Chapter Nine

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"I'm going to the gym,"

Danielle watched as her best friend stood in the light of the open fridge door, trying to decide what else they needed to get. 

"Butter... maybe some of that hummus and.... oh, I did like that..." Jaina had a tendency to talk to herself, especially when she was thinking. Danielle found this quite amusing and it was also very beneficial because it meant that she knew what her best friend was thinking most of the time. "Strawberries!"

"Strawberries are not really in season right now," Stefania said, appearing out of thin air and making Danielle suddenly stop slouching. She stood in a pair of dark, skinny jeans, a red cable knit jumper, dark boots and grey coat. Not that Danielle was paying attention to every little detail. 

"That's very true," Jaina agreed, nodding her head and finally closing the fridge door. "Both ready?" She asked, walking over to the door where her bag was hanging. Danielle followed suit, also grabbing her jacket while Stefania followed them out of the door. They walked quite briskly before the cold could really set in, light conversation here and there before they were greeted by the stark, bright lights of Target, each woman picking up their own basket.  

"Mangi cibo italino, si?" Stefania waited for a response and looked at the two best friends who looked back at her blankly which made her laugh. "Spiacente! Uh... do you both like Italian food?"

"Spiacente means sorry," Danielle said proudly though the accent was very off. "Oh yes, love pizza, love pasta. We basically live off of it," They turned down the aisle, Stefania putting a whole variety of vegetables and fruits in her basket.

"I don't even know what that is," Danielle whispered to Jaina as they watched their new room mate pick up a green, leafy thing.

"I want Cheetos," Jaina whispered back in reply. The three continued walking around Target and almost gave Stefania a heart attack when Danielle reached for a packet of fusilli on the shelf.

"Oh no, no, no," Stefania muttered, promptly taking the pasta out of her basket and placing it back on the shelf. "I am making dinner today and I make the pasta," Jaina laughed as Danielle stood shocked at the fact that her favourite pasta was just put back on the shelf. "Don't worry, bella," Stefania said softly, placing her free hand on Danielle's arm. "You will love what I cook," 

"We will see about that," Danielle replied defiantly. Clearly, a challenge was accepted somewhere here. They went about the rest of their trip, baskets full by the time that they got to the checkouts. It was clear that Stefania was much more healthy than the other two. Another brisk walk back to the house and they were unpacking everything. 

"You're very healthy," Jaina commented as Stefania pulled out a bag of oranges and she pulled out a pack of Oreos.

"Ah yes, I need to be. I am a dancer and teach down at Royal Central,"

"You teach at Royal Central?" Danielle asked, intrigue lacing her voice, ears perking up. Royal Central is one of the best performing arts schools around, not only for kids and teenagers, but also for adults. They always have showcases on and events and people who go there, especially one's that study the higher courses, end up landing some role on television. So yes, it is not cheap to go there, even for one class, it can be pricey. 

"Yes, but I do not teach the advanced classes," Stefania explained, brushing it off.

"That doesn't matter, that's so cool," Jaina said.

"Of course you both would know, Danielle told me you both act,"

"Yeah, we do. I dance a bit as well but I'm nowhere near Royal Central level. You have to show us one day,"

"Well, maybe when I am making the pasta," She looked at Danielle before continuing, her eyes teasing in referral to the pasta she made her put back on the shelf. "I can show you some of my performances, I have many on my phone and laptop," 

"Oh yeah, for sure. Would love to see some," Jaina said, organising the fridge again so she can fit everything in nicely. "I take it you've done a lot of dancing then?"

"Si, si. Since I was maybe of six or seven years old. My parents were not always supportive but then they saw how good I am," The confidence was simply exuding from Stefania as she spoke, moving around swiftly as she put everything away aside from a punnet grapes that she washed and started to eat, tilting her head back as she popped one into her mouth, her hair falling down her back. If Danielle didn't like girls before, she sure did now. "Hm?" She held out the plastic container to the two girls, Danielle was still in a trance and Jaina had started on her Oreos so slowly and with a guilty look on her face, slid the packet behind her and took a couple grapes.

"Thank you,"

"Prego. Uh, Danielle?"

"Uh huh," The blonde haired women responded but she didn't actually do anything. "Oh! Uh, thanks," She snapped out of it and started blushing as she ate a grape and then walked out of the kitchen before Jaina could say anything. She heard the two laughing downstairs as she got to her room and sat on the end of her bed. She simply could not understand how one person could be so entrancing by doing something as simple as eating grapes. 

And maybe it was the fact that she hadn't slept with anyone for... a while, but she could just picture Stefania with her gorgeous hair spread out across her pillows and her hands... anyway. Let's not get carried away here. Danielle was kind of over the whole, pointless hooking up and messing around phase. It had already lasted longer than it should have but as everyone knows, she doesn't deal with her feelings well and heartbreak is at the top of avoidance for Danielle. She didn't have a crazy, messy break up. No one cheated on her, no on was abusive. 

One just fell out of love and it wasn't Danielle. 

It was around then that the gym going also became relentless. But Jaina preferred for her best friend to be sweating it out like crazy at the gym then sleeping with countless random women, at least she could also find her if needed. Danielle could almost feel herself slipping into this state of sadness and refused for it to hit her like it had done before. And almost on cue, she heard a voice outside of her bedroom door.

"Pasta time!"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now