Chapter 44

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"Yes! Si, si, si,"

"Look how bright and nice it is!" Danielle smiled as she excitedly pointed her phone around her trailer. 

"It looks great, I can't wait to see it in person," Stefania said from her side of the phone.

"Okay, I'll let you go, I just wanted to quickly show you," Danielle said as she flipped the camera back onto herself. 

"Of course, of course! If I can answer I will. I'll see you later," Danielle waved into the camera as she hung up and let out a sigh. This is all felt so surreal. She was on set in her own trailer after just coming off  of a face time with her gorgeous, Italian girlfriend. She did another walk around her trailer. Everything was very white, a large mirror with excellent lighting, a sofa that could pull out into a bed, a small bathroom, and a little cupboard. A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. 

"Hi Danielle, everyone is needed in C3," One thing she had to get used to, is that all the rooms and areas were just letters and numbers. She knew C3 was like a meeting room and while there were people everywhere to ask if she did get lost, it was still rather confusing. She made her way to C3 and walked in, luckily without any hitches.

"Hello, Danielle!" Matt waved from the front of the room. "Come in, come in. Sit down wherever," Danielle looked around the room filled with tables and chairs, kind of like a class room. A few people were sitting down but she assumed more would come soon. 

"Ah! Is that my girlfriend?" Danielle turned when she felt someone tug on her arm. Caterina stood there with a smile on her face. "So nice to see you again!" She smiled as she hugged Danielle. 

"Nice to see you again, too!" She smiled as they sat down together and more people filed in. This was all very exciting for Danielle. 

"So nice to have everyone together!" Matt said once the room had filled up. "I'm going to do a quick introduction of cast so when I say your name, just give a little wave. Okay so, Caterina Scorsone as our number one girl, May," Caterina waved from her seat, looking around proudly. "Danielle Savre as May's girlfriend, Jersey!" Danielle waved to everyone in the room and suddenly understood why Caterina looked so proud. Matt continued to introduce the cast, everyone doing the same wave. 

"Jesse Williams, May's best friend, Lucas. Ellen Pompeo who is May's new boss, Kathy and we also have Sarah Drew, who is Kathy's assistant, Lily," He listed a few other names of characters that didn't have as big of a role as the others but it was all still great to start to properly be able to put names to faces. "Now! Today we won't be shooting any actual scenes. Yes, we have done a table read however today is going to be about shooting the title sequence, hence we need everyone in. We're not going to use clips from the show for it, we want a specific and unique sequence which we'll go through with you soon," 

Danielle listened to everything Matt was saying and she knew that today was going to be quite fun. A lot of getting to know everyone and then filming a title sequence. Lovely. 

"Okay so everyone, you can go back to your trailers or just hang out and you'll be called for hair and make up. Any questions, just ask," Everyone got up to leave the room, small conversation filling the room. 

"Are you going back to your trailer?" Caterina asked as she checked her phone. 

"I might hang around for a bit, get to know everyone else I guess," Danielle replied as she put her hands in her pockets and rocked back on her heels. 

"Good idea. Let's go. Even though I've already met everyone," She laughed as she linked arms with Danielle and led her out of the room. "Jesse!" Now, Danielle was very, very gay but she could not deny that Jesse Williams was one gorgeous human being. 

"Hey Cat, Danielle, right?"

"That's the one," Danielle smiled as they shook hands. 

"You're the unlucky one who gets to play her girlfriend then?"


"Yeah, she's awful," Caterina playfully hit his arm as she laughed.

"Shut up! I'm not," She exclaimed as she rolled her eyes. "We've worked together before on a movie and he was my husband and I cheated on him,"

"See? Awful," 

"I made a mistake introducing you to him. Don't get fooled by the pretty eyes," Caterina said as she turned to face Danielle, pretending that Jesse wasn't even there anymore. 

"I have to run back to my trailer anyway. Nice meeting you, Danielle," He smiled with a little wave. "Caterina," He nodded his head at her, squinting his eyes before leaving. 

"He seems so nice!"

"Yeah, he is a sweetheart as much as it pains me to say," 

A couple hours later and the cast was stood on set. Caterina, Danielle, Jesse, Ellen and Sarah. Danielle hadn't spoken that much to Ellen or Sarah yet but she knew she would get the chance to eventually. 

"I've explained briefly but I'm going to run through it again with you!" Matt announced as he got everyone's attention. "It's going to start with May and Jersey doing some sort of cutesy, romantic thing. I'm not giving you direction on what exactly to do because I want to see what comes naturally to you. Lucas is going to interrupt the two of them doing whatever Lucas does and then we'll have Kathy essentially push him out of the way with Lily running behind her and then it will cut back to May and Jersey, I'm thinking in a position that looks like you're about to kiss and it will end with a zoom in on you both holding hands. Sound good?" There were murmurs all around the room of agreement. "Fabulous! Let's go!"

Because it was such a light hearted first day, there was music playing, which also helped lighten the mood, everyone was cracking jokes and pulling silly faces into the camera. Danielle and Caterina could feel some really good chemistry as they started to try out interactions, which was also good to know seeing as they would be playing each others girlfriends. 

"Do that again but Caterina, put your hand on Danielle's thigh. Up a little. Perfect," They carried on shooting and they were able to see each other's characters come out some more. Danielle could tell that Jesse was going to be a bit of a trouble maker. As they came towards the end, they just had one last clip to film. 

"Now! I'm hoping that shooting all of this has helped build a bond between you two, yeah? You're more comfortable already," Danielle and Caterina both nodded as they listened to Matt. "So I want to see a sparkle in those eyes for this bit. We're just going to have you kiss and see how that looks, re-take from different angles but we might just cut it anyway. This is all good as well for familiarity before we start with actual scenes," 

Danielle knew she would have intimate scenes, at least kissing scenes, with Caterina. She was told this information and she said she was okay with it. However she felt a little off now at the thought of kissing someone who wasn't Stefania. Even though it was very clear this was all acting, it was odd. The thought of Stefania asking how her day was and she would say that she had to kiss someone again and again. But this was part of her job now.

"Alright, let's start with the kiss!"

We Need a New Room Mate (Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato)Where stories live. Discover now