Chapter 30

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"Oh! Um... Baciami?"

Stefania looked at herself in the mirror of the bathroom at Royal Central, tossing her hair from one side to the other, Danielle was on her way which meant she had just enough time for any finishing touches. She had gone for a pair of skinny jeans and a loose, fairly unbuttoned black shirt. She was going to get flowers for Danielle but didn't want to have to bring them around the whole day so had given Jaina money to get a specific bunch while they were out and to leave them on the counter with a note she had pre written. The way Jaina melted when she told her what her plan was gave her enough confirmation that this was a good idea. 

She had an early finish this Thursday so was meeting Danielle at one, then they would be on their way. It also made it a lot easier to get a space on the cooking course because everyone seemed to be booking for after work.

Savre <3: Outside!

SS: omw :)

Stefania gave herself a little pep talk in the mirror then made her way out of Royal Central, saying bye to the receptionist as she walked through the large doors. And of course, there stood Danielle, black jeans, beige jumper, hair blowing gently in the wind. 

"Ciao, bella," Stefania smiled as she approached her. 

"Hi beautiful," Danielle smiled, not wasting any time in kissing her softly. "You smell good," She mumbled as she pulled away. 

"You taste good," Stefania whispered, brown locking onto blue. Danielle raised an eyebrow. So this was the energy she was bringing today. No complaints. Stefania took Danielle's hand in her own and straight away began walking. She felt proud to walk around with someone as gorgeous as Danielle on her arm. 

"So, what's the plan?"

"Well, my dearest," Stefania sighed, tilting her head back. "You will see when we get there,"

"Dammit," Danielle laughed as she bumped her hip into Stefania's side. "Not a single clue?"

"You'll find out in all of twenty minutes," Stefania said, squeezing her hand gently. "How was your day?"

"It was alright, went to the gym, not much going on," Danielle replied. "Oh! Actually, I got a call today for a casting,"

"A casting? What for?"

"Well, I don't have a lot of information about it yet but it's for a new show and it's a fairly small casting because it's so precise and I fit the criteria but if I actually get it, I'm set. Like actually set,"

"This is amazing! I'm so proud of you," Stefania beamed, excitement lacing her voice. "When is the casting?"

"This Monday,"

"Ah! You'll do amazing. You need to prepare something?"

"Yeah, they sent over a bit of dialogue, nothing too lengthy. It's just a conversation with someone,"

"I'll help you run it," Stefania stated. "Make sure you do it well," 

"Oh, you're so kind," Danielle laughed softly, though she had the thought cross her mind that she might get a little nervous with Stefania's eyes watching her. She gets nervous when she's around end of. "Still no clues?"

"You're very impatient, are you not?" Stefania laughed softly, though she knew there wasn't long until they arrived at the place. "Trust me, this is good," The brunette smiled, she seemed to do that a lot when Danielle was around. A few minutes later and they arrived at a large building. Danielle gave Stefania a puzzled look as she looked for any sort of signage. Stefania just pulled her into the building with her, doing a little dance with her shoulders. 

"Italian cooking class?" The receptionist asked.

"That's the one," Stefania nodded as she showed her the email confirmation. 

"We're not..." Danielle mumbled from behind Stefania and the brunette had to bite her lip to stop herself from laughing. "It's a beginners course!" She said a little louder when she saw the sign board with courses that were on today. "Stefania! You're Italian!"

"It's obviously not for me, idiot," Stefania said as they followed the directions given to them and went down a short hallway and into a large kitchen that resembled the likes of Masterchef. They were some of the first people there and had their pick of workspaces. "You decide," Stefania said, waving her hand about. Danielle went straight to the back, to hopefully avoid any embarrassment that could potentially come from messing up. They put their stuff in a little cubby under the work top and waited as more people came in. Stefania noticed two aprons to the side and held one out towards Danielle. The blonde put it over her head and Stefania stood behind her to tie it up. 

She leaned in as she finished and pressed a soft kiss to the back of Danielle's neck. Danielle felt goosebumps rise up on her skin and she stuck her tongue in her cheek as she tilted her head to the side. 

"You can't do that," She mumbled as Stefania moved away, smirk on her face. 

"Why not?" She questioned innocently as she did up her own apron. Danielle simply held out her arm and rolled her eyes. "Awh, I have that effect on you? Maybe I'll do that more often," To be completely honest, Stefania wasn't sure where this sudden confidence was coming from, but the way Danielle was reacting, she would definitely be keeping it up. Danielle playfully glared at her and then the teacher walked in. There was a quick introduction and they swiftly moved onto the first thing they would be doing. Making pasta. 

Stefania was amused at how clueless everyone around her looked, knowing that she would be able to have a whole meal ready by the time anyone figured out how to even shape the pasta. 

"Oops," Stefania turned back to look at Danielle who had managed to split the bag of flour. 

"I- How? But the..." Stefania was genuinely lost for words as Danielle just barely brushed some flour off of her sleeve which did nothing other than spread more flour around. 

"I need help," She whispered, giggling quietly. 

"You're a fool,"

"Fool for you,"

"Shut up," Stefania laughed, blowing flour in Danielle's direction. 

"Oh, you want to start something now?" Danielle turned to face Stefania, chest out, head up. Stefania looked at her and slowly her eyes went down, and up, and back down. She bit her lip as she looked at Danielle's  lips then slowly looked back up into her eyes. 

"Maybe," She shrugged as she just started to make the pasta, completely forgetting that this was meant to be about teaching Danielle. 

"I can't stand you," Danielle sighed, trying not to get too flustered. "I thought I'm meant to be learning,"

"Come here then," Stefania moved over to the side a little and Danielle stood next to her. The brunette laced their fingers together and she controlled their movements as they started to knead everything together. It was like the class wasn't even on because Stefania just told Danielle what to do. By the end of the two hours, they had two containers of food which they said they would probably just give to Jaina. 

"This was fun," Danielle said as they left the building, streets a little busier now with everyone having finished at work. "Are we headed home now?"

"No, bella, don't be silly,"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now