Chapter 10

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"Pasta time!"

Danielle opened her door to reveal Stefania standing there now with her hair tied up in a ponytail, some loose strands framing her face, a powder blue apron tied around her waist and her laptop in one arm. 

"I'm not cooking am I?" Danielle asked as she slid her phone into her pocket and went down.

"No, no, no! Maybe I can teach you but not today, I think we need a whole day for that," Stefania laughed as she put her laptop on the counter and logged in, opening up a folder simply labelled 'Dance'. "Okay! These are my videos. I do commercial dance so kind of, everything," Jaina walked over from the sofa and stood next to Danielle and yes, there were a lot of videos in the folder. 

Danielle looked at all of the thumbnails and clicked on one of Stefania wearing a white sports bra and small navy shorts, hair in the same style it was in now. It was a very high quality video of her dancing in a studio, they didn't recognise the song but wow, she was good. There were little shouts hyping her up from behind the camera and there was a moment when she looked directly into the lens and smiled. Danielle bit her lip as she watched. 

"You're amazing, oh my goodness!" Jaina exclaimed, Stefania just smiled as she powdered the counter top and put some eggs on the side. "Your body as well is ridiculous, damn," 

"Oh, stop it," The Italian laughed, her pony tail swinging back and forth. Danielle was still quiet as she went back in the video a little. To see the smile. "That one was ages ago. If you order it to recent, the first one is from last week," Danielle opened the folder back open and ordered it, clicking the first video. She was in a different studio this time, wearing black leggings a small black top and a loose white shirt. The moves were a lot simpler in this one, but every turn was on point and both girls were mesmerised watching. "That is so that the students in one of my classes can watch it back when they practice," Stefania explained, beginning to roll out the dough. 

"You said you have showcases, right?" Jaina asked and Stefania nodded. "Do you perform in them?"

"Uh, not very often because I am the teacher," Stefania replied, laughing a little. "I usually make an appearance for the Christmas showcase and summer showcase though," Jaina and Stefania continued talking about performances she had done, Danielle wasn't really paying attention as she clicked on another video of Stefania performing a slow and sultry dance around a chair. She perched on top of the chair, moving to the side then bending oh so slowly. Danielle tilted her head to the side as she watched, not realising that the other two had now drawn their attention to her. The video finished and the blonde slowly looked up after finally feeling their stares on her.

"Yeah, you're really talented," She said with a nervous laugh, blushing a little as she seemed to do a lot when Stefania was around. To avoid any comments from Jaina, again, she walked into the living room and flopped down on the sofa, scrolling through Instagram to clear her head of anything. 

"Danielle, look!" Jaina yelled happily. "I'm making pasta," And sure enough, when Danielle sat up, she saw her best friend with a big smile on her face, covered in powder, making pasta as Stefania stood to the side of her watching. 

"You said it would take a whole day to teach," Danielle said as she walked over. 

"Yes, I did say that. For you," Stefania replied so nonchalantly that Jaina let out a laugh which resulted in her blowing flour all over the place. 

"You're cleaning that up," Danielle rolled her eyes and dramatically swiped the few specks of flour that landed on her.

"If you want, you can put some water on to the uh... bolle, no, boil," Jaina watched in shock as Danielle actually listened to Stefania and got a pot out of the cupboard, filled it with water and put it on the stove to boil.  Stefania explained the next couple of steps to Jaina and soon they had a fresh pot of pasta cooking while Stefania had moved to preparing a sauce. 

"Do you cook like this every night?" Danielle asked, watching with a slight feeling of suspense as Stefania quickly chopped up some tomatoes. 

"Uh, not every night no, sometimes I finish work late so I do meal preparations," She replied as she moved around. 

"You don't order in?" 

"Well... no not really," Danielle and Jaina stared at her in shock, the statement just did not seem to make sense in their heads.

"What about, when you're drunk or something?"


"Do not tell me that you don't drink! We should have asked more questions," Danielle shook her head.

"No, no, no!" Stefania laughed. "I do drink alcohol but I do not drink a lot,"

"When you meet our friends, you will see that we drink a lot," Jaina said with a smile. "But they're all really nice and will probably get you to do many shots,"

"I like to drink when I dance around naked with a glass of wine,"

Danielle stuck her tongue in her cheek in attempt to suppress any emotion coming over her face. After watching the videos of her dancing, she could picture it. 

"Do not worry, I will not do that here," Stefania laughed. "At least when you are not home," Jaina had a big grin on her face as she watched her best friend stare at the ground, tapping her foot. "Do you want to taste this?" She asked, holding up a spoon with the red sauce on it and holding it out towards Danielle. She went to take the spoon but Stefania kept it in her hand and placed her other under her jaw, nodding her head for her to open her mouth. It seemed to move in slow motion for Danielle as she looked into the brown eyes opposite her then back at the spoon. 

"It's hot," Stefania whispered, as the spoon touched Danielle's lips. Jaina felt the need to excuse herself into the living room. 

"Mhm," Danielle mumbled as she tasted the sauce and Stefania pulled away, watching her expectantly. "Yeah, wow, that's really good. Tastes amazing,"

"Ah, thank you," Stefania smiled who then pointed to the corner of her mouth. "There's a little bit," Before Danielle could even wipe her mouth, Stefania had brought her hand up and wiped it away, smiling bashfully.

"Get a room!"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now