriend, Boris. I hope you don't mind that he will be here today," She said, possessively grabbing onto his arm.

"No, not at all," Reed replied with a smile, seemingly unfazed by the threat in Jaina's voice. Danielle stood to the side very amused by what was happening in front of her. 

"Danielle," She said with a smile. "Shall we?" The four of them began their walk back to the house, very little conversation, if any at all. 

"So, how long have you two been together?" Reed asked as they approached the house. Danielle was ahead of them, putting the key in the lock and avidly listening to the conversation.

"Eight months," Boris replied.

"Almost nine," Jaina chimed in, tilting her head to the side sarcastically. 

"Oh cute," They began the tour of the house, Jaina refusing to leave Boris's side and staring at Reed who kept on staring at Boris. 

"The garden is very overgrown," Danielle said, pointing to the back door.

"Yeah, even I could get lost in there,"

"Oh my gosh, hahahaha, Boris, you're so funny," Reed laughed, throwing her head back and grabbing onto his arm. If looks could kill, Reed would be on the floor by now with the way that Jaina looked at her. "Wow. Do you work out?" She asked innocently, feeling up his muscles. Danielle's eyes just kept darting back and forth between her best friend and Reed.

"Yeah I do, kind of part of my job as well. I'm a firefighter," Boris seemed to be very oblivious to anything happening around him.

"So you're strong. I bet you could just fling me over your shoulder," At that point, Boris started to feel a little uncomfortable. Danielle's mouth dropped open almost comically, waiting for what would happen next. She saw Jaina's fist clench at the corner of her eye.

"Words, Jaina,"

"Turns out... Reed," She began, staring straight into the small girls soul essentially. "I just got a message from my sister that she can move in with us!" First of all, Jaina does not have a sister. Second of all, she has not looked at her phone in the past thirty minutes.

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah!" Jaina replied, a lot more high pitched as usual. "In fact, we don't even need to do the rest of the tour, you might as well leave. Off we go," Danielle had to bite her lip to stop herself from laughing at the tone of Jaina's voice. 

"Boris? Do you have Instagram?" Reed asked with big eyes, pulling out her phone.

"No. He doesn't," Jaina replied, holding the door open. "Bye!" Reed didn't get a chance to say goodbye because the door was already shut behind her. "Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. What an absolute piece of-" She was cut off by Danielle laughing from the other side of the room, holding onto the sofa. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," She laughed, trying to catch her breathe. "It's just that... obviously, I don't condone any type of trying to flirt with someone else's partner whatsoever, but she was looking at Boris like he was a God,"

"What can I say?" Boris smirked, brushing his shoulder.

"Shut up, Jaina mumbled, chucking a cushion at him. 

"Aw, come on babe. You know I only have eyes for you," He smiled, walking up to Jaina and pulling her in for a kiss.

"Hm," She sighed. "More,".

Danielle suddenly became very uncomfortable with the sudden switch of atmosphere and excused herself upstairs to change into her gym attire. And with Reed finishing even earlier than anticipated, things were kind of on her side today. She jumped down the stairs where Jaina and  Boris had now migrated to the sofa and were making out. She glared at them but obviously they were too wrapped up in one another to notice. She briskly made her way to the gym, a quick pace as she walked. 

She smiled to herself when she was greeted by the smell of rubber and gym equipment. Soothing. It was muscle memory at this point to head into the changing room, put all the other items she had in a locker and head straight back out to the stepper to begin to warm up. It was a lovely workout and Danielle returned home with a sort of spring in her step. Again with the muscle memory as she went into the kitchen to make her protein shake. 

"Oh, you're back," Jaina said appearing at the bottom of the stairs. "I'll tell you what," She began as she walked into the kitchen and went in the fridge. "I would have that man's babies,"

"Awh. Mini Jaina and Boris babies," Danielle said with a smile. shaking her bottle. "I can see it,"

"I really love him, you know. I don't think I've felt this way about anyone ever,"

"I'm glad he makes you happy, Jai, honestly," Jaina just smiled in response and went over to the sofa, love on the brain. 

A few hours later, the two best friends were back outside the corner shop, waiting for the next potential room mate and honestly, the odds were in this women's favour because two had already been crossed off of a potential four.

"Ciao, I'm Stefania,"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now