Chapter 8

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"Hey! It's great to see you again," Jaina smiled. "Come in and put your bag down and we can help you bring stuff in,"

"Ah, that is okay. My little brother is going to help me," The tall Italian woman replied, a smile on her face. "Hello, Danielle," She said as she caught the pair of blue eye's that were watching her.

"Hi," Danielle replied, giving a little wave. 

"Okay, I will be right back," Stefania said, walking back out the door and reappearing a minute late carrying a box, followed by her brother who also had a box. "This is my little brother, Gio,"

"Hi," He said quietly, nodding his head as he placed the box on the floor. "Uh, Stefania said you have a very over grown garden?"

"Oh, yes we do," Jaina laughed. "I can show you?"

"Gio, no. Boxes first," She said, pinching the back of his shirt before he walked off. 

"Are you sure you don't need help? Danielle works out," Jaina said, biting her lip to stop herself from laughing when she  saw her best friends cheeks turn a light shade of pink.

"Ah yes, I can see," Stefania said, as she looked at Danielle, tilting her head to the side. "Well, if you don't mind," Jaina grinned at Danielle as she motioned with her head to go help. Of course she went, slipping on a pair of sliders by the door. The blonde haired woman stood by the car as she watched Stefania struggle to pull a box out. 

"I'll get it," She said with a little smile, picking it up with ease and walking into the house. Stefania's eyes followed her, clearly impressed. It didn't take too long to get everything in and soon there was a pile of boxes in the living room and some bags set up. 

"Grazie, Danielle," Stefania smiled. "At least it will be easy to take it all upstairs," Danielle smiled back at her, nodding her head. 

"Uh, Gio, right?" Jaina asked, looking at him to which he nodded. "I can show you the garden quickly now?" The two walked over to the back door and went outside, leaving Danielle and Stefania in the living room by themselves. It was suddenly very quiet. 

"Do you want to start taking stuff up now?" Danielle asked before the quiet got too unbearable. 

"Uh, yes," Stefania smiled, heading straight to the lightest things while Danielle went to the box of books. "You won't need to go to the gym after this," She joked but Danielle thought that was a ridiculous comment. 

"I'll probably still go later," She shrugged, shifting the box in her hands before placing it down. 

"Do you work in sports or like uh... fitness?"

"Oh, no. I'm a freelance actor, essentially but also have a big thing for fitness. So is Jaina actually but not as much with the fitness,"

"Oh very nice. And you do modelling as well?" Stefania asked as they went back down. Jaina and Gio were still in the garden. 

"Sometimes yeah, with adverts,"

"Not a lot of the time? You are very pretty, good structure," Danielle tilted her head down as a smile graced her face.

"Oh uh...thank you, but not a lot no," Jaina and Gio returned as they made there way back downstairs. Jaina instantly noticed the blush that had grown on her best friends face and made eye contact with her. But Danielle just looked away. 

"I have some ideas for the garden," Gio said, a smile on his face. "But I'll probably start working on it when it's a bit warmer," He explained as he went to pick up a box. Stefania followed suit and went back up. 

"Why are you blushing so much? What has happened in the past two minutes,"

"Nothing," Danielle mumbled, picking up another box. "She was just asking questions about what I do and was surprised that I don't do more modelling,"

"Ahh, I see," Jaina teased. "And you thought she was pretty, didn't you?" Danielle glared at her best friend and walked back up, eyes focused on the stairs, until she bumped into someone.

"Oh, spiacente!" Stefania gasped, steadying herself on the banister, but Danielle couldn't figure out if that was a swear word or something else. Apparently, Stefania knew what she meant. "It means sorry. My bad. You're okay, yes?"

"Yeah, all good," Danielle smiled, letting out a breathe that she didn't realise she was holding. The Italian woman moved to the side to let Danielle up, receiving an appreciative head nod. It didn't take long before the downstairs area was cleared again of boxes and bags and the three girls said goodbye to Gio. 

"I'll see you in the week?"

"Si, Gio. E padre," She gave her little brother a hug as he stood in the doorway. "Arrivederci!". Stefania spun around on her heel and walked over to where Danielle and Jaina were stood in the kitchen. "I forgot to ask this before, do I have a certain, uh...part of the fridge?"

"We completely forgot to clear a shelf," Jaina realised, opening the fridge door and moving some things about. "Danielle and I just know who's is who so you can put your stuff here but we also usually cook a lot together or do big size portions for everyone. Are you vegetarian or anything?"

"No, no. I do not have any allergies or anything either," Stefania replied. "I am quite good at cooking so maybe I can cook for you both tonight? But I need to shop,"

"You haven't even started to unpack yet," Jaina pointed out. "We'll deal with food and everything today and then tomorrow we can all go out to shop?"

"Ah yes! That is a good idea, thank you so much," Stefania smiled, clasping her hands together. Danielle remained quiet for the conversation, just tilting her head slightly as she watched Stefania animatedly speak. 

"Neither of us have any plans for the rest of the day so we'll be around if you need anything,"

"Well, I'll probably go to the gym," Danielle chimed in.

"I'm around," Jaina said.

"You are so lovely, thank you. I think I will start to unpack now actually," Stefania said before heading up, already feeling very comfortable with her new room mates. 

"You're an odd one, Savre," Jaina said, walking into the living room. Danielle just looked at her best friend and rolled her eyes. She was always a funny one when it came to talking about girls and why she feels things and why she's wired the way that she is. And at this moment in time, she did not want to entertain any conversation about it whatsoever.

"I'm going to the gym,"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now